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the silent cat made her way through the camp. she softly settled down next to a ruby coloured tom with frost coloured eyes. "How're all the kits, Falleneyes?" She asked him as he was digging into his fresh kill.

"They're going good Sandyreed. Why?" Falleneyes asked her.

"I was just thinking about Duskykit all day. And i think he's already got a crush. On Dolphinkit." She chuckled slightly.

Falleneyes looked up at her. "I-i had a vision last night, and i trust you to keep it secret. Please." Sandyreed's mouth dropped.

"Uh, uh okay. What is it?" She asked and settled down next to him.

"I saw cats, i don't know how many, there were too many to count, probably about 10 or more, 2 of them looked the oldest that i think about it....looked exactly like Dolphinkit and Duskykit, one of them looked like a smaller version of Silverriver, one similar to Curlcurrent, one like Screechcall, one like Spottedspike, one like—"

"Wow....don't get ahead of yourself....too much detail for one brain to know right now." Sandyreed stopped him. "I think you had a brain overload." She chuckled slightly.

"No but this means something. Do you get it....they were the mates of the various leaders,
Spacestar, Zebrastar, Shimmerstar, Sinkingstar don't you get means something about leadership, about be—"

"All cats join here for an apprentice ceremony!" At that call they stopped there conversation and went to sit under the Slanted High-Ledge. "Today 6 kits will become apprentices, step forward kits." Sandyreed saw the little lumps of fur stumbling towards their leader. "Let's start with Blowkit, step forward." The little lump trotted forwards. "You will be names Blowpaw and your mentor will be Sighjaw."

"Sagekit has reached the 6 moon mark, you will be named Sagepaw and your mentor will be Jackflight." Freedomstar announces and licked the young apprentices shoulder. He skipped towards his mentor.

"Hmm....Winterkit. Come forward." Freedomstar called to the kit. The bundle of joy jumped forward. "You will be called Winterpaw and your mentor will be Kiteflash." Winterpaw bounded up to her mentor and licked her shoulder.

Freedomstar nodded. "Flashkit." The ice white tom looked down at the kit, his fur going wild in the wind. "You will be called Flashpaw and your mentor will be....Viperkick."

"I want to do this apprentice ceremony together, both Dolphinkit and Duskykit. Come forward young ones!" Freedomstar cheered happily. Sandyreed straightened up, hearing her sons name get called. She peered through the gap between two cats. She could see the light orange tom and the little white she cat. "Dolphinkit and Duskykit your names will be Dolphinpaw and Duskypaw and your mentors will be........." Freedomstar looked around at the cats. "No. Firstly. I have something that will change the ways of the clan but we can do it." Some cats ruffled their fur while others looked impatiently at him. "We are from now on going to have two leaders because our clan is becoming strong and big." Some cats gasped while other stared wide eyed at him. Sandyreed didn't have a feeling in her stomach. "So that means we will also have two deputies and two medicine cats, which we have already. So Hazespirit, will you take the place as leader as well with me?" Freedomstar asked the tom.

"Uh i-i don't know what to say. I mean y-yes i g-guess." Hazespirit stuttered.

"Then from now on you will be known as Hazestar, you will mentor Duskypaw and I will mentor Dolphinpaw. And that means Jackflight and Hazelblossom you will be the next deputies. Our clan name is no longer FreeClan, it is MysteryClan!" Freedomstar stopped his speech. Cats were sitting in silence, muttering to themselves.

"I love it!" Sandyreed heard the familiar voice of her mate, Falleneyes. She turned around to see him standing up. She smiled and stood up with him.

"I agree, it's a lovely name. No matter how we thrive, we will thrive the best way possible." Sandyreed spoke up to her clan. The clan went silent for a few inches before bursting into loud nice chanting voices.

"MysteryClan! MysteryClan!" The new clan chanted. Sandyreed just looked at the right time. Freedomstar was talking to Dolphinpaw and Duskypaw. Over the eruption of talking, she couldn't hear what they were saying, but right now she was just really happy that her son became an apprentice. She thought about what Falleneyes had said about the leader thing. Maybe there destinies are to be leaders?? Maybe that's why he made two leaders, for both of them.

She saw a figure. The words were not spoken clearly but she knew what they said. 'You need to tell your son ''understanding is good, not the best, and only for the good, Flutter, high, overcome fear and be yourself, don't act like someone you're not, do you understand.' Make him tell his kin. Now go my precious daughter.

Daughter? Father!! Blackberry!! Don't leave please. But the cat already disappeared.

Is that my destiny?

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