Chapter 20

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May be more than two povs in this chapter ugh oops.

Wolfpaws pov

Wolfpaw woke to the sound of bird calls, the noise was whispering through the trees. Looking around she gazed at Tilleypaw and Cedarpaw laying right near Dawnblazes flank. The events with the fox still rung in her head, making her head hang low, not paying attention to anything going on around her. After a while she decided to get up, her body stinging with pain. Sadness weighing her down, she still made an effort to get up. Dawnblaze didn't look like herself, all peacefully lying beneath a tree. Usually she would be prancing around doing something daft. She scent of death hung over them in the air, making Wolfpaw shudder and start to feel overwhelmed and sad. Looking through the birch and oak trees, Cinderpaws something pelt appear with herbs in her mouth. She padded over to Wolfpaw and greeted her and started placing the herbs down and went to go back for more, at least that's what she thought....

Wolfpaw followed Cinderpaw into the bushes, keeping low key and camouflaged. She recognised Cinderpaws pelt and someone else's that she hadn't seen before.

"Can you help me please. My friend died." Cinderpaw pleaded, the mottled cat glaring slightly at her.

"Why? Why would i do that?" The mottled gained a stern voice.

"Well, maybe i could get some information out of you?" Cinderpaw looked around, Wolfpaw ducked behind the nearest bush, listening in to them.

" Shark....i might, just as long as you don't tell anyone who i am and where im from...." Sharks tail flicked lightly over her shoulder.

"Okay..." Cinderpaw mewed slowly and padded forwards to Shark.

"I'm Shark and i come from—but before you judge me i am from The Assassins—-but. But. My brother was there so i was forced to go into it, but i ran away, from my blood-spilling brother, Sabre." Shark spat the last few words out. Wolfpaws jaw dropped as she heard the word 'Sabre' come from Sharks mouth. Cinderpaw was backing away from Shark but he kept following her, before pouncing on her.

"Ahhh-" Cinderpaw let out a short gasp.

"Listen," Shark said through bared teeth. "I'm not trying to hurt you, just listen, i am his brother, yes, but i am not him, i am me, i can't change me, can i now?" Shark let go of her, she immediately stood up and shook her off.

Sharks pov

Shark padded around the cat frustratedly. "Maybe, can i ask who are you?" He slightly glared at her until she responded.

"Uh, oh, mhm, yeah, ohh..." she trailed off. Shark prompted her. "Uh, oh yeah im C-Cinderpaw..." she mewed quietly, turning around and looking through the bushes. "I better go....someone was here, i can smell them." Cinderpaw took one more glance at him and picked some herbs off the ground and ran off. Shark padded to a twoleg fence and padded along side it, until he heard the voices of cats around him.

Looking through the bramble thicket, he saw some cats in a similar camp to The Assassins. These cats were sitting down around a pile of fresh kill and some were sitting next to dens. Shark looked around. Immediately something sprung on him and clawed at his face and neck.
"What in the AuroraClan—" Shark had seen Tilleypaw in AuroraClan before and had somehow been transferred from Glare Camp in The Moss Forest to AuroraClan because he was now good, not evil.

"What're you doing here Shark." A bad tempered she cat glared at him as he tried to get up. She kept pushing him down to the ground, bruising his back every time. He looked in her eyes and remembered who it was. The almost pink pelt flashed in his mind.

"What're you doing here Havenpelt?" He glared at the she cat and heaved himself up, but another cat joined Havenpelt and pushed him down fiercely. The breath was knocked out of him, leaving him struggling to breathe. Shark unsheathed his claws and sheathed them again.

"Maybe come back to The Assassins." The tom taunted him, slicing at his belly, and digging his claws into Shark. Shark felt blood coming out of his belly, wincing with pain, he pushed Havenpelt and Scarface off of him. Shark yowled in pain as their claws sunk deeper and deeper and deeper.........

"Don't treat me how you used to treat me when i was a kit." Shark unsheathed his claws. Both of them sprung onto him and tugged him down, slicing at him, tearing at his bare skin where they had just pulled off his fur. He could tell it was gonna be hard to get himself back to Cinderpaw and Tilleypaw but he knew he would make it....

Tilleypaw's pov

Sitting down next to Briarpaw and Cedarpaw who were still grieving over Dawnblaze, she saw Wolfpaw emerge, her white pelt shaking a little. She ran over to them and sat down and started to say things.

"Cinderpaw was w-with another c-cat, kinda described exactly like Sabre!" Wolfpaw looked like she had the fright of her life.

"Calm down, you do only looked like you've jumped out of your fur!" Briarpaw laughed.

"Yeah b-but she was talking to them." Wolfpaw stuttered. Cinderpaw appeared from nowhere and came over to them.

"Hey." She mewed and Tilleypaw looked away.
"Okay, i was with someone and his name was Shark and he is Sabres brother."

"What!" Tilleypaw yowled, remembering the dream she had with Shark in it.

Paws appeared from the tree and out emerged a tortoiseshell tom.

"Shark!" Cinderpaw yowled and ran up to him. Covered in scars and lots of fur lost, he looked drowsy.

"Hi, The Assassins are attacking your camp. You need to go." Shark slurred.

"Oh no! We need to go! Come on!" Cinderpaw and Ackleypaw scampered off and Tilleypaw ran after them, not looking back, hoping to fight for her clan and settle back down into it after the long journey.

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