Imagine#18P2:You've changed-Robbie Kay

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Y/N's P.O.V.

Great,I'm last in line.And not to mention,the interview is at the third floor and and freaking a few meters away from the entrance of the building.Oh please,anyone kill me now!


Dang,I've been here for six hours and it's almost eight o'clock at night!What's worse is that the whole building closes at exactly eight o' clock.The only good news is I'm next.

All of a sudden,"Sorry,Interviews will continue tomorrow.We're already closing for the night...."

..................Now,that's just crap!

I'm having such a terrible day.Nah,I have a terrible life!And I don't even know how to go back to my friend's house for godsake.

I sighed deeply,the streets it is then.As I exited the building,I took a recap of everything that happened today.Hurts to say there's nothing good that happened for me since this morning.I sat at the bench outside the building and stared at nothing.

To sum things up,I have no family to comfort me at the moment,no dinner,no job,no place to crash in,and I'm cold.What could get worse?

Suddenly,thunder boomed and I almost jumped of my seat.Lightning flashed and it started to rain heavily.Plus,I don't have an umbrella or a jacket.I had spoke too soon...

I pitied myself real hard,I'm helpless.All I could do was cry about how horrible my life is.It's just plain crap!

"Hey,what are you doing out here?You'll get cold,"a voice said.

I looked up to whom it belongs.The tears and the raindrops made it hard for me to see clearly but I quickly recognised who it was.

"Let me be,"I sobbed,"I'm not stupid.I know you remember me clearly.Well,you should be happy.I deserve this."

Robbie frowned at me.He looked at me with pity.At that very moment,he pulled me by the hand to who knows where.I realised he was taking me to his car.He instantly opened the passenger seat.

"Get in,"he tells me.

I shook my head.

"Get in or I'll be the one to put you inside."

I stopped protesting and did what he told me to do.It took him a while to get himself inside the driver's seat.We were soaking wet.

He took off his suit off and draped it around me.I looked at him blankly.

"Why are you being nice to me?"I asked.

He looked me deep in the eye and said,"Because I knew how it felt like when I only had nothing."

Robbie started the car and drove.I leaned my head at the window and watched the raindrops as I sobbed quietly.

"I never got your name,"he announced.

"It's y/n,y/n y/l/n."

We didn't say a word afterwards so I payed attention at the window.Soon enough,I felt my eyelids get heavy.I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


I felt the sun's rays touch my skin.It's morning.I fluttered my eyes open and found myself looking at an unfamiliar ceiling.Where am I?

There was something on my forehead,it was a towel soaked from cold water.

"You had a cold."

I shot up at a leaning position at the bed I clearly know isn't mine.I was startled by the voice.

"You're in my house,"Robbie told me like he had just read my mind,"I didn't know where to bring you so I brought you here."

I sat up properly to yawn.I noticed I was wearing silk pajamas.

"Don't worry,Y/n.I had the maids changed your clothes,"he smirked,""Unless you want me to be the one to change it."

I shot him a glare,"Okay,listen.I appreciate the help but I really need to go."

"Nonsense.You're staying here,"Robbie retorted,"You're not fully well,yet."

"But I have to go and attend an interview for a job and-"

"I know,"he cuts me off,"I'm the facilitator.But never mind that now.Anyway,what happened yesterday."

I looked down at the sheets as I remembered.

"Oh,right,"he blurts out,"No home,right?No job,no family,no money."

"How did you know?"I interrogated.

"I'm powerful,Y/n.I can easily find out anything I want to know about anyone in this entire planet,"he chuckled a little bit like what he said was common sense.

"Whatever.I need to go,seriously.No job,right?How am I suppose to survive?"

"Let's make a deal.If you stay here and get yourself better,I promise I'll give you the job."

"And what good would it bring to you?"I questioned.

"Hiring you,of course,"he smirked.He turned and went to get out of the room we were in.

"Wait!"I shouted,"What's the job,exactly?"

He look at me with mischief.I began to think that applying to this was a really bad idea.

"My personal assistant,"he said and finally got himself out the room,closing the door behind him.

"Shit,"I whispered to myself.


By afternoon,I was fully well.I was fed breakfast and lunch and I'm starting to feel ashamed if I stayed for dinner.I left my room still wearing silk pajamas.I couldn't find my clothes,okay?

Wow,this is really a huge mansion.It's freaking big,how am I suppose to find Robbie in this place?

"Y/n,why are you out of your room?"

Great,someone who I really need to see.

"You see,um,"I say shyly,"I think I'm okay now.And I was wondering if I could go home."

"Home?What home?"

"To a friend,Robbie."

He breathed in some air like he was thinking,"Uhhh...No."

"What?You don't expect me to stay for dinner,right?Plus,I'm fine now which means I already got the job.It will start tomorrow,right?Unless you'd want me to start now."

"Exactly.From now on,you go where I go and you do everything I ask you to do whether you like it or not,"he said in a British accent.

I gulped,"What about my clothes?I don't have any spare."

He looked at me with annoyance.He just held me by the hand and pulled me near the staircase.

"You see those bags and boxes over there,"He says pointing near the door,"They're clothes,shoes,and everything you need.I got my sisters to buy them for you."

"Okay,I'm speechless.Thank you so much but...why?"

"Like I said,I knew how it feels to only have nothing.And I'm trying to prove that I'm not like you,"he spat.

Ouch.There's a time when he's really kind and suddenly goes bad afterwards.You didn't need to remind me in the face,man.That's just...ouch.

"Here,"he handed me a small box wrapped in pink wrapping paper,"Go clean up for dinner and fix up your things in your room."

"So,I'm living with you now?"

"Yes.But once you cross the line I'll get you fired and kick you out of this house.Got it?"he tells me.


"And another thing,you can't call me 'Robbie'.It's Mr.Kay."


He nods in agreement,"I'm going out to get something.I'll give you my schedules later."

And with that,he walked away and went downstairs.Not long after,I hear the door close.I sighed to myself.Sure,I think he's mean.But he was helping me.And I'm grateful for that.


Mr.Kay had already arrived back and handed me his schedules and another paper for a list of what I should do.Well,it was a lot but I don't mind.I get to roam around my way to the building.You know,personal assistant things.Getting his coffee,bring his papers to his office,answer phone calls and a lot more.I was promised to receive £6,000 a day,who could say no to that.

Afterwards,he had invited me for dinner.I met his two sisters and his parents.They were all so nice.Wow,Robbie does have a perfect life.

Part 3 coming soon!!!!😊😊😊😊❤️

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