Imagine#34P2:The Princess and the Pauper-Robbie Kay

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"You have no idea what you just did!What if I didn't arrive on time?Y/n would've been in further danger.She could've been killed!"

This was Ivan shouting at Robbie over and over again when we got back at the farm.We were all gathered at the dinning room.Camilla and Fiona were beside me,Stephanie was at the kitchen fixing up our supper.Robbie was sitting by the table,face evident with guilt as he stared at the floor.

"I'm fine,Ivan.I didn't get hurt,"I tried to say.

"There wouldn't be any reason for you to hurt if Robert just stayed with you like I instructed.Where the hell were young?!"Ivan shouted even louder.

"I asked him to buy something.It was-"

"Don't try and defend him,y/n.I want full honesty,"he cut me off.

Well,it was really that obvious.I've always tried to cover up everything Robbie did wrong even though it was me that would be in trouble.But Ivan saw through me because he knows I'd do it in a heartbeat.

"Answer me,son.Where were you?"Ivan asked in a lower voice but seriousness was laced all over the words.

"I was escorting Rosaline Fletcher,"he answered in a whisper but audible enough for us to hear.

"You left y/n all by herself so you could flirt with an elite?"Ivan mocked,"Rosaline Fletcher is a daughter of a high palace officer.Do you think her father would accept you?"

"We could runaway,"Robbie spat.

"Runaway?What about us,huh?What about your mother and your sisters?You want them to live their life in worry?And even if you could runaway,you really think that Rosaline will love you?The last time I saw her,she was disgusted of you.She called you a lowlife rat pretending to be a dog!Wake up,Robert!Life isn't a fairytale!"

Robbie walked away immediately.Well,Ivan was harsh with all honesty.

I went after him to his room.I didn't bother knocking.

"Robbie,don't let him get you down.He was just worried,that's all.Don't give up on Rosaline,"I told him.

No matter how much saying those words hurt,I still spoke them.Rosaline was his dream and I know that achieving her would make him happy.And that's all that I wished for him.Happiness even if I wasn't in the picture.

"Can you just get out?!"he said rudely.

"Robbie,calm down,"he was never really rude even though he was upset so I was utterly shocked when he snapped at me.

"I will calm down if you just get out!"he said spitefully,"Eversince you came,my dad had always been hard at me.Everytime you get hurt he would always blame me!He loved you more that he ever loved me!Why can't you just leave for good and forsake this family?!My life would've been a lot happier..."

His words were like daggers shooting through my heart but I put in my head that he was just upset,"Robbie,you don't mean that.You're just upset."

"Yes,I am upset.I haven't been so upset in my life.And everything just points to you!If you weren't even here,Dad wouldn't have any reason to be mad at me."

"So this is my fault?It was me you left,me who was keeping watch over the cart and selling like I was told to.I was the one who was almost kidnapped,it was me who almost got raped.It was me who still tried to defend you  in front of your father.Hell,it's even me who always tried to protect you from all the harm I can protect you from when we were young.And you blame me after all my sacrifice so that you could just accept me in your family.Now where's the justice in that?"

I was crying again,tears like waterfalls.Robbie just looked at me.

"I'm sorry I came in your life,"I told him since he kept saying I was a burden,"I'm sorry my mother died,I'm sorry my father haven't come and take me,I'm sorry for being weak and being easy to kidnap,I'm sorry for being for your best friend,I'm sorry for always being here and always getting you out of trouble the best I can.Because everything will never be the same again,I promise you.I won't even speak to you if you wish it!"

I ran outside his room and got into my own and just lay in my bed.Soon enough I fell asleep.I just hoped that I won't ever wake up again.


Well,I still awoke.I realised that it was late in the morning and I hurriedly sprang out my room.

"Good morning,y/n,"Fiona laughed when she saw me,"Don't worry.It's Saturday.We're just gonna plant vegetables for today."

I sighed in relief.Geez,I thought I was in major trouble.

I joined everyone at the table and ate some bread and cheese for myself.We were quiet and I dare not speak,or even look at Robbie.Not even once.

It was almost time for work so I was about to go back to my room to change when there was a sudden knock on our door and some neighs and stomps of about a dozen of horses outside.

Ivan opened the door and talked with the man on the other side of it.I heard the man ask if he could come in and Ivan stepped aside.The man was tall and had a built body covered with armour with the kingdoms symbol.I was about to say that he was a palace guard hen I sudd envy earlier a majestic crown sitting on his head.It was probably the king.He has been coming to every house as the rumours said back in town.This has been going on for a while since the kingdom was quite big.Though nobody knew why he did this.

All of us bowed with respect.


We did as he asked and Stephanie spoke,"Forgive us for the untidiness of the place,your majesty.But may I ask,how can we be at service?"

"I'm looking for someone.She lived nearby this farm but her home was empty and I hope to speak with her.Is there any chance you knew a y/m/n l/n?"

"We're sorry,my liege.But she had died a decade ago,"Ivan said.

