Chapter 17

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This is gonna be one of two of my faves chapters, eek hahah, wait and read plz.
Next chapter will be good as well!!

Tilleypaw's pov

There was a flash of light and the world disappeared, changing into the normal world again. Tilleypaw stretched her paws and got up, her stiff cold legs hardly moving properly. Thankfully most of the others were awake. Everyone except Cedarpaw, Dawnpaw and Cinderpaw. After an itch of time passed, they woke up, looking stiffer than Tilleypaw.

"C'mon we need to go home as soon as we can, no wasting time." Dawnpaw seemed distressed and dazed as she stood up and half stumbled over to the path to go down the mountain.

"Wow, we need to go slow, we're a bit stiff, it'll only probably take us two days to get back to camp, oh well are the others gonna go or stay?" Cinderpaw looked at Hazelpaw and Sparrowpaw, they looked at Tilleypaw and Cinderpaw and shrugged.

"Can we see what it's like in your clan?" Cinderpaw asked them.

"Umm....s-sure." Although Briarpaw said yes, she still seemed unsure. An uneasy murmur swept through most of the apprentices.

"Maybe we should just start on going to our clan, i mean we know for a fact they aren't from The Assassins because they talked with us in AuroraClan or StarClan. So we can trust them and we need to get back to MysteryClan as soon as we can." Ackleypaw pointed out, leaving no one to say anything else. Tilleypaw followed Ackleypaw down the mountain, stopping at the bottom waiting for Cinderpaw and Cinderpaw who were talking a little way up. Tilleypaw looked at Ackleypaw, he gazed back with his sweet violet eyes looking back at her, bright and happy.

"We ummmm—" Tilleypaw lost her words as nervousness clamped her stomach, causing her to become embarrassed. Thankfully the others had arrived and they started walking down the slope to the twoleg fence, jumped onto it, walked across it, jumped down and kept going. The leaves on the trees whistled silently in the wind, a few drops of rain coming down, splashing their pelts.

"Shhh," Ackleypaw suddenly said, sniffing the air. The apprentices looked around and became quiet as Ackleypaw searched up ahead of them. A sudden sharp, short bark came from where Ackleypaw is. Tilleypaw heard Ackleypaw's paws ascend towards them. "Fox!" He yowled and the apprentices started running through the trees nearing the Circular Waterfall. Tilleypaw's mind raced as her paws moved faster than she ever could. The fox was snapping its jaws only a tail-length away from Tilleypaw. Both Cinderpaws were at the front, running towards the waterfall before taking a sharp turn to the right. Paws thrummed as the large creature bashed through the trees and came out to meet them. All huddling in a group, Tilleypaw looked around frantically for somewhere to go that wasn't close to their clan.

"Go to the plains!" Tilleypaw darted off, hoping the rest of them were behind her. Once she reached the plains she had a chance to look back. Looking back she saw the brave Ackleypaw swiping at the fox's nose. The rest of the apprentices were bolting towards her. "Hurry up!" She called to Ackleypaw who was barely missing each blow. Ackleypaw turned and booked across the plains. "Go! Go! Go!" She shouted to the rest of them, making them run as fast as they could. A bolt of lightning flashed from nowhere and for a heartbeat she found herself struggling for breath. Ackleypaw was over her, nudging her pelt to get up. Then she realised the fox was chasing them and she immediately sprung up and whipped around to see the fox about three fox-lengths away. She turned around and ran after Ackleypaw to where the other apprentices were finding their ways through the trees.

"Hurry!" This time it was Ackleypaw's turn to say that. She sprinted towards the scene of all the apprentices. "Here." Ackleypaw mewed from nowhere and grabbed her neck fur. Tilleypaw gasped in fright realising it was only Ackleypaw.

You okay! Cedarpaw and Lunarpaw checked her over.

Fine, im fine, is everyone here? Tilleypaw struggles to see all of them.

Lunarpaw is here. Cedarpaw, yep. Ackleypaw, Wolfpaw you here?


Good, both Cinderpaws and Honeypaw?

Yeah we're here. Honeypaw responded.

Starlingpaw, Hazelpaw, Sparrowpaw Almondpaw, Brackenpaw? Tilleypaw looked around, catching eye contact with Hazelpaw and Sparrowpaw.

Yeah Starlingpaw and Almondpaw are here next to m-me. Brackenpaw said, clearly a little shaken by the fox.

Wh-wh-wh-what, w-wa-wait where's ummm—Briarpaw and Dawnpaw? Cedarpaw was looking around in the hollow tree for them. No sign. All the apprentices started to panic a little.

"Okay, don't worry, we will find them." Almondpaw said, obviously knowing what was going on.

D-don't——w-worry. w-we're. fine. Briarpaws voice was inside of Tilleypaw's head.

"She said she's fine." Lunarpaw explained looking cautiously out of the hollow tree. A few howls came from very close to the cats, it eventually moved away.

Tilleypaw looked out carefully and looked around. "It's good n-now." Tilleypaw pushes herself out of the hollow tree, the rest of
them followed cautiously and shakily. Briarpaw emerged from a bush with Dawnpaw. Dawnpaw was half shaking half jumping up and down.

Cedarpaw sprinted over to Briarpaw and Dawnpaw. "I was worried you two were d-d-dead." Cedarpaw fretted slightly. Dawnpaw shook her head.

"Of course we were fine." Dawnpaw mewed, her tail high in the air. They looked around at the trees surrounding them. They were in one large circle, each tree only one tail-length apart from each other, but you could still see the pale grey sky. Streaks of blue and dark grey touched the sky lightly. More rain was tumbling down with no control whatsoever.
"We are gonna be fin—-" Dawnpaw immediately stopped talking and looked around through the oak trees, her eyes widening with surprise. She immediately looked at Cedarpaw and hid behind her, hissing hat the fox that emerged.

Tilleypaw and Ackleypaw were already beginning to circle the fox making sure it wouldn't make a move. Both Cinderpaws, Briarpaw and Honeypaw followed. Even though Cinderpaw was a medicine cat, she was still circling the fox and hissing at it. The fox looked at them and growled. The stench of fox drifting of its pelt and filling Tilleypaw's mouth and nose, making her gag in disgust.

The fox's next move was unpredictable and no one knew that the fox would actually do it......

Whoop!! How are u liking the book, im about 2/3 of the way through the book!! Wow i hit 400 reads on the book, im actually relly really happy!!

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