Chapter 14: Why Don't We Try Brown? Part Two

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Chapter 14: Why Don't We Try Brown? Part Two

"You guys are gonna have fun, trust me," Muffy said to them as the girls arrived at the sorority house, Theta Beta Gamma. Muffy seemed nice enough. Besides, she's giving us a free party without searching for one in the small state, Melanie nodded to herself. The Greek signs on the front of the white building, Melanie confused it sometimes. She knew the alphabet, but just not the Greek letters that well. She wasn't into the whole Greek life. If it was for a party, she was fine with it.

As Muffy led the way, beer kegs, clothes, plastic cups, and loud music were in the hallway and primary room. A stripper pole in the middle of the room, girls dancing in front of it. I might even try a swing, Melanie contemplated, looks fun.

"You want to meet some of my friends?" Muffy asked. Melanie and Molly nodded "I'll bring them over, just wait here." Muffy stepping away to meet her friends. Melanie heaved out a sigh. The song 'Hands All Over' by Maroon 5 played, her hips swaying to the melody and the lyrics.

Melanie nudged Molly in the ribs to join in, Molly didn't budge "What's wrong?!" Melanie asked, yelling over the music, moving her shoulders up and down.

"Just thinking!" Molly yelled back, throwing her hands in the air.

"That guy is looking at you!" Melanie pointed to a guy by the pool table in the blue polo shirt and black cargo pants. He had black curly hair and tanned skin;

"Yeah, he's cute, Mel. We should just party, for now, make friends instead of a hookup," Molly inquired, sounding tired.

"If you want to leave-"

"No, I don't, I don't feel like meeting boys today. That Muffy girl seems nice, she could be our new friend. The campus is so nice."

"You're thinking of transferring here or something?"

"For my Masters."

"Where's Muffy?" Melanie asked, losing her patience. They've been dancing here for ten minutes and the song changed to something unrecognizable. Coming in time, Muffy appeared with three guys shirtless and in shorts. "WOW!"

"Guys, this is Darren, Blaine, and Andy," she introduced. Darren, a dirty blonde with brown eyes and brown khaki shorts. Blaine, black curly hair with hazel eyes and red trunks. Andy, green eyes with auburn hair and green shorts. Melanie and Molly waved at the three of them.

"Lovely to meet you ladies," Blaine took a bow.

"Did you guys just come from swimming? You're all wet," Melanie joked.

"That's what she said," Darren let out. They all laughed.

Melanie let out a snort, "I set myself up with that," she muttered.

"We filled a kiddie pool with beer. We even have beer pong," Andy told them. Melanie's eyes widened when he said that. She loved beer pong! Molly's always her partner and she's good too.

"Where's the beer pong table?" Melanie asked in excitement.

"Mel, no, we're not getting drunk," Molly said in a warning voice.

"I'm not, just one round. Please, it's so fun," Melanie pleaded, giving her the best puppy dog eyes.

Molly rolled her eyes, "one round." Melanie clapped and jumped up and down.

"Muffy, will you be joining us?

"Nah, I'll watch," Muffy stated, Darren wrapped his arm over her shoulder.

"All right, teams?"

"Me and Molly, you and Blaine?" Andy suggested.


Ten minutes into the game, Melanie got four balls into one cup, drank two to the one she missed. Molly got two, missed one, so she had to drink, Andy was a pro at it.

"Again!" Melaine shouted.

"Nope!" Molly dragged Melanie from the table.

"Ugh, Mol, you're no fun!" Melanie yelled.

"We can't overcompensate, remember?" Molly reminded.

"OK." Melanie pouted. The song 'This is how we do' by Katy Perry came on. Melanie had to dance. Swaying her hips to the beat of the song, she felt hands gripping her hips. Turning her head to see that it's Andy, she smiled up at him.

"I didn't have time to tell you, you're good at beer pong!" he grinned, his green eyes twinkling while he danced too.

"Thanks, I love it!"

"Are you visiting?"


"How do you two know Muffy?"

"We met her at the diner she works at."

"Oh, she told you about the party."


"So you know what happens tonight?"

"What do you mean?"

"The virgin sacrifice party?"

"You do that here? That's a thing?"

"It's not an actual sacrifice," he said defensively.

"I know. I've seen 'House Bunny.'"

"What's that?" Andy asked in confusion.

"Never mind." Melanie shook her head. She saw Molly talking to some guy with a shaved haircut. Good job, Molly.

"Picture, Andy," a girl with a blue bikini came out of nowhere with her smartphone. Melanie inched away, but he grabbed her shoulders for a pose. She gave a small smile when the camera flashes. "Thanks," she beamed and then walked off.

"Is that picture gonna go on Facebook?" she asked.

"I don't know, maybe."

"So, who's the virgin sacrifice?" In the movie, they dumped Emma Stone in a pool full of jelly.

"Muffy," he replied. 

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