Chapter 10

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Briarpaws pov

Briarpaw woke up to a small thud. No one was yet awake but it was almost daylight. She knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep so she got up and tiptoed out of the apprentices den. She looked around before going over to the warriors den to see if anyone was awake. No one. She padded slowly over to the medicine den, trying to keep her balance on the ground. Suddenly she tripped over a black pelt. She fell and landed on chest, hurting her head and her belly. The cat stirred and winced slightly. Briarpaw quickly got up and looked down at the black cat. Their eyes were shut and their was a lump on the back of its head. Briarpaw sniffed the cat. Wait....Cedarpaw?!

H-help m-me, i-i *breathes deeply* h-elp. Cedarpaw's short breaths came from her mouth. She kept trying to breathe in deeply but her oxygen was cut off short. Cedarpaw started shaking.

Briarpaw went to lift her up, but she was too heavy and limp. She frantically looked around for a clanmate somehow awake at this time of morning. The warriors den rustled and Sunflowerstem emerged. And from the apprentices den Basilpaw and Novapaw made their way out, and then looking directly at Briarpaw and stopping. Sunflowerstem padded over to her and Basilpaw did too. Novapaw followed behind closely. "Sh-sh-sh-e ummm. Help her i c-can't pick her up." Briarpaw stuttered and some rain started to fall, splashing the already damp clan territory. Basilpaw and Sunflowerstem immediately picked her up by the scruff and under her flank. Novapaw went around for support and Briarpaw made sure her legs weren't touching the ground. Novapaw ran inside the medicine den and emerged with Kitkat and Cycloneheart.

"I f-found her this way." Briarpaw told them, also studying her flank and paws to make sure she didn't have any other injuries.

"Sh-she has had a knock to the head and has been unconscious since," Cycloneheart bent over and sniffed her body. "Around m-moon-high it a bit after that." Cycloneheart said, inspecting her flank where some soggy cobwebs were hanging off of it.

"We need to change them, and i think she was in shock a little." Kitkat went into the den and came out with cobwebs and some basil looking herbs. Cedarpaw began to awaken with the sun. When her eyes flickered open she immediately sat up.

"N-n-n-n-no green eyes d-d-d-don't c-come for m-me." Her eyes were now open and she was staring at the back entrance of the camp. Her eyes were distant and so was her voice. Novapaw and Basilpaw took a scared step back, almost shaking in fear. Briarpaw stepped forwards.

"Th-there's no green eyes here Cedarpaw." Briarpaw started shaking a little. The rain started splashing a bit faster now. Briarpaws pelt was getting splashed by water, causing her to shiver more, her pelt no longer fluffy.

"B-b-but the g-gr-green eyes w-was h-here b-before." Cedarpaw started shaking more, either from the cold or from shock, either way Briarpaw couldn't tell.

"Here, eat these herbs, they'll help." Kitkat pushed some herbs forward. Cedarpaw sniffed them and then reluctantly ate them.

"Blaghh!" Cedarpaw spat in disgust.

"Good, give her a poppy-seed." Cycloneheart instructed the younger medicine cat.

Briarpaw saw Serpentstorm, Sunsetshine and Galaxypetal emerge from the warriors den. Moringabelly and Cypressfoot came out from the deputies den. Falconfur came out of the elders den, grabbed a piece of prey and went back into the den.

"Eat this." Kitkats mew snapped at Cedarpaw. Briarpaw looked back at Kitkat who smiled and nodded at Cedarpaw. Dazed, Cedarpaw ate it.

Briarpaw walked over to Serpentstorm, Galaxypetal and Sunsetshine.

"Hello." They greeted her. She smiled and picked up a mouse and went over to the nursery. She padded in to find Tilleypaw already in there, next to Lindsaystream. Briarpaw rolled her eyes, laughing in her head. Briarpaw went over to her mother Acaciaseed. Her wound was covered in cobwebs.

"Here. It's for you and Coralmask, you need it, with that wound, it needs to get better." Briarpaw left it there and padded out of the ferns. Moringabelly was talking to Serpentstorm, Galaxypetal and Sunsetshine. Cypressfoot padded past Briarpaw towards the nursery and Tilleypaw emerged from it.

"Ooh hello Tilleypaw, hows your apprenticeship going?" Briarpaw was just in reach of hearing them.

"Good! I've learnt lots. Today i think im learning battle training!" Tilleypaw jumped in excitement.

"That's good to hear, you'll be on battle training with Briarpaw, Hibiscusgem, Billyshiver, Islandpaw, Fleurface, Blazeflame Dawnpaw, Phoenixpaw and i." Briarpaw spun around and jumped over to Tilleypaw, who was jumping around her father.

Yay! Briarpaw said to Tilleypaw.

We get to learn battle skills! Tilleypaw smiled widely. And my father is leading the training! Briarpaw nodded at Tilleypaw.

"Go get the others." Cypressfoot flicked his tail around Tilleypaw's head playfully. She laughed and ran off to the warriors den. Briarpaw cantered after her.

"Hibiscusgem, Fleurface, Blazeflame, Billyshiver we're doing battle training, come on." Briarpaw called softly into the den. By now half the warriors were awake and making their way out the den. Billyshiver yawned and stretched before making his way towards them. The others padded out after him.

When are we going to go to the Aurora Pond? Ackleypaw mewed.

We can't go as soon as we thought, go see Cedarpaw and you'll find out. She was......knocked by the green eyes we have all seen, and she's in shock, but i hope she'll get better. Briarpaw told Ackleypaw and who ever else was listening.

Oh AuroraClan, we hope you have done this to help Cinderpaw improve her medicine skills or something. Briarpaw hoped.

Maybe we'll go in time for the next full-moon. In four sunrises. Lunarpaw hoped.

Maybe the less you talk. The more i can get done to help her. Cinderpaws quick mew stopped them from communicating.

"Come on let's go. We'll leave without you otherwise." Sunsetshines mew came from behind. Briarpaw looked around and looked into his green eyes. A flash of light appeared and his eyes turned yellow.

Oh my AuroraClan im seeing things. Briarpaw took a few paces back and bumped into Jewelsand.

"Watch it." Jewelsand growled. Briarpaw jumped and padded forward. Cheshirebounce ran past her, causing him to accidentally flank her.

"Sorry!" Cheshirebounce called as he ran up the slope to the leaders den.

"You alright?" Tilleypaw's father, Cypressfoot came from behind, stopping her from falling.

"Y-yeah im good." Briarpaw straightened herself and padded awkwardly to the group of warriors and apprentices just about to go for battle training.

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