Imagine#22:The Unexpected-Peter Pan

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I'm not really sure how I ended up in Neverland.I know that my life back home is such a load of pain but I never asked for a place where it'll get much worse than it was.I've always thought of me growing up and finding my own place but this bloody island prevents my whole dream.
To be much more precise,the day always ends with me bruised,wounded,or in other cases,a few breaths from my last.Why?I'm sure Peter Pan can answer that.

That bloody demon.Forcing me to be obedient,taking me under his thorny wing even if I never asked for it.You and me both know that he'll always mention that it is what he does when someone's in his island.Well,I never told him I wanted to be here!


And here we go again...

"What do you need,Pan?"I asked as soon as I tended to his call.

"Are you done with all you tasks?"

"Yes,"I simply replied.

Peter's P.O.V.

"Are you sure?"I asked my lost girl.

"Yes,"she simply relied.

"Good,"I say,"Now go carry all the weapons on the training grounds.You'll be joining with all of us."

She groaned quietly and started to walk away.You might think I'm crazy but I find her quite intriguing.She doesn't easily melt for my little charms.No matter how hard I tried,she would show any sign that she has interest with anything from me.And that made her different from my eyes.

Somehow,I try approaching her,wishing my sass and badass ways might creep up to her interest.But no.Never once she had looked at me with a liking nor she even bothered putting up even a small conversation with me.I could sense her hatred towards me and the whole island.Yeah,yeah,I know.I'm such an asshole for always giving her loads of tasks that gets her bruised up at the end of the day.

How could I?But i can't stop myself.Y/n gave me weird feelings in my chest and I never want to admit it.I am a bloody demon,heartless and cruel.I don't want her to change me.But she already did.

I brought myself to the training grounds to watch the lost boys practice along with Y/n.I sat on a big rock and focused on my lost girl.I sat there watching Felix talking to her.She laughed for the first time today.Even though she looked haggard,I still found her beautiful..

Somehow,I felt another uneven feeling on my chest.I feel like angered,somehow irritated.My eyes were fixed on Felix and Y/n.What is this?Why do I want to be the one to cause her smile?Why am so possessive of her?Is this jealousy?

I clenched my fist and stood up.I tried to hide my nervousness and walked towards Y/n.She was meters away when I cleared my throat.Her head looked for the sound and caught my eyes.Suddenly,her face fell to a frown and I could stop my heart to feel the ache.But nontheless,I have to try.

"You're doing it wrong,"I stated,pertaining to the bow and arrow that she held in her hands.

Without her permission,I came close to her,having my body contact to hers as I place her to a right position to shoot.I breathed into her ears and I hear her heart beat loud.I was satisfied to her reaction.


Practice went really well.I was joyful about the whole body contact.But still,I didn't feel satisfied.Not until I make her love me back.

I shall try something new tomorrow.

I helped her return the weapons to where they belong.I must be crazy,I know.But I damn admit that she's finally talking to me now in a friendlier manner.

We were headed to the camp fire at the moment.We were almost right in front of the boys when she had tripped on a rock.Knowing myself,I wanted to be the hero for even just once.For Y/n.

I caught her hand but lost balance myself causing me to fall downwards pulling her with me.And it came.It took me by surprise and I felt my cheeks burn up.Her lips had fell on mine and they were as soft and sweet like I imagined they would be.I was about to kiss back when she stood up causing me to wake up to reality.The lost boys started to laugh,Y/n covered her mouth in embarrassment.She seem upset,tears building up on her eyes.She ran.

Y/N's P.O.V.

There goes my treasured first kiss,took by the most evil person I have met.I was saving that for someone special that I might meet.But I never expected that he'll just take it like that,and could've even consider him as a friend.

I ran to the woods.Hearing the lost boys' laugh fade away.I was tearing up.God,I know I'm so weak.Crying over a kiss.Well,it is very important for a girl like myself.Pan would think it was just nothing but I am totally mad at him right now.

I arrived at Pan's thinking tree.I sat there and did nothing else.Soon enough,I heard foot steps.

"Y/n,"he pants,"There you are,I was beginning to worry."

"Since when did you learn how to worry?"

"At the moment I met you,"Pan answered.

I didn't really know how to react at the moment...

"Why are you crying?"he asked.

"Because of you!"

"Me?What did I do?!"he yelled,quite mad.I hope it doesn't mean I'd be sleeping in the cages tonight.

"You stole my first kiss.."I whimpered softly but still with a tiny of anger.

"Well,"he answered,"You stole mine."

Woah...I didn't?Knowing Pan,he could have had his for quite a long long time ago.

"C'mon,let's go back to camp."

"I don't want to,"I say.

"Fine,I'll stay with you until you would want to go back."

It was really weird.Why was he acting this way.If it was his first kiss,shouldn't be mad at me that I have stolen it from him.Specially if I wasn't someone special to him.Unless...

"You know I could read your mind,right?"

Shit.I forgot.I felt embarrassed.How could I even thought I was someone to him?

"No,"he begun,"You don't understand.That kiss meant a lot to me."

I couldn't speak...

He sat on a rock and continued,"Ever since you came to the island,my whole personality had been turned upside down.I thought myself inhumane,but you proved me wrong.You don't know how mad I was at you for catching my attention everyday,about the pain you give me when you smile for someone else,how you seem so rude and angry towards me..I hated myself because of you.I wanted to shout and yell but even if I did nothing would make it stop..."

He smiled at me disappointingly,nervous,embarrassed,hopeless,all at one expression,"And even if I hate to admit it to you..."

He took a deep breath,"Yes,I do have feelings for you,Y/n.But it's not like it's mutual,is it?"

A single tear fell from his eyes,but he tried to look at me like he wasn't going to break down,"I know,"he says,"How pathetic of me.Making you hate me and now I tell you that I am in love with you.I just couldn't keep it trapped in my chest anymore,I almost thought I was going to loose my min-"

Now that I know the truth,I had no reason to be mad anymore.Afterall,he was special to me no matter how I don't want to admit it to him,too.That first kiss wasn't wasted all along.It meant a lot to him,and it meant a lot to me too.That's why he deserves my second kiss up until my very last.He didn't waste a second to reciprocate my love for him.Right then,he knew that I was also telling him that I loved him too.He's frown has been wiped out.His chest rose and fell slowly,breathing me in as much as he can.I was everything he wanted and he also became my dream.

He peppered slow kisses on my lips,again and again.It felt so right,so nice.Suddenly,everything felt so enlightened.Peter pulled me closer and the loath has became love.

Sorry if it was quite...🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 and 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀...comment and vote,please...😱😱😱😊😊😊😊😘😘😘

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