Imagine#18P3:You've changed-Robbie Kay

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I was already back at my room.I had nothing else to do so I turned my attention to the small pink box that my new boss gave me.I wasn't expecting much about what's inside but when I opened at,my mouth literally dropped.

It was a brand new phone.I'm really flattered.And I feel horrible,I feel like I'm just a weight on his shoulder.But seriously,I'm really grateful.


The next morning,I was already dressed up and all set before I heard a knocking on my door.I shuffled my way to open it.


Mr.Kay was caught up in a stare.He wasn't blinking and he seem to hold his breath.I flashed an awkward smile.But when it came about a minute,I grew worried.

"Umm...Mr.Kay,"Still nothing,"Hello?You okay?"

"Uhh,"Finally,he spoke,"I was just-...just...ummm.."

"Just what?"I helped him out from his stuttering problem.

"Just gonna tell you that...breakfast is ready and we're about to leave."

I nodded.And then there was another awkward minute between us.Geez,why do he looks so perfect in that suit?I'm sweating a little bit.And his hair that was tousled at the side,I almost died.But caught my attention was his beautiful eyes.I could just stare at them all day.

Robbie's P.O.V.

I came to get Y/n from her room but I ended up staring at her.My heart was beating fast and I froze.She looked so beautiful in her office clothes,I wouldn't mind seeing this sight everyday.She was a natural beauty.One of a kind,different from all the girls that I ever met.She took my breath away.

For how long it seemed,I was left to my imagination.I was imagining how I'd kiss her lips and her neck.How it would feel like when she'd mess up my hair as I do so.

"Ummm...Mr.Kay,"she mouthed.

God,it turned me on when she called me that.

"Hello?You okay?"

I snapped out of it,"Uhhh..I was just-...just..ummm"

Shit,I'm stuttering.

"Just what?"

"Just gonna tell you that...breakfast is ready and we're about to leave,"I say.

But then,another minute came out awkward between us.I was examining her features once again and learned the truth.She was perfect to me.


Y/N's P.O.V.

I cleared my thought and broke the silence.I grabbed my bag and started walking.Mr.Kay followed behind.


Mr.Kay and I were already at his office.Before lunch came,everything I needed to do was done.

"Well done,Ms.Y/l/n.You're doing a good job."

Well,it was tiring if you ask me but it wasn't enough for what the effort is worth.At times,I'd caught Mr.Kay watching me,or staring.And sometimes,I'd get distracted myself by just looking at him.He was handsome.Though he's rude,he was kind and gentle.

But above all,there were times I could chat with him about personal things and getting to know him more.He had changed but not completely.He was still an adventurous,independent,and sweet boy.We became close and since then,I would often see him smile.And he looked more handsome.

2 months later

My life got better and Mr.Kay had kept his promise about my salary.About a month and a half ago,he agreed I could take half the day to attend school.Like I said,I'm a working student.I've still got dreams,you know.

Presently,I had enough money to pay for the rest of the semester.I spent the rest of the money for a condominium.But I still haven't moved there yet.I was going to tell Mr.Kay about it later.


I took a deep breath and knocked gently at the door to Mr.Kay's office.

"Come in."

As I entered,he flashed a bright smile that could light up the whole room.I smiled back sadly,because I was going to miss that smile.And I'm such a coward to tell him that I do like him.

"What is it?"he asked in a cheery tone.


"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me Mr.Kay?I told you it was alright for you to call me Robbie now,"he cuts me off.

"Sorry,"I said nervously,"Anyway,Robbie.I'll go straight to the point...I'm resigning and I'm moving out."

"What?"his smile fades,"Why?"

"Well,I already bought a condo and I already have enough money to stand up by myself.And I'm just a weight in your shoulder,right?I appreciate all the help you gave me and I won't forget that.I think it's time I stop depending on you."

Robbie's P.O.V.

My heart shattered into million pieces upon hearing Y/n.I suddenly had a mood swing.I drowned as I stared at my table.

"Don't be sad,we'll still see each other.Still friends,"she said.

I didn't know how to react.I was still trying to figure something out when she had noticed the time.It was almost noon and she still had to go to class.

