Imagine#34P1:The Princess and the Pauper-Robbie Kay

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Do you know that feeling when you suddenly got a great story plot brewing up your brain and all that kanks and you're just...damn damn damn!!!!??And you just had to write it and you're all exited and shit?!Yes,I'm feeling it people.Trust me,it's golden!Please check out my new published works and tell me what you think ASAP!And I'm needing a good name for my main character here so please do suggest if you like...First three people that comments get to have a chapter dedicated to them.But I swear,every chapter will take a while because my index cards are overflowing with ideas.

Anyway,I know y'all probably had seen these but I just realised my progress since elementary days...When I paired up the original and my work,I was like...damn it was nearly was almost like a real copy(well,no because I put up some of my own modifications).I mean,check out the ones I did before these,they looked crap compared to these babies...Oh art,you can definitely have progress when your so inspired by your model.Am I right RAKers???😎😎😏😏😁😁😁

Anyway,for this imagine...I'm gonna take you all back to the years when women still wore enormous dresses.

Y/N's P.O.V.

The sun haven't shone yet but I was already working hard with my best friend's father.Yes,I lived in a farm and work here as well.I have no parents nor relatives but I do have the Kays to call family.They've been splendid to me,kind and generous.Working at their farm was the least I could do.

"Y/n,would please wake up Robert now?He's coming to sell vegetables with you at the town,"Ivan,Robbie's father said.

I immediately followed since it was still a long walk til we get ourselves to the town's market and the sunrise was catching.

"Robbie!"I whisper-yelled,not wanting to wake up the rest of the Kays,"Wake up,we're going to the market!"

Robbie groggily opened his eyes,blinked twice before he sat up.

"Market?But I'm on hog feeding duty,"he answered lazily.

I laughed silently at his reply,"Silly boy,we've sold them all yesterday.Don't you remember?"

He stared at me for quite a while until he probably realised,"Oh yeah.I forgot,sorry."

"Don't apologise to me.Your dad will end you if you don't get your ass outside soon.Now C'mon!"

I was having a simple yet satisfying life.It's hard,but I'm happy.I wouldn't trade any day to the world.I was used to waking up early and doing market duty,or simply selling up the goods we've been growing in the farm.Robbie was just coming along because his duty was cleared since we haven't bought any other hogs yet.

Robbie and his father pushed the wooden cart that had all the fruits and vegetables while I carried a basket of fresh eggs and a basket of fresh milk.

"You two stick together,you hear?"said Ivan,"I don't want any trouble happening to either of you.The market can be a dangerous place,specially whenever it's rush hours."

"Yes,father,"Robbie replied knowing that his father was referring to only him the whole time.

"Will do,Farmer Ivan,"I cheered.

I remember Ivan telling me that it was alright if I also called him 'father' but I couldn't,specially when I know that my real father is still alive out there.Mother said so before she died and before she even introduced me to the Kays.She and Stphanie(Robbie's mother)were best friends.Just like me and Robbie,they were partners in crime when they were young.Not that they did bad things but you probably get the picture.

Not long after a good fifteen-minute walk,we were at the marketplace.Just in time the sun showed its first light.The three of us had already settled everything before any customer came by.

"I'm going back to the farm now,alright?I'll come fetch you at afternoon."

These were Ivan's instructions before he left me and Robbie on our own.

"Your job is boring,"Robbie complained,"What are you suppose to do while waiting for costumers?"

"Read,"I replied showing him a book I took with me before leaving home.

"What am I suppose to do?"He asked.

"I don't know.It's your fault you didn't bring anything to do."

Robbie Kay.The most annoying among the siblings.I remember him always making me cry when we were younger,he tease me at most times and call me names.He was annoyed at me once,he used to call me orphan and we were enemies by then.But a lot have changed when bigger boys next door came beating him while everyone else was at work.Robbie ruined their soccer ball and they were not the forgiving type.I was the only person available and I could've just asked for help.But I was braver,I guess.I kneed the two bullies on the groin and sent them on the floor before they could touch Robbie.

One of them got a chance to punch me and I had a huge bruise on the right side of my face.I didn't cry though,and I pulled Robbie home before anything else happened.And when supper came,Ivan and Stephanie questioned me about the bruise.Robbie was nervous,head tilted on the ground.His parents would be mad if they find out so I just told them that I fell by the barn and hit my head cheek by the railings.It was believable enough.Robbie wasn't mean to me anymore.Soon enough,we did most things together until we agreed to be best friends.

"Uhh...y/n,"I heard Robbie call out though I was still into my book.

"What is it now,Robert?"

"I was wondering if-"

"If I cover for you while you go and flirt with your beloved Rosaline?"I cut him off knowing who just passed by our cart.

He was surprised at my reply but shook it off eventually and made a face he knew I couldn't resist,"Pleeeasee?"

I sighed,"Fine.But make it quick or I'll tell your father."

"You sound like my mother,"he exclaimed.

"I dare you to say that again and I'll change my mind,"I threatened.

"Alright,I'm sorry.I'll see you in a while,"he said before taking off and chasing a well-dressed girl who was as old as me.

Jealousy was spreading through my blood.Rosaline was a nice person but her father isn't and I fear that when he sees someone like Robbie who was dressed in rags going near his daughter,he would be enraged.Yes,I'm in love with Robert Andrew Kay and I wished I was that Rosaline girl walking by.But I could never be as beautiful as her.I could just hope that everything would turn out like this book I'm reading-Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.I hope Robbie would eventually get over Rosaline and for once,look my way.I could only dream about having both his emerald green eyes all to myself.


It's been hours and Robbie hasn't turn up.Everything on the cart was almost sold up and Ivan would be here any minute now.And there's barely anyone here anymore.

I looked for him from afar,hoping for any sign of him.Oh Robbie,where are you?!

All of a sudden,I feel something cold and sharp pointed at my nape.

"If you scream,I'll cut your head off,"said a menacing voice.

I put up my hands and froze,"What do you want?"

"Give me your money and I will let you go,"another one relied.

"Never!"I spat.

"Then,I'm just gonna have to take you with us,"they say and tied up my hands and wrapped cloth around my mouth.I tried to scream for help and struggle to freedom but there was no use,"We're going to take good care of you.I just hope you'll enjoy yourself."

Robbie,save me!

They also took the box where I kept all the money and one of them threw me on his back.They started to run when I saw Ivan from afar.

"Somebody help!They're kidnapping my daughter!"Ivan shouted.

I was crying and I wished it was because Ivan thought of me as a daughter.But I was crying because I was afraid.My vision was clouded with fear and I couldn't think right.

Thank goodness,palace guards came running out of nowhere and some other town folks came to my aid.They surrounded us and the kidnappers were forced to surrender.The palace guards came and tied them up while Ivan came running to help me.

I was still crying,frightened from the words of the men that tried to take me.The only was also retrieved.But I still couldn't speak.People were gathering at where we are.It felt like everyone in town came.

"It's alright now,you're safe,"Ivan kept saying things to make me calm down until he realised,"Where's Robert?!"

As if rehearsed,Robbie sprouted at the crowd unharmed.Ivan was looking at him with anger and disappointment.Robbie looked at us with regret and guilt,realising that if he just came earlier,none of this would have happened.

Part two will be published tomorrow...sorry,I'm sleepy now,it's past my bed time.Yes,I have a bed time and my mother is already shouting at guys...😊😊😊😊😊👍🏼😁

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