Chapter 13: Why Don't We Try Brown? Part One

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Chapter 13: Why Don't We Try Brown? Part One

"We can't keep spending money on hotels. We need money for food and gas," Molly told Melanie after leaving the hotel. The sun was shining brightly, burning Molly's skin.

"But we need a place to sleep," Melanie said, locking the door behind them and sped walked from the building.

"We can sleep in the car," Molly suggested, opening the trunk of the car.

"And let a perverted murderer break our window and kill us? I don't think so." Melanie scoffed. Molly rolled her eyes. Getting into the car, she placed their bags in the back. It's Mel's turn to drive. She turned on the ignition and drove off. Looking for signs of where they were, the sign up ahead read Rhode Island. How the hell did we get to Rhode Island? My aunt lives here; maybe we can crash here when we find her house.

"We're in Rhode Island? Cool! Maybe we could go to that famous art school. RISD, that's what it's called, right?" Melanie asked, looking out her side of the window. Molly nodded and drove to a stoplight. RISD, Rhode Island School of Design, one of the most prestigious schools in the country for students interested in art history, graphic design, and all things art related. Melanie's mom did a semester there but transferred to Brown University.

"Why don't we try Brown?" Melanie asked, glancing to her side, waiting for Melanie's reaction.

"Yeah, sure," Molly said with a shrug.

Driving around for twenty minutes, the girls passed by bars and restaurants for college students. A nice, homey restaurant came to view.

"You hungry?" Molly asked Melanie.

"Always," Melanie answered, rubbing her belly. Pulling up the venue, Molly found a parking spot in the front. The girls entering the warm restaurant, not so crowded. They found a booth, Melanie sat across from Molly. A very modern place: picture frames of musicians and actors, guitars hung on the wall, red and black painted walls. A deep blue jukebox in the corner playing Ariana Grande and Iggy Azalea's 'Problem'. The girls grabbed the menus by the condiment dispensers, scanning the pictures of food, which looked good, especially the bacon burger and onion rings.

"Hi, what can I get you two?" a server by their booth. Her brown hair was in a bun. Her name tag said Muffy, Molly laughed internally, thinking of the character Muffy from the animated show 'Arthur.' Melanie ordered chicken fingers with onion rings, Molly ordered a bacon burger with onion rings too.

I loves me the bacon, so crisp and delicious. Molly rubbed her hands together.

"Drinks?" she asked after she wrote the orders on her notepad. 

"Sprite," Melanie said.

"I'll go with a Pepsi, thank you," Molly requested. They handed her the menus.

"I'll be back with your drinks." She gave a genuine smile before turning around to the kitchen.

"So is Brown close here?" Melanie asked Molly, arms crossed her chest.

"I don't know," Molly responded, her elbows on the table.

"Maybe we should try both. RISD and Brown." Melanie pulled out her phone, puffed her cheeks like a blowfish while typing in her phone. "How long have we been driving? Three, four days? Spring break is almost over."

"Let's call it, go home," Molly said, leaning .her cheek on her open palm.

Melanie opened her mouth, Muffy interrupted her when she came back.

"You guys go to Brown? I haven't seen you around campus." Muffy the server came back with their drinks, placing them in front of them.

"We're just here to visit, spring break parties," Melanie chimed in, putting her phone on the table.

"Well, if you guys hang after you eat, there's a party going at a sorority I'm in. My shift ends in twenty minutes." Melanie looked to Molly, she had an unsure look on her face.

"Think about it. Your food is coming right up," Muffy went back to the kitchen.

"Do you want to? She seems nice," Melanie said.

"I don't know," Molly said, sipping her drink from the straw.

"It could be fun, she's our in. We don't have to explain ourselves when we're there. We haven't seen you know who." Melanie tilted her head with wide eyes, waiting for her answer.

It was true; they haven't seen her ex who has been chasing her. The incident of what happened in Delaware. She didn't want another repeat.

"Can we trust her?" Molly asked, side-eyeing the corner.

"True, but this time it's not at some creep's house. We'll think about it, we don't have to go."

Molly tapped her fingers on the table. Their food came. Melanie dipped her onion ring in honey mustard. Molly took a huge bite in her burger, moaning at the crispy bacon and lettuce.

I'm in heaven right now, loving the taste of the meat and fried onions. After they finished, Muffy came back to take their plates away. "So you guys thought about it?" she asked with a hopeful look in her eyes, Molly and Melanie looked at each other like they were having a telepathic conversation. "Yeah," the girls both said in unison. Melanie had a surprised expression on her face, Molly shrugged.

"Awesome. Do you need a ride or something?" Muff asked.

"No, we have our own car. We can follow you," Melanie said, Muffy agreed and went to the back of the kitchen.

"Really?" Melanie wondered.

"I am. Don't let me change my mind." Molly paid the twenty-dollar check, Melanie tipped her with another ten. The girls waited for Muffy to come back. Molly had a shivery feeling hit her gut. Last party, Molly thought to herself, scratching the inside of her arm. Muffy emerged from the back, changed from her red and blue uniform to dark jeans and a white tank top.

"You guys are gonna love it. Theta Beta Gamma throws the best parties." Muffy gave them a wide smile, showing her braces that went unnoticed. All three girls heading to the parking lot.

"So are you a Freshman or Sophomore?" Molly asked.

"Sophomore. I'm almost a full sister in the sorority."

"Amazing," Melanie responded.

Muffy got into her blue Toyota, Melanie memorized her license plate so they won't lose her car while driving. Molly wrote it down just in case, "Just keep a slow pace when you follow me, okay?!" Melanie yelled out from the driving side of her car.

Muffy yelled back, "ok!" Turning on the ignition, Muffy pulled out. Melanie reversed, turning to the right, and followed her at a steady pace.

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