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"Alright...", with your eyebrows knitted together, you leaned over the desk and typed some notes into the computer.

Curious, the android sat up straight on the lab table.

Its posture was so straight that it seemed as if it had a stick embedded into the spine. Its dark brown hair was messy, while a shimmer lit up inside those brown eyes.

The machine seemed so much alive, it felt unreal.

The test was running a few hours now, but you still felt like being caught in a dream. You couldn't believe that it was so perfect, without any errors. Not even a second attempt was needed. It was exactly the way you had imagined it to be, maybe even better.

And yet.

You couldn't face it. You couldn't look it in the eyes.

Not yet.

The wound was still fresh. Looking at it felt like rubbing salt into it.

The machine had his face, his voice.

And it hurt.

"Excuse me, Maker.", whenever its voice filled the silence, your heart skipped a beat.

Struck by surprise, you turned around but avoided eye contact. Looking at the eyes made you shiver.

"What is it?", you asked, but frowned a second later. "What did you just call me?"

It smiled.

"Maker. That is what you are. My maker."

You nodded but it felt weird to be called this way.

"Just call me (Y/N). Or programmer. Whatever you like best."

You turned around again to continue typing what was on your mind.

Confused, KR800 frowned.

"Am I allowed to chose?", it asked. "You might dislike me when I pick the wrong option. Please chose yourself how I should address you."

Sighing, you closed your eyes.

It was smart, even smarter than any computer that currently existed. The ability to learn made it even smarter than that. Unfortunately, it wasn't very good with human interaction. At least not yet.

Over time, the problem would solve itself. But until then, you had to endure this.

"KR800.", you threw a quick gaze over your shoulder so it could analyse the annoyance in your facial features. "I really don't care. It's a waste of time to think too long about such things. Just pick one and move on."

It frowned even more and tilted its head. Strands of the messy, brown hair fell into its face but it did not pay attention to it. Instead, the deep brown eyes dug into your back.

The feeling made goosebumps grow all over your body.

"So choosing a word to associate you with is useless?", it asked with the innocent eyes of a puppy. "But I have such a word. And you gave it to me. Was that a waste of time?"

Surprised by how quickly it picked up things, your eyebrows rose. It wasn't turned on for longer than half a day and already understood the meaning of names and nicknames even though it had none of its own.

According to the way you had programmed it, it was trying to give each and every individual a title in order to be able to identify them.

Slowly, you turned around.

"You don't... it's not... No, I picked it after a scheme.", you cleared your throat and placed both hands on the edge of the table. "You are KR800, because of certain materials the engineers used to make you."

"Then should I call you something you are made of? Like blood or cells?"

You chuckled.

"No, that would only disturb people. Use their titles."

Its eyebrows rose. For a moment, it processed the information.

"Then I shall keep calling you Maker."

"My titles are programmer and (Y/N), KR800."

"But you made me. So my existence gives you the title Maker. Am I wrong?"

Its lips curled as it pressed them together. The strands of hair wiggled in front of its eyes, blocking its view as it continued to move a little like a human would do when waiting.

For a moment, you thought about it. It wasn't wrong, you were indeed the maker, the creator of its existence.

But people usually called you by your name.

But it did not know that and for the beginning it could have been a bit overwhelming.

Taking a deep breath in, you closed your eyes and rubbed your forehead. A headache was pressing against the skull and made it impossible to keep a straight though.

"My sensors tell me that you are exhausted.", it suddenly said. "I would recommend you get some sleep. Lack of sleep leads to exhaustion and could favour not only stress but also anxiety and depression. Physical illness is also a possibility. I recommend at least six hours of sleep for you to get a good rest."

Opening your eyes again, you looked at it for the first time.

It had a nice face shape, a bit round, with chubby cheeks but a sharp jawline and pure eyes. The way its brown hair fell into its forehead made it seem as if it had slight curls.
It looked a lot like him. Maybe even too much.

As you stood there, staring at this android, you felt something inside your chest pull together.

"I'll go to bed once I've checked your stats.", you scratched the back of your neck, trying to get rid of the stiff feeling.

It nodded and adjusted itself to sit in a flawless manner.

"I can give you a report myself by tomorrow. I will send it to the computer, so please go ahead and take a rest.", it offered with a polite smile.

But you shook your head.

"I can't allow this. You're not entirely set up yet. Accessing the data on this computer is forbidden unless you have my permission.", you picked up a cable to access its USB port and connected it with the monitor. "It won't take long. When you're better developed I'll grand you access."

Understanding, it nodded.

Even from up close it seemed so human. Not a single sign hinted at it being a machine made from just metal and numbers. Its eyes blinked as fast as yours, its chest rose and fell as if it was truly breathing. Even the artificial skin felt as real as your own.

"Fascinating...", you mumbled. "As if he's back..."

The thought made your heart ache.

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