Chapter 18

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Sorry, it's gonna have two povs, oof.

Dawnpaws pov

Dawnpaw looked the fox in the eye. It snarled and whipped its tail over both of the Cinderpaws faces. They both flew in the air for a heartbeat before falling on their backs, laying winded and unable to move. Wolfpaw and Honeypaw spring from each side of the fox and climbed on its back. The fox jumped up and down as they tried to climb up, sending them down the fox's pelt and onto the floor. The fox then picked up both of them and threw them away, both of them screeching as they both landed with a thud on the ground. Dawnpaw stared wide eyed at the fox and then looked at Starlingpaw and Sparrowpaw who had their mouths open in shock. Dawnpaw growled, not showing her fear and not telling the prophecy she was told when they were at the Aurora Pond. Growling, she cantered towards the fox, blocking out all other noise of the apprentices telling her to stop. The fox looked straight at her, its eyes growing dark as she sprung onto the fox's head, slashing her unsheathed paw at the fox. It howled in pain and shook its head furiously, trying to get her off. Dawnpaw bit it's ear, making it shake its head madly. Dawnpaw proceeded to climb up its back and claw into its back, deep into its flesh. The fox spasmed and jumped around, hitting into the trees trying to get Dawnpaw off its back. She held her grip tightly on the back of the fox. From where she was standing, she could see Tilleypaw and Ackleypaw swiping at the fox's legs and Brackenpaw and Lunarpaw trying to climb up onto the fox. Terror melted off the fox as it leaped around. Almondpaw, Sparrowpaw and Hazelpaw were standing there, as if they were planted to the ground. Starlingpaw now sprung on the fox's back and started to claw her way up. Dawnpaw looked at Starlingpaw as she began to loosen her grip. Leaning down, Dawnpaw tried to grab Starlingpaws scruff, but Starlingpaw was hanging so loosely that she couldn't hold on and slipped off the fox only a mouse-length away from the fox's paw. Tilleypaw and Ackleypaw were still up and kept fighting at the fox's legs. The fox writhered. Dawnpaw stood her ground, hissing and spitting at the fox. The fox shook and shook until Dawnpaw jumped off the fox. The yellow eyes of the fox were mean with hatred as it jumped towards Dawnpaw. As soon as the fox was a tail-length away, she hissed and scratched its muzzle and ran underneath it.

"What're you doing!?" Tilleypaw hissed as Dawnpaw ran up to her.

"Just protecting you." She replied, a little annoyed.

"Ugh, well just don't die." Tilleypaw looked her in the eye, with a friendly glint sparkling from inside.

Maybe i do have more friends than i thought. Dawnpaw wondered happily. Snapping back into reality she whipped around at the fox. It was running at Ackleypaw, teeth bared, claws extending. Ackleypaw yowled as the fox picked him up.

"No!!" Tilleypaw yowled and ran at the fox, hissing as much as she could. Tilleypaw leaped onto the fox.

Dawnpaw wished she'd told Tilleypaw not to do that because now she had to suffer, something worse than she would of expected....

Tilleypaw's pov

Tilleypaw leaped on the fox's back, eager to get to the fox's muzzle. She fought down her feelings for Ackleypaw and the other apprentices that hurt themselves as she leaped onto the fox's head. The fox immediately let go of Ackleypaw and tried shaking her off. A blackish figure was swiping at the fox's muzzle.

"Cedarpaw!" She yowled in joy as she kept clawing the fox.

"Ahh—" Cedarpaw's mew disappeared and Tilleypaw heard a thud and a little gasp.

No! Ahh. Tilleypaw searched for help but felt her paws sacrificing herself off of the fox's head and down to the ground. Her paws swayed in mid-air as if something caught her. But all she heard was a deep growl from the fox that was holding her by the scruff. She closed her eyes as she felt herself fly in mid-air. Silently screaming she landed on the ground, her heart slowed and she blacked out for a while.

Dawnpaw is no longer with you, she has gone her way and you must not bring her back, she has done her best with fitting in and will enjoy her new home. Voices and voices appeared from nowhere, saying the same thing over and over. Without knowing where she was, she just waited until she could go back to her real life. A flash of light that only lasted a heartbeat shattered her surroundings. Her eyes opened fast and she looked around. Her eyes still focusing, she struggled to get up. Ignoring the flashing pain coming from every part of her body, she looked and sure enough, the fox was still there. Dawnpaw was hissing at the fox, being the only one who was not hurt. Tilleypaw stumbled as the pain took hold of her body, controlling her for a few heartbeats.

She heard a whimper coming from Cedarpaw who at the base of a birch tree, twitching. She was awake and Tilleypaw could tell, she was just in too much pain to move. A yowl came from Dawnpaw, making Tilleypaw spin around only in time to see the fox grabbing her scruff successfully and throwing her straight into a tree. Cedarpaw who was lying under a tree, stared straight at the fox. Tilleypaw forced herself to run to where Dawnpaw had been thrown, before only collapsing from tiredness a mouse-length away from her. Tilleypaw stuck her muzzle in Dawnpaws chest fur, trying to see if Dawnpaw was alive. Tilleypaw looked in horror at Dawnpaw, thinking of the last few events that had just happened.

"T-T-Tilleypaw," Dawnpaws voice came to life, but was croaky and hoarse. Tilleypaw cried in delight, knowing she was still alive.

"I'm here Dawnpaw." Tilleypaw said softly, smiling at Dawnpaw who was weakly smiling back at her.

"You not......gonna make it....." Dawnpaw said, breathing shortly.

"No, you have to, we've been together for too much, you need to stay." Tilleypaw begged her, a few of the other apprentices also gathering around her. Cedarpaw sat down next to her, Briarpaw on her other side and Starlingpaw next to Briarpaw.

"N-n-no Dawnpaw!" Cedarpaw cried and looked down at the slowly dying apprentice.

"I'" Dawnpaw gasped for breaths.

"But, you were one of my best friends." Cedarpaw placed her head on Dawnpaw.

"Y-yes, but i gained friends because of you guiding me, and Cloverfern." Dawnpaw struggled with her breathing, they became slower.

"W-why weren't you with us in AuroraClan?" Ackleypaw mewed sadly.

"I....i got told to," Dawnpaw breathed in deeply. "To 'fix the things you love' but i know they meant 'save the things you love' and then i saw a fox." Dawnpaw mewed and looked behind them, hissing. The fox was still there, but it dipped its head and ran off. "But," Tilleypaw looked back at her. "Can i get my warrior name.....before i join AuroraClan..." Dawnpaw gave one last request.

"S-sure i mean no one is here to stop you." Lunarpaw said, looking grief-stricken.

"Whatever you want, my friend." Ackleypaw mewed.

"C-can my warrior name be...." Dawnpaw took one deep breath. "Dawnblaze." She asked, looking at Cedarpaw and Tilleypaw the most.

"Okay, by the powers of the sky, wind and earth we grant you the name Dawnblaze for your courage against the fox, and we want you to be the best warrior we know." Tilleypaw announced, happy for her friend but extremely sad that her friend would not be joining the warrior ceremony in a few moons time and getting her name with the rest of them.

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