The King looked in shock.And he stayed like that for a while.

"Oh,"the King said in sadness,"I guess there are no reason for me to stay here anymore.Thank you for the hospitality."

He was about to leave when I had the urge to ask.

"Wait!"I said,but then I fixed my posture and looked down.Thank goodness he didn't take it rudely,"I know it is not of my business,your highness,but please,if I may ask,what is it that you need of my mother?"

He stared at me with a hard gaze,"You look a resemblance of her.That's why I thought you were familiar."

He approached me carefully.All of a sudden,tears flowed from his eyes though he held a small smile.He took my hand,and I was a little frightened.

"Please,tell me your name,"he plead.

"Y/n,your majesty,"once I had answered,he embraced me tight.Now I was more than frightened.The Kays just watched.

"Excuse me,sir.But I still don't understand,"I say.

He chuckled a little and cupped my face,"My dear y/n,I'm your father.And I wish to take you home."

Okay,I was still buffering.King.Father.Home?

"I promised your mother I'd find her.I was too late.You know,for a moment I was crestfallen but when you said she was your mother,I was more than happy.The last time I saw you,you were just an infant,"he told me.

This was my father.The King.Mother just mentioned that he was just a noble man.I didn't know she meant he was King.

Wait,if he's King then this would only mean that...

"Martin,announce to the kingdom that a ball shall be held in honour of the return of the Princess,"he told the man standing by the door who immediately complied to his orders.

The King shook Ivan's hand,"Thank you for taking good care of my daughter.I'm forever in your debt.How can I ever repay you?"

Robbie's P.O.V.

"Thank you for taking good care of my daughter.I'm forever in your debt.How can I ever repay you?"

This was all happening so fast.Daughter?Princess?It would only just take another few moments and y/n would be leaving for good.The palace was farther up to the busier part of the kingdom and would take days to get to.

"There is no need of such,"my father replied to the King.Sadness was laced on the words.

The King looked excited to take her home.His words just affirmed it,"I'm taking her back to the castle.She'll be living there from now on."

"As you wish your majesty,she's been looking for you all her life,"replied father.

He sounded sad.I knew because he wished y/n was her daughter.He even asked her to call him father once,but y/n still haven't called him that.Y/n knew her dad was still alive and she's been looking forward to this all her life.But she looked at us like she wasn't happy at all.

"Are there things you wish to collect before you leave?"the King asked y/n.She just nodded and ran to her room.

After a few minutes,everyone was now outside.Y/n was just bidding her last goodbyes.My mom and my sisters were crying.And my dad is forlorn.

Y/n embraced each of them and said she was going to miss them.

"Thank you for everything,"she said to my father,"But don't worry,I'll come back.I promise."

Last night,we were all just fighting about her being almost taken away from us.But now,it's the real thing.She was being taken away and none of us could do anything.

We were in bad terms,me and y/n.And I don't think she'd be wanting to say goodbye so I started to go back to the house.

"Robbie!"she shouted.

Soon enough I felt her embrace me as well.She was shaking with tears.

"I'm sorry for last night.Forgive me,"she said.

I turned around and hugged her as well.We broke away and I looked at her with a pained expression,"No,it's my fault.I'm the one to be sorry."

I wished her out of my life.And it was now happening.But I was nothing near happy.

"Take care,"was all I could say.Though I wished I said more.I couldn't even look at her because I might break anytime.

She nodded,"Well,I'm leaving now like you wanted.But don't give up on Rosaline.Promise me."

I told her that Rosaline Fletcher was my dream.And eversince I said that she always helped me at my attempts at having a chance with her.But none of that suddenly matter anymore.

"I promise,"I could never keep that.But I still said it.I don't stand a chance at all,Rosaline always tried to get rid of me.

And she was gone within seconds.

I wanted to shout at her.One word on my heart and mind trying to get out.I wasn't ready to lose her yet,or ever.


I wanted to run after her.I wanted to go back in time.I wished I hadn't left her yesterday.

Come back.

There was so much sadness surrounding me that my heart feels weary.I felt tired though I haven't done anything yet.

I realised that I was just nothing without her.And she was a big part of the family.What she said last night was true,'Everything will never be the same again."

It was all too late.She was already far away.And it haunts me,I was guilty.

I need you here with me....

Y/N's P.O.V.

I've done a lot of things to make Robbie well enough to accept me.He did for sometime.At the end,he spit me out as if I was rotten.I want to forget him.But that's just it.I can't.And my heart,as long as it beats,it beats for him.

The Kays were my family and I could never repay them of their kindness even if I had a lot of gold or gave them the world.I was feeling down but I had to at least look happy to my father.He had his own fair share of grief of just having hope that my mother and I were still alive.I just have to know if this was all real,and perhaps live it's reality for sometime.Then,I shall come back to them like I promised.

Everything I knew was changed in a single moment.And it kept on coming to me,might as well accept it.

Part 3 coming soon...

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