"I have to go,"she stated and ran out.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I was in class.Somehow,I felt guilty about my whole plan.I didn't mean to upset Robbie.Anyway,they're handing out the test results and I got....a freaking F!What?!I swear I studied well enough for this.I memorised the whole module for heaven sake!

"Umm...Sir,why did I get an F?"I complain.

My professor couldn't reply and I knew why.

"You got paid,didn't you?"I asked him.

I knew exactly who was behind this.And it could only be as rich as Robbie Kay.


I got to the Kay's mansion earlier to pack.Robbie wasn't home yet.On the other hand,Camilla and Fiona came by my room to help me pack.

"Do you really have to go,Y/n?"Fiona whined.

"Well,I won't be living here forever you know.I have to learn to stand up by myself,"I explained.

"But what about us?I enjoy living with you,"said Camilla,"Plus,Robbie's gonna miss you."

"Don't worry.We'll still see each other.I'll visit more often."

After packing,we took long enough saying our goodbyes like they're not gonna see me again.It was dramatic but I appreciate it.

I left before it got dark.I was about to open my condo when I noticed that notices were all over the door.I didn't even get to spent the night and they're already kicking me out.It had the Kay Company  written all over it.I groaned and went downstairs.

Speaking of the devil,Robbie was at the parking lot.I tried to ignore him and make my way to the bay nearby.But as I walked,he kept  calling out.



I was about to tear up.I was really upset at him.

"Get away from me,you selfish bastard!"

"Y/n,please just hear me out.Let me explain,"said Robbie.

"You don't need to explain.I exactly know why.I know I made you upset and I'm really sorry but how inhumane of you to get back on me that way,"I turn to him already sobbing,"I thought you were my friend.You're suppose to understand.In a matter of fact,you're suppose to be happy that I'm not your problem anymore."

"Because you aren't,"he was tearing up,"Ever since I met you,my life had changed.Can't you notice?It's because of you that I smile more often now.Please,I need you back."

"Like I said,we'll still be seeing each other.It's not really that a big deal.You have a perfect life,what else could you possibly want?"

He was silenced.He looked straight into my eyes,"But I couldn't stand to be far apart from you.And I don't have a perfect're in it."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm in love with you!And you have no idea how much I do..."

I was dumbfounded,"Me?"I laughed,"Why would you love me?I was mean to you remember.I treated you badly back then."

"We were young.It's in the pass.Have you even thought about our future..together?"he replied,"I love you a lot,I was just bad at expressing myself."

I didn't speak.But honestly,I did thought about us.

"Fine,"he continued,"I didn't really expect you to love me back.You can have your condo ba-"

"Who said I don't?"I cut him off.

Geez,this conversation turned out to be our confession.

"I'm in love with you,too.For so long,to be exact."


We didn't kiss last night.We just settled with a hug,but still it was meaningful.

I'm back at their house if you must know.And I'm still Robbie's P.A.But I also became his secretary.

It's almost lunch and I'm almost done with everything at the office.But all I could think about was last night and how I still yearn for his kiss.

I couldn't help myself that I entered his office without knocking.He was alarmed.

"What's wrong?"he asked.

I didn't answer.I sat at his lap and placed my arms around his neck.His body tensed up but later on he had his arms snaked its way around my waist.He smirked.I breathed out and smiled.

"I've always dreamt about this,"I tell him.

"About wha-"

I cut him off.I had connected our lips,pouring out all my feelings about this wonderful boy.Soon enough,he kissed back hard.I felt sparks everywhere and butterflies swarming wildly in my stomach.It started out sweet but soon turned out to be hungered for more.Our tongues for fighting for dominance,and obviously he won.His hands had traveled all over me,every touch giving me chills.My hand had found it's way to his hair and tugged on them ever so slightly.We couldn't prevent ourselves from moaning...

Robbie Kay does look hot in a suit,do you agree with me?The feels!!!😝😝😝😝😘😘😘😊😊😊😊More chapters coming soon!!!Love you all.I swear to god you'll regret it if you don't check out the latest drawing in Instagram!!!☺️☺️☺️Joke...but pls. check it out.Vote!

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