Chapter 23

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Brackenpaws pov

Brackenpaw stared at Sabre. She could no longer feel anything, she was as numb as ever. She could not even work out what had happened. Her mouth was slightly open in shock and horror. Cedarpaw was still not awake and there was nothing. Brackenpaw wobbled on her paws as she tried to make her way over to Tilleypaw. They tried to stop her with their tails but she furiously pushed them away and hissed slightly. Ackleypaw came rushing around the crowd to make his way over.

"Tilleypaw!" Ackleypaw screamed and ran over to the body lying on the floor. Brackenpaw followed in disgust of what she had to witness. She decided not to tell anyone the sharp and tiny breaths of Tilleypaw rising up and down, barely noticeable. Ackleypaw was muzzling her flank. "Cinderpaw!" Ackleypaw called to Cinderpaw who immediately rushes over to them and looked at Tilleypaw in shock. She bent down and sniffed the blood-covered pelt. She smiled weakly and ran back to the medicine den for supplies and rushed back out with the things she needed and cantered over to them.

"It's no use, you disgusting apprentices." Sabre was speaking from behind Brackenpaw. Ackleypaw had turned around and Brackenpaw followed.

"You killed her." Ackleypaw mewed sadly.

You know she's still barely breathing right? Brackenpaw made sure Ackleypaw knew that her best friend was still in there somewhere.

Y-yeah i guess. He answered, his violet eyes were staring at Sabre.

"I know, what's the problem with that." Sabre mewed unevenly.

"Oh, you will pay." The voice of Wirepaw, Tilleypaw's own brother spoke up and emerged from the crowd with Wrenpaw. They came up to the log and stood on it.

"Leave our clan alone." Wrenpaw hissed, his claws sliding out.

"Most of your cats are dead anyways." Sabre growled.

"No, lots of yours are." Ackleypaw fired back, jumping on top of Sabre, pulling him down. Brackenpaw stood speechless, stuck to the ground.

The cats of The Assassins were now trying to get out of MysteryClan camp. Sabre was now the only one left.

Sabre somehow had managed to grab Ackleypaw by the leg and pull him down so now Ackleypaw was on the ground and Sabre was holding up an unsheathed paw.

"Don't make me kill another, pests." Sabre growled as he got ready to swipe down on Ackleypaw. Ackleypaw looked a little scared but he kept him face straight.

"No, Sabre, leave." Dolphinstar made her way to the front of the group and confronted him. She looked sad and defeated.

"Why should i leave, give me a good reason. A reason why i shouldn't just kill him now!" Sabre growled and then growled at Sabre.

"Because two are two, they're not replaceable, the two forces have met and now they are perfect." Dolphinstar said words meaning nothing at all to Brackenpaw.

Sabre stepped off of Ackleypaw surprisingly and left without another word, except for the one sentence 'I'll be back'. As soon as Sabre was definitely gone, Lindsaystream, Dolphinstar, Wrenpaw, Wirepaw and Ackleypaw raced over to Cedarpaw and Tilleypaw. Cinderpaw was still there.

"Don't worry." Brackenpaw forced the words out and padded closer to them, still almost collapsing. "They aren't d-dead, l-l-look." Her paws we're getting more wobbly til the point she had just collapsed all together.

Tilleypaw's pov

Floating in space and time. The time itching it's way. Nothing was here and Tilleypaw could tell. Was she dead or just living. She had no clue. She could see a few pelts in the distance. One was a tan colour and the other was brown and white. She could just see the violet eyes on the tan cat, indicating it was in fact Ackleypaw, her best friend. And the brown and white pelt was the exact colour of Tilleypaw's pelt. They were very close, pelts touching and head against head.

"You will rest in here." An eerie voice came from a pale grey and white tom. Tilleypaw couldn't move and her brain wasn't working but she could tell that he was in fact Freedomstar and Dovewing, Mothwing and she thought she could see Lionblaze as well.

"What, im not dead!" Tilleypaw found it hard to believe.

"You're in......a bad state i would say." Mothwing replied, her voice sounded annoyed but amazed.

"You will only be here for a few days or so, but don't worry, it's gonna feel a few heartbeats." Dovewing padded away slowly with Mothwing following.

"Don't worry, Cedarpaw is just like you." Freedomstar said quickly.

"" Tilleypaw questioned him slowly.

"She gets hurt just like you but recovers fast just like you." Lionblaze appeared.

"S-so can i see her?" Tilleypaw mewed quickly.

"Sure." Lionblaze turned around and looked into the nothingness. "Hollyleaf. Jayfeather. Cedarpaw. Tilleypaw wants to see you guys." He called out through the nothingness. A split of white light shone through the nothingness. Hollyleaf emerged with Jayfeather and Cedarpaw. Cedarpaw and Tilleypaw contacted their gaze with each other. Immediately Cedarpaw started running over to her. Tilleypaw ran towards her too. Cedarpaw stuck her muzzle into Tilleypaw's flank.

"Oh my AuroraClan are you okay." Cedarpaw said, her voice filled with anxiety and anger.

"Yeah im fine, why wouldn't i be okay." Tilleypaw mewed unconsciously.

"I saw you, i saw Sabre...." Cedarpaw trailed off.

"Ohh..... yeah that happened, it only felt like i was actually dying, and i felt like i was on fire yep." Tilleypaw laughed a little.

"You two can talk before you can go back. We will be over here." Tilleypaw saw Hollyleaf point her tail in the direction of nothing.

"We don't know which way that is." Cedarpaw mewed.

"Now you do." Hollyleaf looked at the now white sky. "It's the in-between remember." Hollyleaf padded off, Lionblaze following her and then Jayfeather and Freedomstar.

"We just gonna wait here until we're allowed back into our camp, how in AuroraClan." Cedarpaw stopped speaking for no reason. Tilleypaw looked up and saw her struggle for words. Cedarpaw just sat down next to Tilleypaw and was now going to sleep.

Just don't die on me. Tilleypaw licked Cedarpaw once and rested her head on her paws and went to sleep for who-knows-how-long.

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