Chapter 24

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Yinpaw's pov

Yinpaw stared around the clearing. Blood was still running from lifeless bodies. His brother Jaypaw was lying on the ground, breathing heavily and Foxpaw was beside him. Glamourpaw was no where to be found. Yinpaw could see Lilacmist and Sunsetshine lying on the ground, lifeless and not moving.
Great job Sabre, you had to kill our cats, well done. Yinpaw could see Spikepad and Oceanreed also dead, on the ground next to a black and white pelt. Yinpaw could now recognise that as his sister Glamourpaw. He ran over to his sister and fell over a cream and brown tabby tom that was lying on the ground, barely moving. Glamourpaw was hardly moving, her tail was twitching and her pelt was covered in blood.

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm here. Do you need anything. I'll get you a medicine cat if you need." Yinpaw said softly, breathing on Glamourpaws pelt. No answer came from her.
"Come on, please answer." Yinpaw cried softly and stuck his muzzle in her pelt. She didn't answer except for the twitch of her tail and then fell still forever. Yinpaw cried into the pelt of his sister. "You were the only light in my heart." He muffled into her black and white fur. A bushy tail was layed over his shoulder. He looked up to see Coralmask, his mother, standing over him. Dry with sadness he didn't bother to stand up.

"What do you want to name her." Coralmask's sweet, kind voice was talking to Yinpaw. Barely paying attention, he looked at Glamourpaw.

"You were the light, the only part of me, Glamourlight. Glamourlight you will always be that light that shone through me. You saw through me. You knew me as much as anyone could." Yinpaw said goodbye to his sister.

"Lovely name. Glamourlight we love you, she will always be in your heart." Coralmask padded away, leaving Yinpaw with Glamourlight. Foxpaw and Jaypaw realise something was up and they ran over to Yinpaw.

"No! Glamourpaw!" Foxpaw yowled and huffed to the ground.

"I named her Glamourlight...." Yinpaw said sadly.

"It's okay, it's a lovely name, Glamourlight." Jaypaw said, sitting down next to Foxpaw.

"Cats of MysteryClan! Gather here, please." Dolphinstar rang out and Yinpaw made the least effort to move. "Because of the death of Oceanreed and Spikepad, and because they deserve it, Basilpaw, Thymepaw, Oleanderpaw, Tearpaw, Hamsterpaw and Shadowpaw you will now become warriors because of how you fought in that battle." Dolphinstar was covered in scars and blood but she didn't seem hurt. "Basilpaw, Thymepaw, Oleanderpaw, Tearpaw, Hamsterpaw and Shadowpaw do you promise to fight for the good of your clan, uphold the truth and not break our code?"

"We do."

"Then with AuroraClan watching over us, their power will grant your warrior names. Basilpaw you will no longer be Basilpaw you will be Basildapple for your kindness towards everyone in the clan. Thymepaw will now be called Thymepuddle for the same reason as Basildapple, you're constantly happy. Oleanderpaw you will be called Oleanderflake for the same reason as the others." Dolphinstar announced and Duskystar took her place.

"Shadowpaw you will now be called Shadowstep. Hamsterpaw you will now be called Hamsternose because one of our best friends that had a streak of colour on their nose. and finally, Tearpaw, you will be called Teardrop because you are a little bundle of fur that is kind and doesn't like getting hurt." Duskystar stood back and started chanting the names of the new warriors.

"Basildapple! Thymepuddle! Oleanderflake! Shadowstep! Hamsternose! Teardrop!" The whole clan chanted enthusiastically. Yinpaw made a little effort to chant their names. He was just too tired to do much.

Wirepaws pov

Wirepaw sat next to his brother Wrenpaw. Tilleypaw was still lying on the ground, looking peaceful. Even though he knew she wasn't dead, he couldn't doubt it.

"We come in peace!" A sudden call came from the bramble thicket, and out came five cats, three she cats and two toms.

Dolphinstar growled. A few cats were hissing. Wirepaw immediately stood up, forgetting about the aching pain.

"I am Firefly and we come in peace." The orange and yellow she cat repeated.

"I am Birch, this is Branch, Otterspot and Elephant." A cream tom announced, padding slightly closer.

"How do we know if you come from The Assassins or not!" Weedpaw called out.

"Maybe you can trust us. We were fighting in the battle, don't you remember?" Branch hissed.

"We were wondering if we could join and help the clan, i know it's a big step but if you trust us and if Tilleypaw, Ackleypaw and his group hadn't gone to the Aurora Pond then they would've never found us." Otterspot flicked her tail impatiently.

"How d'you know my name." Ackleypaw unsheathed his claws and sprung towards them to meet face-to-face with Firefly.

"I saw you in AuroraClan, mouse-brain." Firefly responded and looked at Wirepaw and Wrenpaw and then Dolphinstar and Duskystar.

"How do we know you arent spies from The Assassins?" Duskystar shook his light orange pelt, his parakeet eyes looking directly at Firefly.

"Because maybe you of all cats would know who we are and understand that you don't want us, you need us. Duskystar remember?" Firefly was obviously hinting at something that only Duskystar understood.

"Oh—umm. Uhh, uhuh," Duskystar leaned in towards Dolphinstar and whispered something. "Yep."

"Okay, MysteryClan. This will be a big step, but i promise if they don't treat our code well, they will be banished i promise." While murmurs spread through the camp, Wirepaw and Wrenpaw were just standing there not knowing what to do. Their sister almost dead, new cats in the clan. What had this day become!

"Okay, do you want new names or do you want to keep your old ones?" Dolphinstar asked them.

"I want to keep Otterspot thank you." Otterspot stepped back.

"I don't mind. Neither does Birch." Branch let Elephant speak.

"I don't mind too." Elephant dipped her head.

"Doesn't matter." Firefly answered.

"Okay, then do you promise to keep hold of our code and learn it in the way the warriors do?" Dolphinstar announced.

"Uhh. Ye-yes." Birch answered, looking slightly confused.



"Well, then without any pause, Birch you will be renamed Robinsong. Welcome to MysteryClan. Branch will be renamed Branchgaze. Elephant you will be renamed Elephantfall. Firefly you will now be Fireflyreed and Otterspot you will stay as Otterspot. Together we will rebuild the clan and fight any intruders." Duskystar announced and the clan cheered.

"Robinsong! Branchgaze! Elephantfall! Fireflyreed! Otterspot!"

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