Chapter 11

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Lunarpaws pov

Two sunrises had passed since Cedarpaw had seen green eyes and Cedarpaw had recovered from shock and her wounds were mostly healed, Tilleypaw and Briarpaw had done some battle training and Cypressfoot said that all the apprentices had done very well. Lunarpaw has caught her second mouse and her first bird, she deposited it onto the prey pile. Walking towards her friends, she caught a glimpse of green eyes through the ferns. The eyes were accompanied by blue eyes and orange eyes. She ignored them and padded over to her friends. She lay down next to Honeypaw and Wolfpaw.

Guys. We need to go to the Aurora Pond as soon as possible.

But when. Oh hey Lunarpaw, we were just—

I know what you were saying. I could hear you from hunting. Lunarpaw laughed weakly. Ackleypaw and Cedarpaw laughed a little.

And im better now, so we can go whenever. As long as Cinderpaw is ready. Cedarpaw looked at Cinderpaw who blinked.

Yeah im ready. She said, looking from Lunarpaw to Tilleypaw.

Don't we need to tell Dolphinstar or Duskystar? Ackleypaw pointed out.

B-b-but they won't understand. Tilleypaw also had a point.

I'm not sure....i don't know if they would but they might. What if they don't let us out in time. What if one of us dies, how will we explain to the clan. What will our clanmates think of us going on this quest for green eyes. What if warriors have to come with us.

Briarpaw. Settle. Down. Tilleypaw interrupted
Briarpaw. I have to say something that i was meaning to tell you earlier. That got everyone's attention.

What is it? Lunarpaw asked her, already curious.

Green eyes, is, a she. Tilleypaw told them.

That's good to know, could you if told us earlier? Ackleypaw asked, not really showing anger.

Y-yes but i-i forgot. Tilleypaw said sadly.

I need to s-say something, b-but i didn't tell you before because i was in shock and i couldn't get everyone to listen. Cedarpaw started, gaining all eyes on her. She shrunk a little. Th-the green eyes kn-knocked me out. Sh-she said 'For you to get out of here, and no longer see it in your dreams, you must find The Assassins and kill their leader. Find me at the Aurora Pond and speak with me' b-but i don't get it. By now Lunarpaws mouth was open slightly as Cedarpaw shrunk into her pelt as everyone watched her.

S-so what your saying is........Tilleypaw mewed slowly. Green eyes knocked you out to tell you something about killing the leader of The Assassins, and that we have to talk to her at the Aurora Pond. Right? Tilleypaw finished, finally putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

Y-yes i think, but she also said 'yup, they did. But only your soul was killed, your feelings weren't. You will feel pain. But special pain. The pain of your clanmates dying in battle, will you and your friends save enough of your clan before The Assassins take over? Go, restore your soul, find me and orange eyes and blue eyes,' because i said 'the green eyes killed me' or something because i-i thought that i was d-dead, but i don't get it. Cedarpaw looked frustrated and confused.

W-what! Y-you we're dead? Brackenpaw shuffled back slightly.

Y-yeah now that i think of it y-yes i was. Cedarpaw's brow furrowed in total confusion.

The Assassins. N-n-n-n-no this isn't no, that's not good. Ackleypaw stood up. W-we can't let them! Ackleypaw stood up straight. He stumbled over his own paws and fell down to the ground. Oof. Uhh. Sorry. Ackleypaw shook his wet pelt. Water splattered Lunarpaws muzzle. She shook it off.

S-so your saying, w-we need to go to the Aurora Pond as soon as we can and find the green-eyed she cat who sent you a message saying restore your soul and something about pain. Honestly i think the pain part is strange. Lunarpaw said, slightly regretting saying that, but she stood up for her opinion.

It's settled and we are going in two sunrises. Wolfpaw decided, her soggy tail shivering.

Okay. Wait. What about our leaders. Honeypaw asked them.

Well.........we'll just have to tell them we are going on a journey that they don't need to know about, and i know that's a bad way of saying it but we have to do it. Ackleypaw pushed his paw on the bouncy ground.

Wait we have to explain to Dawnpaw, we promised and we never did. Tilleypaw sounded strangely aggressive.

"Dawnpaw come here." Briarpaw called out to Dawnpaw who was sharing and ran over to them.

"Yeah." Dawnpaw stopped and looked to each individual.

"Mouse-brain doesn't even remember the conversation we had!" Tilleypaw muttered under her breath. "The conversation." She whispered loudly.

"Oh yeah, tell me." Dawnpaw demanded, seating herself comfortably on the ground. "Go ahead."

"W-well we've got some special, ummmm, power things," Briarpaw started.

"And all of us have it." Cinderpaw added.

"All?" Dawnpaw mewed quietly.

"Yes all."

"What's this power?" Dawnpaw moved a little closer.

"Uhh it's like, communication of the mind." Ackleypaw told her, not immediately giving everything away.

"And i guess you can say, we can hear each others thoughts unless we're in our own mind." Lunarpaw added quietly, enough for them to all hear her.

"Why don't you just tell Dolphinstar or Duskystar?" Dawnpaw sniffed around silently.

"B-because what i also didn't say, it was kind of like a prophecy thing, when we were in the in-between, green eyes said 'understanding is good, not the best, and only for the good, Flutter, high, overcome fear and be yourself, don't act like someone you're not, do you understand' and that's how i got the cut on my cheek." Tilleypaw finished, gesturing to the wound on her cheek that no one had seemed to notice.

"Hang on, the in-between?" Dawnpaw looked like she had been smacked in the face by a tree branch.

"What!" Honeypaw and Cedarpaw said in unison.

"Tilleypaw you need to explain, we have no idea what the in-between is." Ackleypaw spoke up.

Tilleypaw fiddled with a twig in the ground. She looked up nervously. "Oh...uh. Y-yeah, mhm, o-okay th-then. It all starts with the changing sky."

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