Chapter 6

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The day for the court came around quicker than I could have thought. I was getting ready, wearing a dress that Delilah had given me, fitting to my measurements. I had a necklace around my neck with my waist length hair in a braid. I was told by Matthew that I am going to have to testify at the court hearing; that is, if I wanted to. In which I did, wishing too see to it that my ‘parents’ were placed in jail.

Matthew soon came into my room and helped put my shoes on. He had gotten me a walking stick to use instead of a fallen and warped tree branch. It felt weird at first but I got use to it. The doctor had given me a set of wrappings for my eyes. I was told they were plain white when the wrappings were being placed around my empty sockets, Matthew soon allowed me to take his arm the walking stick was in my free hand as we exited my room.

Upon leaving the hospital, the warmth of the sun hit my skin as I slowly stopped and tilted my head upwards I took in the warmth that I had not felt in years. It was such nice weather that I really didn’t mind walking to the courthouse from here. However, Matthew had said earlier it when I asked if we could walk there that it would not help me. Seeing as I hadn’t been outside in long periods of time. I was only allowed to be out once a week for at least half an hour or so. “How long will it take to get there?” I had asked a day prior to this. “I’d say half an hour but, it all depends on the traffic we run into.” Was Matthew’s response. The male I had come to know as my guardian and father figure tugged gingerly at my arm that was hooked around his own. I began to walk with him to his police car. He and Delilah had taken it upon themselves to teach me what I would need to know once this whole thing was over and I was placed into a different
family. Most of them were quite hard but, they helped me through it. So, I was not as illearte like I once had been.

After we had arrived at the courthouse, Matthew and I walked in and took our seats
behind where my two ‘parents’ would be sitting. We are the first few to arrive here, some
of the jury and judge were here before us. There were some police officers that Matthew
knows and they know me a little, some have met me on occasion.
It was an hour later before the whole room filled up with the people who were chosen to
attend the hearing. During that time, I had talked with some of the officers that I had met
during my stay in the hospital. They had asked how I was doing, if Matthew was helping
when I needed it, how my learning was coming along, and other small things like that. I
had at some point started to doze off, leaning on Matthew’s shoulder to act as a pillow.
My eyes were covered so no one would notice me asleep, I was told I didn’t snore so;
that was an added bonus. If I was being honest, I was not getting much sleep since thecourt date was bumped up a few weeks ahead. I was scared that they would have them not guilty for their crimes and I would be sent back home with them. It had gotten so bad that I was waking in the middle of the night and heaving up my days meal. The doctors had no other choice than to place me on nightly sleeping pills and have an officer stay
with me in case I woke up. I had awoke once and stayed up the rest of the night. I had been losing some weight again but not as bad as it once had been, Matthew had told me that one time when he and I talked.

I was gently shaken awake by Matthew, “Hey sleepy head, time to wake up. The jury has come to a decision based on what should happen to your parents.” he spoke softly in my ear as he helped me stand on weak and sleepy legs. He and I stood as many footfalls could be heard on the floor of the room. They soon stopped as a male soon spoke, “We the jury find the accused; Mr. and Mrs. Darkmount,” there was a sudden long pause that
seemed to drag on for a painstaking hour before the best moment of my life came. “Guilty for the torture and neglect of their child,Spirit, for over ten years.” Those on the case that had stood by my side cheered and I smiled, blood tears streamed down my face; staining my wrappings a little. My arms wrap around Matthew, he returned the gesture. After we had left the courthouse, we went to a nearby McDonald’s for lunch. I didn’t know what to get so, I let Matthew get me something he thought I would like. He had gotten himself a Big Mac and got me a fish filet, we both got a medium drink, it was Coca Cola with a small thing of fries. “Don’t let the doc know, I’ll most likely end up like your
fish filet if he knew.” he said after we sat down. I cracked a grin before covering my mouth to keep the loud laugh in as my shoulders shook.

We had left after our lunch, and after a refill of Coca Cola for me. Matthew and I got back into the car, he drove out and onto the road, after moments of silence he began to say. “So, the eye doctor, some of doctors that look after you, and I have been talking for some time. We are going to attempt to get your eyes back,” he began. My breathing hitched, I smile at the thought of having my sight back. I would be able to see everything I was not able to for years. I could see Matthew, Delilah and many others I had met. Though, once I let the thought still in my mind, “It might not work, will it?” I asked Matthew. “It may, it may not. We can only hope and pray it does work out.”

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