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The sun blaring through your windows only made the pounding headache increase. Today just so happened to be the day you had a horrible cold. From the pounding headaches to the stuffed nose and plus the nausea and sore throat was really taking its toil. Pulling the covers over your head it seemed so easy to fall back asleep, but that was easier said than done. You coughed as your dry throat began to act up.

"What?" You questioned as your heard your voice go a little deeper since the dryness was in part. You sat up on your bed as your waited for the person on the other end to answer. Feeling like forever you gave a slight 'hmm' sounding getting their attention.

"Hey, y/n are you okay? You sound terrible." Reggie stated as he shifted in his seat. He could tell something was wrong, but he wanted you to say it.

"I feel like shit, my throat hurts my head hurts and I've never felt like I was gonna puke more than I do now." You huffed out as you stood up and slowly walked towards the bathroom.

"Do you need anything?" Reggie asked his voice full of concern for you. Reggie maybe an asshole to some people, but he had his moments. A small smile spread across your lips as you spoke.

"Just come over please I don't know if I'll be able to do anything today." You confessed as you pressed you hand to your forehead. You were burning up and needed to cool down.

"I'll bring some food for later and a couple movies, does that sound alright, princess?" Reggie spoke as you heard him getting his car keys and shut his door.

"Perfect." You coughed.

"I'll be over in ten, until then lay down, please." Reggie pleaded as he hung up the phone and started towards his car. You dipped a washcloth in cold water and then proceeded back to bed. The small sound of a whistle ran through your ears as you laid down.

The spare key still under the rug?

As usual

With that text being sent the front door opened and to your surprise it didn't slam full force. As your bedroom door opened Reggie walked in.

"Hey princess, how you feeling?" Reggie smiled as he laid beside you. Placing the washcloth on the night stand you turned back towards Reggie. His arms wrapping themselves around you in a protective manner. This simple gesture made you happy you could stay like this forever.

"Not to bad, but not to good either." You sniffed as he held you closer. You buried your head into his chest. His heart beat was a slow and simple rhythm it only almost put you to sleep.
"Can you put in a movie?"

Reggie nodded his head as he slowly stood up and went towards his bag. He raised up two choices The Maze Runner and Captain America Civil War.

"Civil War defiantly." You smiled as he popped it in and went back towards you. A smile came to your face as you got excited as the movie started. About thirty minutes in to the movie your eyes began to droop.

"Go to bed ill be here when you wake up, princess."



Wow, I'm sorry if that was bad oml, but please comment your thoughts or if you have any ideas for imagines feel free to comment!

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