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"Evening!", Hanna cheered and popped her head into the office, only to freeze in surprise. "Woah! Is that him? Does he work?"

With the curious shimmer of a child in her eyes and a huge grin on her face, she walked closer to RK800 and gave it a gentle bump against the metal shoulder.

Confused, the android looked up at her before looking at you for instructions.

"Please don't do weird stuff.", you asked her while watching from afar, still unsure what to think about that things sitting in your office with a face that made you want to cry. "I only programmed the basics. It doesn't understand weird gestures yet."

She raised an eyebrow.

"He.", she corrected.

"It.", you insisted. "It's an android. An object."

"That's right.", RK800 replied and gifted her a polite smile. "I'm not alive. Therefore I am an object."

With her cheeks puffed with air and a confused expression on her face, Hanna turned to you.

"You're being rude.", she said in a scolding tone. "You made him, shouldn't you be a bit gentler and closer to our boy?"

You huffed, for a short moment torn from the uncomfortable pit that this appearance pushed you into.

A sigh left your lips.

"Look, Kamski said it's a job and I'm treating it as such.", you tried to defend yourself.

"Being a responsible member of this society is nothing to be scolded for.", RK800 approved.

Of course it was on your side, after all, you did put the program in place. There was a learning process but for now it was nothing but a simple android made to approve of humans behaviour.

You knew it would change at some point because the programming was set to constantly develop and improve on its own, but for now the android was nothing but a simple slave without any opinion or drive of its own.

"RK800.", you addressed it, still avoiding those deeply dark eyes. "Hanna is trying to appeal to my sense of responsibility and pride."

It frowned, head slightly tilted.

"Why?", it asked.

"Because I made you."

"I know. But why would you feel closer to me because of that?"

Hanna snorted. With her arms crossed, she enjoyed the show and the expression that popped up on your face while you struggled to find a suitable answer to that question.

"Making you is a huge success for me.", you tried to explain gently. "Like when two people make a child. It's something special."

Its lips slightly parted and formed a sound of gentle realisation.

"So, you are my parent?", it asked.

Your heart skipped a beat.

"Oh, hell, never call me that again."


"It makes me feel uncomfortable. You're a full adult model that looks old enough to be my brother."

"Noted.", its eyes moved, as if a process of thinking happened. "Then, why aren't we close?"

Surprised by that question, Hanna leaned back and locked eyes with you.

With your lips pressed into a thin line, you gently shook your head to tell her to keep her mouth shut.

You turned back to the android, having a suitable reason in mind. But all of a sudden you faltered.

Deep, brown eyes met your gaze. They were so familiar, so real that it made you shiver.

But there was also something else hidden inside of them.
Was that disappointment?

Confused yet surprised, you frowned.

"RK800.", you mumbled. "Are you... What are you feeling?"

It shook its head.

"I'm a machine.", it responded as a matter of fact. "I don't have feelings."

"No... No. But your program is mimicking human emotions. What would you title it? What... what does it tell you?"

For a moment those brown eyes wandered through the room.

"I want to know how to get closer to my maker.", it finally said.

Hanna sucked a sharp breath in.

"Why?", you kept asking.

It shrugged.

"I want to... I want to be close to my maker. Because it seems like being close to the person that gave me existence is important."

As it said it, with this serious look in its eyes and a hint of commitment in every word, you realised that the programming might did have some flaws.

It was already starting to get attached. It was already learning what it meant to be part of something, to socialise.

But it was an android.

And androids weren't supposed to have a feeling of being part of something such as a friendship. They were workers, empty shells that took orders.

But this one already wanted more.

It wanted to be with humans, not just for them.

Swallowing hard, you took a deep breath and glanced at Hanna.

She smiled innocently and gave you an apologetic shrug of the shoulders. She knew that this was her doing. And she also realised that this wasn't the way it was supposed to be.

With a sour expression you reached out to pull up the control center on the computer. You wanted to turn it off before it was too late.

But Hanna rushed forward and grabbed your hand.

"Hanna!", you scolded her. "You know I have to."

"But he's so sweet.", she said. "And polite. Golden retriever energy. Who doesn't like that?"

You sighed.

"It has an error."

"HE is fine. You just need to adjust a few things."

"Stop insisting on calling it he."

"Why would I? It's a male model."

"But not human."

She rolled her eyes.

"Quit being such a gremlin about it.", she glanced over her shoulder to smile at the android.

It smiled back.

But instead of looking at her, its eyes wandered over to look at you. It was trying to make you like it.

Another major error you feared would get out of hand if you wouldn't act now.

The button to turn off the energy was in reach. Just one small movement and you'd be able to start from scratch again.

Your fingers twitched.

Hanna's grip wasn't tight. You could have slipped away if you had wanted to.

But as those brown eyes met yours, you couldn't help and pull away again.

There was something inside this android that you had wished to see again.

But it hurt.

It hurt like hell.

Holding your breath, you squeezed your eyes shut.

"He needs a name then.", you finally said.

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