Chapter 29

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Ackleypaw's pov

Ackleypaw had told his littermates Tulippaw, Phoenixpaw and Novapaw about getting their warrior names. They had heard the leaders and the deputies talking about it and they had begun to get excited. Tilleypaw and Cinderpaw were talking to Ackleypaw a lot as they kept asking when he was getting his full warrior name. Honeypaw and Lunarpaw kept going on and on about how he'll make a great mentor and how he'd make a good deputy or leader. Wolfpaw and Brackenpaw didn't say much but he could tell they were happy he could get his warrior name, they just didn't know what to say. After a whole night passed since the apprentices had talked about the battle, Dolphinstar and Duskystar, along with Moringabelly came into the apprentices den. Foxpaw barely paid attention, as she was playing with a strand of grass. Grasspaw, Islandpaw and Unitedpaw perked their ears up to listen to what was going on.

"You will have your warrior assessment today, Moringabelly, Serpentstorm, Halcyonpelt and Chillifly will be assessing you. You will be tested on hunting and then you will fight each other, but, sheathed claws." Duskystar and Dolphinstar left the den, leaving Tulippaw, Novapaw and Ackleypaw bouncing up and down and running around in circles. they rushed out of the den and waited for their temporary mentors.

"we will go to the start of the plains and you will do battle skills first." Moringabelly explained as she padded fast out of the camp. Chillifly took the lead and Serpentstorm stayed at the back as the group moved at a rather quick pace. Ackleypaw felt as if in no time, they had already made it to where they were beginning their assessment. Out of the three of his littermates, he felt he was the one who was going to stuff up but he didn't say much.

"We will start here, Novapaw will go against Halcyonpelt, Tulippaw with me, Phoenixpaw you can watch and then do it with me after Tulippaw and Ackleypaw with Chillifly. Serpentstorm will be watching all three. Got it?" Moringabelly briefly instructed before going a few fox-lengths away to train with Tulippaw.

I can't stuff it up, i can't stuff it up, i can not stuff it up. Ackleypaw kept repeating the same words in his head as he started to doubt himself and started to feel anxious.

"Okay, you attack me, i will try defend myself, you have to do The Spike and then The Grass Roll, got it?" Chillifly didn't need to explain more as Ackleypaw was already about to spring. When he figured the best time out, he sprung at her tail. she pulled her tail away and grabbed Ackleypaw's tail in her mouth and dragged him off of his paws, making him slip onto the moist ground.

More rain was on its way. Ackleypaw batted his paw at her face, making her loose grip on his tail. Chillifly sprang onto Ackleypaw, pinning one shoulder onto the ground. Ackleypaw pushes his feet into her belly a couple of times before she actually fell off, but she immediately recovered. Ackleypaw readied himself for The Spike. He ran at her and about a tail-length away, he ducked under her paws and flipped on his side. then he scraped her belly with sheathed paws and got up. He finished it off by swiping at her back paw, making Chillifly topple over herself as her paw buckled underneath her. Before she had time to get up, Ackleypaw sprung onto her back, pushing her down. She rolled over so Ackleypaw got squished underneath her, but quick as he could, he got up so Chillifly was still rolling. Ackleypaw jumped to her side and pushed at her belly so she stayed down and it was harder to get up.

"Okay, that's good, i've seen enough." Ackleypaw stopped at Serpentstorm's mew. Chillifly scrabbled to her feet.

"Okay lets do some hunting, alone." Chillifly started to pad along the plains.


Ackleypaw stared at the thrush up in the oak tree. He dropped into the hunters crouch his leader/mentor told him and started to stalk the prey. When he got close enough he climbed up the tree and landed neatly on a thick branch that the thrush was on. Not alerting the prey he kept his pelt lying flat and he stayed calm.

Don't worry, there's only two cats watching me while i stalk prey to see if i'm good enough to be a warrior. Ackleypaw took a small breath and leaped out of his hiding spot and pushed the thrush down onto the thrush. It squawked and flapped it's wings as Ackleypaw tried to get a hold of it. He didn't realise he came into contact with the ground and he'd landed weirdly on his paw, making it sting in pain. The thrush scratched at Ackleypaw until finally Ackleypaw let go of it, sending it flying into the air and disappearing from sight.

no!! arghhhh. Ackleypaw's eyes dropped with sadness but he needed to make a catch otherwise he wouldn't be a warrior, so he trotted off into the bushes where he heard a faint scuttle of claws. he saw a scrawny mouse that was searching for food in the open. Better than nothing.

