Imagine#21P3:No idea how I care:Peter Pan

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Please read the note at the end...Thank u...

Y/N's P.O.V.

I have settled in Storybrooke for a long while now.Everyone here were so nice to me,they trust me.They say I do deserve right after I helped Henry and his family escape Neverland.

Felix and Wendy are here,too.There's no doubt that they're happy to be here.They can finally be in peace and grow old together.Something that I wanted but I could never get.

I was at the nearby bay on a swing.The breeze was very delightful to take in and the sun was about to set along with the most beautiful colours on the sky.I sighed in awe.

I live alone in a slightly big house I bought with the gold I stole from some pirates back then when I was still in Neverland.It was quite big for a lonesome teen like me.

I was down at Granny's for dinner.

"Are you expecting someone,Y/n?"Ruby,my new friend,asked.

"Not really.But would you like to join me?That is,if you're allowed for a dinner break,"I retorted.

"Well,we sorta have a full house.Sorry,I can't.But don't worry,I'll come by time to time."

"That's alright,"I smiled.

Well,I am used to winding up alone.I used to serve a villain which makes me a villain,too.And you know what they all say,Y/n.Villains always end up alone and unloved.

I sighed.Now that was just painful to think about.

I finished my steak and hurriedly came by to Belle's to grab another reading material to keep me company.

I was at the Fantasy section when my eyes landed on a quite disturbing book title.'Peter Pan'.Seriously,even this library is making me drown in my thoughts.Anyway,I stayed for a little longer after grabbing a somehow less disturbing book from that section.I wanted to talk to Belle.


"Oh,good evening to you,Y/n.Can I help you with something?"she answered in a gentle voice.

"Well,I need to ask you something,"I tell her,"How did you manage someone like..Rumple?If it's offensive,just tell me."

"No need to be nervous to ask.I get that quite a lot.Well,Rumple can be really bad sometimes but,once you get to know him,he can be the most gentleman you can ever imagine,"Belle answered.

"Easy for you to say.I mean,at least you won't get to end up to be your mother-in-law."

"You're in love with Peter Pan?"she asked.

"I know,I know.A bloody demon that caused the Charming's whole family in trouble.You must be disgusted of me."

"No,"said Belle,"How could I be when you're just following your heart?I love Rumple so it would be like being disgusted with myself."

"It's different for you,that's what I want to point out.Rumple loves you back so you don't have any problem.Unlike me,I bet he was happy I've gone.It's been weeks and there's no sign he would ever love me back."

"Don't say that,Y/n.I'm sure he does love you.He's just looking for a good way to tell you.Give him time.Hopefully,he wouldn't kidnap his great grandson again at the process."

I laughed a little,"Okay.Thank you,Belle."

"Approach me whenever you need me,see ya."

"See ya around."

I walked out to the street and found myself walking by Mr.Gold's shop.Well,might as well pay him a visit.

"Hello,Mr.Gold,"I chanted along the chimes from the door frame above.

"Oh,how lovely.My stepmother payed me a visit,"he teased. Well,that came out disgusting...anyway...

"Slim it,Gold.I'm trying my best to be polite here and you know that I'm not the most well behaved girl in Neverland or elsewhere."

"Alright,alright.What did you came here for?"

Mr.Gold was sweating and he looks a bit haggard as if he made the hardest decision in the world.Somehow,I hear him catching his breath.

"Nothing,really.But,"I tell him,"You seem troubled.Are you alright?"

"Well...yes...I am."

I had a feeling that there was something wrong.I smell something.A scent that my nose had miss.Can it be?

"He's here,isn't he?"I asked.

Rumple sighed,"Excuse me for a bit.You go on do your business,I'll head outside.Just...don't destroy my shop,got it?"

I nodded and he left.I walked slowly towards the center of the shop and awaited.Suddenly,I was conscious about how I looked.

A familiar figure came out from Rumple's storage room.Forest green orbs were locked on me.Studying my features.He looked quite different.His scary aura was lessened,his eyes were less fierce.And he was wearing a suite,somehow similar to what Rumple would wear in a normal day.

He walked slowly as he picked up little objects from the tables he came across around Mr.Gold's shop.He didn't say a word.

"What are you doing here?"I asked a little nicely,"If Emma sees you,she'd probably hurt you,you know."

The last statement was more or less true.I mean,maybe he got his magic back.He might not be penetrable with pain,but not quite surely.

"Well,"he began obviously with his familiar British accent,"I had agreements with Emma,Regina,and the Charmings.I'm sorry it took a little longer.You don't know how it feels to spend a few months not talking to you even if I was watching."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I meant to say that they have approved my stay in Storybrooke.I cleared out my name and apologised so I can finally be with you."

He looked at me differently.He had tints of love and happiness in his eyes.Was I the cause of that?

"Be with me?I thought that's the last thing you'd ever want based from what you said when you had talked to Wendy,"I spat.

"Leave the past behind us,y/n.Please,I beg of you.Give me a chance,"Peter pleaded.

"Why?"I interrogated rather brutally,"I'm not a simple game that you can win immediately or some kind of puzzle you can ruin and put back together whenever you want.What's wrong with you?!Why is that I have to leave you first so you can find out you need me?And when I was by your side,you ignore me completely.And now,you're trying to convince me that you love me when I had clearly point out that I am over you."

At that point,tears had fell from his eyes.I had never seen him cry,specially over a girl like me.I'd understand if it was for Wendy but those tears...were for me.

"I was lost,"said Peter,"I didn't know what to do.I'm stupid,I get that but please.I had quite enough of being alone.I regret everything in my life and the only thing I'm clinging on to is my last chance of having someone to live for.And that's you."

I stood there staring at him.I believe him.

He sobbed and continued,"I left all that I had just for you.No more magic,no more Neverland,and all the lost boys had freed themselves.I don't care if grew old anymore as long as it's with you."

I don't what got into me but I,too,was crying.I never thought this day would come.I never thought he'd ever do that for me.

"Then answer me honestly,"I demand,"Do you love me?"

"I love you so much,"he answered instantly,"And I'm ready to show you that I really do."

With that,I ran to him and engulfed him in a warm embrace.He climbed on to me tightly and buried his face in my hair,slightly having his lips touch my neck.I brought up my fingers to stroke his soft hair as we sobbed into each other's embrace.

"I'm sorry I left you,Peter,"I cried,"I never should have done that."

"But I deserved it,"he replied,"I'm the one who's suppose to be sorry."

"And I forgive you.I promise I'm never going to leave your side and to love you until the day I die."

When we broke away,he cupped my cheek and ran his thumb to wipe out my tears.He didn't give me a chance to speak,he pressed his lips on mine.They were so sweet real and
loving and with some hint of his salty tears.Our lips fir perfectly as if we were made for each other...


I'm sorry it took so long....enjoy readers.I'll try to not be very much demanding but um...I would like to receive some artworks or anything you wanna send me specially from you.It don't really need to be really like over the top kinda thing.I just want something from you...but I'm not forcing you.Message me and I promise I'll give you credit along with my imagines.By the way,I just really wanna know if you like my imagines....Keep reading,comment,and vote...and somehow message me.Thank you!!!!No hates please,keep in mind that me is just 13...😱😱😱😱❤️❤️❤️❤️✌🏼️✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼😊😊😊😊😊😊😊sorry for wrong grammar and mistakes...

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