Chapter 19

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This is a re-written chapter because for flip sake i accidentally was copying and pasting this but ACCIDENTALLY COPIED SOMETHING ELSE, so it's not gonna be as good as i thought......

Tilleypaw's pov

"Dawnblaze! Dawnblaze." All the apprentices mewed as happy as they could be.

Dawnblaze smiled happily. "And." Dawnblaze breathed in deeply. "Tell Sunflowerstem and Fleurface that i was not scared when i went into battle with the fox, i am no longer scared of death, and grief, and pain, tell Foxkit, i would of loved to mentor her, but i died against a fox attack." Dawnblaze shut her eyes tightly. "Goodbye my friends, i love you all, you were my family and i will never forget today." Dawnblaze took in one deep, last breath and let go, her chest heaved one more time until it stopped once and for all. Tilleypaw mewed in grief as Cedarpaw, Cinderpaw and Dawnblazes sister, Honeypaw stuck their muzzles into her chest and flank fur. Tilleypaw stung with pain from the wounds on her because the fox had actually got its claws on Tilleypaw and had ripped off a little bit of fur on her shoulder and a little off her leg. She shook off the pain. Almondpaw, Hazelpaw, Sparrowpaw and Cinderpaw were missing, probably off hunting while Starlingpaw was playing with the grass on the ground. Briarpaw has her time of grieving over Dawnblaze. Tilleypaw was too shocked to do anything. Cinderpaw had her head hung low and Ackleypaw was laying almost motionless on the floor. Wolfpaw and Lunarpaw were silently eating prey that they had caught sometime when Tilleypaw hasn't been paying attention. Cinderpaw stood and up and padded towards Tilleypaw.

"Hey, can you help me get some herbs?" Cinderpaw smiled as she asked politely but with sorrow and started to pad off into the trees. Tilleypaw has no choice but to follow her even though she didn't know why.

Pushing through the ferns and thickets, she finally got into an open space. Cinderpaw turned around to her and smiled a little. A weak smile it was. Tilleypaw looked around, confused as they kept walking. Cinderpaw halted. She turned around to meet Tilleypaw's green and blue eyes.

"Hi." Cinderpaw mewed, her voice echoing off every tree surrounding them.

Shook, Tilleypaw responded. "Wh-what are we here for?" Tilleypaw furrowed her brow and sniffed the air. The rainforest smell drifted on the whistling air, making her feel good as the wind ruffles in her fur.

After a while Cinderpaw spoke. "We were collecting herbs, weren't we?" Cinderpaw said, her facial expression saying 'you should of known'. Cautiously, Tilleypaw sniffed the air again.

"I don't smell herbs." Tilleypaw mewed quietly, looking around for them.

"Exactly." Cinderpaw said, rolling her eyes and digging her unsheathed claws into the damp ground.

"Then why—" Tilleypaw started but Cinderpaw cut her off.

"Don't struggle, i am sorry i was told." Cinderpaw mewed sadly, and Tilleypaw looked around wildly.

"What, what're you saying?!" Tilleypaw yowled as something bowled her over. She looked up at the thing to see a green, moss covered cat with beady eyes and a smile plastered on its face. The thing growled at Tilleypaw, making her try and get out of its grip.

"Now please, let her go, i did what you wanted!" Cinderpaw yowled over the top of the wind. Tilleypaw felt spikes of something go into her skin. Struggling more to get that thing off her, she tried slashing a claw out at it.

"Why...did... you." Tilleypaw breathed and looked Cinderpaw in the eye.

Cinderpaw looked in dismay at Tilleypaw, her eyes showing nothing but fear. As the spiky thing was pushed inside of her skin, she began feeling light-headed. She stood up and looked at the thing. It was a cat. All green and ugly. Tilleypaw ran at it but something had stabbed her right in the gut. Tumbling back, she saw the green cat look at her. She regained her balance and looked at the cat. Her vision becoming weird and fuzzy, she fell to the ground and looked up at the cat standing over her. With the spike still injected and the throbbing pain going on and on, she looked up at the cat. Her eyes glazed with pain.

"You disgrace," the tom lifted a paw ready to swipe her. Her vision clouded. "You disgust me." The last thing that Tilleypaw saw was the hand swiping her face and blackness after that.

Will...... A rasping voice echoed in the fog and most of the black darkness in the world of nothing. Will you......believe? Another rasp from the same cat echoed. Can you save.......? A little bit of light filtered in from above the voice, shining down on a cat about the same size as Ackleypaw, a bit bigger and more muscular. Is Cinderpaw a true friend.....? One more mew echoed through the trees. The hallucination came to an end and the dark world disappeared and it turned into day. Tilleypaw was lying on the floor, a spike stuck into her and Cedarpaw standing right over her.

"Oh my AuroraClan what happened?!" Cedarpaw pawed the spike, making Tilleypaw growl in pain.

"I don't know, i just woke up." Tilleypaw growled and sat up, feeling light-headed.

"Oh my, do you need help!" Cedarpaw looked at the spike stuck in Tilleypaw's shoulder.

"I don't care, i just want to get it out." Tilleypaw responded, looking at the trees as Cedarpaw went to take the spike out. Inside of her, Tilleypaw was screaming in pain but on the outside she wasn't showing fear or anything.

"Done, does it hurt, it looks painful." Cedarpaw looked into the wound.

"Its gonna be fine i promise, something just happened to me that i don't remember." Tilleypaw explained with a little sigh. "I was hallucinating or something. Don't worry." Tilleypaw held back the pain clawing at her. They padded back to the group but before they did, she rubbed her wound in a pile of leaves. She looked at it and mysteriously it disappeared. Cedarpaw looked at her and gave a little smile, not even checking the wound that had practically disappeared into nothingness.

Weird....... she said to herself and sighed.

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