Chapter 12

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Honeypaw pov

"And then green eyes scratched me and said something about The Assassins and how they're a fiesty pack of cats that have attacked us once before i believe that's what you said Ackleypaw." Tilleypaw finished her story with more confidence, more then what she started with. Ackleypaw nodded.

Honeypaw was just as intrigued as anyone else by this story.

Actually i think we could go tomorrow. Lunarpaw started to say.

Yeah. But are we ready? Tilleypaw asked the group.

Yeah. We're ready i think. Wolfpaws quiet voice appeared.

"What are you saying?" Dawnpaw asked, slightly angry.

"We are going tomorrow and you have a job." Ackleypaw started.

"Uhhh. Yeah?" Dawnpaw said slowly.

"You will tell Dolphinstar and Duskystar where we have gone, and make sure they aren't angry, you know enough about the story, just say something about green eyes coming to all of us in dreams and in camp, and that cat is from AuroraClan." Ackleypaw instructed her, looking around for any cats.

"Umm I'll try i mean, y-yeah." Dawnpaw said slowly, coming closer and lowering her voice.

"I'll see what i can do." Dawnpaw muttered.

"Okay, thank you. We will leave at dawn tomorrow how's that?" Ackleypaw's violet eyes flashed.

"G-guys?" A little peep came from Brackenpaw who had barely said much.

"Umm. Yeah?" Briarpaw sounded concerned. "What is it?"

"I froze, and saw c-cats." Brackenpaws voice was barely a whisper. She closed her eyes. "Th-there were five cats, all looked our size, three of them had a-amber coloured eyes, one had y-yellow eyes and the last one had blue, and i walked away and they kept following me, their eyes looking in different directions, well i was in a group of cats and they were looking at different cats." Brackenpaw whispered, slightly shrinking into her orange fur.

"Oh no. Maybe they're The Assassins or maybe it was some cats from AuroraClan." Lunarpaw wondered aloud. Her fur fluffed out, sheltering herself from the little splashes of rain on her pelt.

"It's getting cold and no one wants to get a cold, maybe we should just go hunting. Get our strength up for the journey." Ackleypaw whispered and stood up.

"Yeah we should go hunting, Dawnpaw do you want to come too?" Honeypaw looked over at Dawnpaw with a friendly smile.

"R-really?! Yes!" Dawnpaw immediately jumped up, Honeypaw took a little more time than her.

"Let's go then!" Briarpaw trotted off to the leaders den and soon emerged. "Yay! We can go as long as we don't stray far from here." Briarpaw bounced up and down a few times and they all ran out of camp towards the twoleg house.


Three, two, one, leap! Honeypaw counted down and pounced on the mouse, bitting into its neck. The succulent smell floated around her, making her feel hungrier than she was. She padded back to where Wolfpaw and Ackleypaw were, keeping an eye on the forest on case any dogs came.

"Good job!" Ackleypaw mewed as Honeypaw came back with the mouse. "That means you've caught a thrush and a mouse, can you stay here while i hunt?" Ackleypaw mewed, gesturing to the spot next to Wolfpaw.

"Sure." She whispered and padded up to where Ackleypaw was sitting. She watched out into the darkness, the sunlight shining only on the Circular Waterfall in the distance. Honeypaw watched the sky turn grey yet again and start to splash rain everywhere.

"I think we're done." Dawnpaw mewed, placing a squirrel she had just caught on the ground.

We're going back to MysteryClan now. Wolfpaw said, picking up a scrawny mouse and the thrush Honeypaw caught.

Okay we're coming. Tilleypaw and Ackleypaw hoped out of the bushes, Lunarpaw and Briarpaw following very closely. Brackenpaw popped her head out of the ferns and then jumped out, almost catching her fur on a bramble thicket.

Let's go now. Lunarpaw hopped in front on the way back to camp. Cinderpaw had refused Cedarpaw to come, just so she could get a good sleep before they left tomorrow.

They padded into camp and made their way over to the fresh kill pile. Suddenly out of nowhere Dawnpaw tripped over.

"Ow." Dawnpaw muttered and heaved herself up.

"Watch where your paws are." Two laughing voices came from behind the group of apprentices. Honeypaw spun around to see Fleurface and Sunflowerstem laughing at Dawnpaw who has just fell over.

"Stop, what do you think you're doing." Ackleypaw had dropped his prey and was face to face with them.

"Why would you care, kit lover." Fleurface taunted him. He hissed.

"Don't call me that." Ackleypaw hissed.

"Maybe just don't stand up for your friend next time." Sunflowerstem growled.

"Maybe don't trip her over and then i won't get all mean." Ackleypaw growled in a whispering voice.

"Hey!" Cedarpaw's quick, angry tempered voice came from behind Fleurface and Sunflowerstem. "Are you hurting my friends, fox-hearts." Although Cedarpaw muttered fox-hearts, they still heard.

That really angered Fleurface. Desperately, Honeypaw and Briarpaw looked around for any warriors but they were all on patrol with the apprentices, even their own mentors were. Only the elders, queens and medicine cats were here but they weren't in sight or hearing of them. Tilleypaw stepped forward.

"Can you hear us, do not hurt our friend." Tilleypaw said slowly and angrily, angrier than Honeypaw had ever seen before.

With that Sunflowerstem swiped a paw at Tilleypaw and Fleurface swiped a paw at Ackleypaw. They both missed as something got in the way and pushed them to the damp, mucky floor. Some mud splashed their pelts as they looked up wide-eyed at the figure.

"Ahhh!!" They screamed, desperately trying to get up off the ground.

" eyes!?" The cat spun around and looked at them, and it was indeed green eyes.

"Here. I'll do you a favour Ackleypaw." Green yes looked at both of the young warriors still coverered in mud. The cat scooped up some mud and flicked it on the two she cats. "I'll do you all a favour." Green eyes looked at the grey sky, the sun was nowhere to be seen but it was certainly going down. They all looked at the sky. The sky immediately turned back, bringing shock to all the apprentices faces and also Sunflowerstem and Fleurface. "There you are, the day will come sooner now. And." Green eyes leant in towards them. "You will meet three amber eyes, one yellow eyed and one blue eyed on your journey, go to bed now so you can go as soon as possible." The cat finished and evaporated into thin air, leaving the apprentices and warriors watching her leave in shock.

"You heard her! Let's go!" Cedarpaw rushed to the fresh-kill pile and took a squirrel off of it. Tilleypaw went over to the pile, picked up a shrew and took it to the nursery. They are in absolute silence, obviously very happy and excited of going on this journey. Most of the clan had arrived by the time they had finished eating and were making their way to the apprentices den.

Honeypaw made herself comfortable at the back of the den next to Cedarpaw. Cinderpaw padded off to the medicine den and disappeared in there.

Goodnight, im ready for tomorrow to come already. Tilleypaw said goodnight and they all drifted off to sleep.

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