Dropping into a hunting crouch again, he started to stalk the prey. keeping his tail level and himself up-wind, he kept creeping closer. Neatly, he jumped and landed squarely on the mouse. it made a high-pitched noise but it soon stopped and Ackleypaw bit at its neck, killing it instantly. He looked proudly at his only catch and picked it up, doubt still flickering in his head.


Ackleypaw made it back to camp second. Tulippaw was still out hunting, Novapaw was doing his own thing. Phoenixpaw was hanging out with Teardrop and Hamsternose. Tilleypaw, Cinderpaw and Cedarpaw were talking normally to each other. A little group had formed, consisting of Honeypaw, Lunarpaw, Briarpaw, Almondpaw, Wolfpaw, Sparrowpaw and Cinderpaw. Ackleypaw could sense love coming from the group. Oooo, i sense lovvveeeeee. Ackleypaw chuckled inside his own head and he saw Honeypaw and Sparrowpaw brushing pelts and Wolfpaw was shyly standing next to Cinderpaw.

"Everyone gather for some news!" At Dolphinstar's call, Ackleypaw immediately turned and padded over to Novapaw. Tulippaw had just arrived with a squirrel which she put on the fresh kill pile and then ran over to meet Novapaw and Ackleypaw. She wriggled in excitement.

"Today we will gather for a warrior ceremony!" Duskystar announced and the clan cheered a little.

"Moringabelly. Has Tulippaw worked her hardest today and every other training session?" Dolphinstar began. Moringabelly's eyes shined as she nodded.

"The others too?" Duskystar levelled his voice.
She nodded.

"These four apprentices have waited long enough and it is time for them to become warriors!" Dolphinstar announced with a flick of her white tail.

"Phoenixpaw." Dolphinstar beckoned him forwards. he trotted forwards with no hesitation and stopped a few tail-lengths away from them. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and be the best you can be?"

"i do." Phoenixpaw said steadily.

"then I present your warrior name to be Phoenixclaw, we honour your battle skills and jokes and you may enter the clan as a full warrior." Duskystar dipped his head to Tulippaw.

Eyes gleaming, Tulippaw padded forward with her tail high in the air.

"Tulippaw do you promise to live the life of a true warrior, speak the truth and always stick by your clanmates in battle?" Duskystar looked down on the apprentice, his orange pelt stood out against the white light.

"I do!"

"Then with no hesitation, i give your warrior name to be Tulipvine, we respect your honesty and kindness towards others. You were named after Vineslash, a brave cat who fought a great battle lots of seasons back." Duskystar beckoned Novapaw forward. Novapaw stuck up his nose as he trotted forward.

"Do you promise to live by the warrior code, speak the truth and have faith in your clanmates?"

"Yes, I do." He responded, his voice not sounding slightly scared at all.

"Then i present your warrior name as Novaspike, we all love your bravery and hard-working standards in battle. you were named after Spikepool, a respected deputy a few seasons back." Dolphinstar's eyes trailed from Novaspike to Ackleypaw who was fidgeting a little.

"Come forward." Dolphinstar mewed slowly. Padding forward cautiously, he looked around. Tilleypaw was smiling at him, making him smile back.

"Do you promise to ask for assistance and be happy and faithful to your clanmates, and believe in them?" Dolphinstar asked.

"i do." Ackleypaw's voice trembled a little.

"Then your warrior name shall be....Ackleyfire. you were named after Firestar the noble and proud tom who became well known to all clans and died after fighting Tigerstar with his last life." Dolphinstar dipped her head and started the chant of the new warriors.

"Tulipvine! Novaspike! Ackleyfire!" He glanced around at his clanmates.

Couldn't of done anything without Tilleypaw...he stared at Tilleypaw for a while as he kept thinking of her. he smiled and then finally moved across his new den.

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