Chapter 20

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It was hard for Autumnfrost to sleep. He kept worrying about Rainfeather. Where could you be? Autumnfrost thought.
Suddenly, he wasn't in the dark warrior's den anymore, he was at the moonpool, with StarClan around him
"Wha...?" Autumnfrost was as confused as a lost badger.
"Oh, dear Autumnfrost" a StarClan cat stepped toward him "I am Blacktail, and I was Rainfeather's mentor. I can tell you love my former apprentice very much, and I have convinced the rest of StarClan to help you stop worrying about her." Blacktail looked to a fiery orange tom, and dipped his head "Firestar?"
The cat that Blacktail had called Firestar stepped forward "Autumnfrost," he meowed "in a moment, I will help you see where Rainfeather is. I want you to be ready for what you're about to see. You also have to promise not to tell anyone before she comes back."
Autumnfrost braced himself, and gave a small nod. Suddenly, he wasn't at the moonpool anymore. He was in a small makeshift den under low-growing pine trees, holly, and brambles. In the middle of the den, he saw Rainfeather and Moonfall. He looked closer at them. curled between the two she-cats, were three kits. One looked the opposite of him, one looked like Rainfeather, and the other one looked like Birchleaf. Autumnfrost gasped as Rainfeather murmured "hush, my kits" to the ones closest to her.
"You must not tell any cat until they get back" Autumnfrost noticed Firestar standing beside him.
"She- she's having my kits!" Autumnfrost whispered
"Yes" Firestar mewed, and the vision faded as Dawn light filtered through the warriors' den.
Rainfeather is having my kits! Autumnfrost thought as he padded over to the fresh-kill pile. He knew it was against the warrior code, but he loved Rainfeather and their kits anyway.

I hope i didn't write any more anagrams in the rest of the story. "Autumnfrost was as confused as a lost badger" is bad enough. What does that even mean???
ALSO 2nd Firestar reveal!! I still can't believe I included the canon characters in this.
Ok but tell me why Autumnfrost should STOP worrying about Rainfeather when he sees that she's in an unknown location in the middle of winter with NEWBORN CHILDREN???
Also also, Autumnfrost is the slowest character in the entire story. YES THEYRE YOUR CHILDREN YOU DUMBASS 😭

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