Imagine#34P4:The Princess and the Pauper-Robbie Kay

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Robbie's P.OV

Rosaline finally talked to me again.I wasn't glad at all.She kept saying that she was in love with the Prince of Xerxes.And the worse part was that she mentioned y/n helping her out with getting along with the Prince.

I was beyond confused,I was mad.Y/n,ever since she became princess,she was suddenly changing.She was no different from the rest of the noble people.I felt played.

I didn't know what got into me,but I didn't came home today.I went to the pub and I found myself drinking an awful beverage with the money I earned from the crops I sold at the market.Father would be so enraged.But I felt nothing.I was being consumed by the tingling scarce feeling flowing through my throat.

I kept on asking for dozens of rounds more from the bartender not knowing that I was getting a big worth of money short.It was almost midnight,I started to leave the pub even if I was feeling hazy.

"Hey kid,"called the brony bartender,"Pay up!"

I showed him my empty pockets and gave him an annoying smile.He grabbed me by the collar and yelled at me.Je threw me over the table and came to drag me out the pub.He would've just let me go...if I hadn't punched him straight to the jaw.

And so,a terrible fight came.These guys seem so influential.

At the end,I was dragged outside by a palace guard that stopped the fight.They were going to drag me to jail when they turned to a beautiful woman riding a white horse.

"Robbie!"So much for calling her beautiful,my vision is quite blurry.I could never be sure.She ran to me and gave me an embrace.

"Do I know you?"I asked with an unsteady voice.

"You're drunk,"she concluded.

"I swear to drunk,I'm not god,"I hiccuped.

She gave a sigh and then turned to the guards,"As princess,I command you to clear off his charges,whatever that is.And I would like to have your word that you would never tell anyone of my whereabouts...even if it was the King."

They were quiet for a while,but soon enough I felt them nod.I just laughed.

Instead,they took me home following the girl that lead the way.I was getting tired.

Once the door was opened,I could see everyone waiting for me.But first,they greeted the girl that brought me home.What was her name?Oh yeah,they called her y/n.I knew someone named y/n.Only she was prettier.And she's at the palace probably living the dream.

"Hello,everybody!"I greeted.

"Robert Andrew Kay!How dare you stay out late these hours?I've been looking for you!Where the heck did you go with the earnings today?"

"Relax,father.I just went to the pub to have fun,"I replied in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Why you-"

"Please,Ivan,"the girl cut him off,"He's not in the state of mind.And he's hurt.Let's just talk about this in the morning."

He calmed down.Mom just looked worriedly at me.And my sisters looked at me disappointingly.


Y/N's P.O.V.

It wasn't the sort of welcome I expected.But there's nothing I could do.It was a good thing I found him before he got to jail.

"Camilla,can you get me a towel and a basin of hot water?"Camilla complied immediately at my request,"Fiona,can you help me get him to his room."

By his,I meant Robert who had fallen asleep when his father was about to give him an earful.He is so dead tomorrow.Ivan also helped carry him,Stephanie was the one to put on the pot.

I took off Robbie's shirt,cleaning his upper body with the towel and hot water that I asked for.I never had seen him shirtless before.He was thin but he had a built body.I'm ashamed to confess that I liked what I was seeing.

Shoving my stupid thoughts away,I also cleaned his wounds on his face which I guess was murdered with punches.His left eye was purple and I was worried.I asked for ice and took care of him.

"What's a princess doing in my house?"he asked suddenly.I thought he was deep asleep.He was talking in a funny way,and I didn't think he would even remember any of this in the morning anyway so I answered.

"I just missed it here.That's all."

"What's your name,then?"he asked again.

"Y/n.Don't you remember me?"I chuckled.

"No,not really,"said Robbie,"But now that you mentioned it,I think I knew someone also named y/n.But you're prettier than her.She left just a month ago.Do you want me to tell you who she is?"

I snorted,"Okay,enlighten me.How come I'm prettier than her?"

"Oh,you're pretty,"he hiccuped,"But she's beautiful.Even if she had only ragged clothes,she was still the most beautiful in the whole kingdom."

"You think so?"I blushed.

"I know so.We were best friends,you know,"he claimed,"But she was always a sister to me in my father's eyes.That's why I could never ask for her hand even if I wanted to."

Ask for my hand?"Well,did you want to?"

"Of course,I did.But we could never be so I looked for someone else.Roseline was her name.I became obsessed with her for sometime.And eventually,I stopped.The only reason why I'm even after her is because I promised."

"Promised?"I asked,"To who?"

"Y/n,of course.I always kept my promises to her.But then,we had a fight before she left and I could never forgive myself after that.She had everything now,and I think she was mad at me so she helped Roseline to get to be with her dream guy.She wanted me to end up alone."

He had tears in his eyes.And I panicked at his words.They ringed with truth,I did help Rosaline but I didn't think it through that my urge of trying to help Rosaline would collide with what I was helping Robbie with,"That's not true.She would want you to be happy."

"How would you know?"

"Because she loves you very much,"I whispered,"Now,get some sleep.I'll see you in the morning."


Robbie's P.O.V.

I woke with a searing headache.And I smell like I swam in alcohol.

I couldn't remember what happened last night.Or how I got home.Or why my face stung like hell.

I went to the nearest mirror,which was just a shard from a whole lot bigger mirror taped on a post in my room.I was shocked to see that my face was bruised and there was a wound on the upper past of my eyebrow.I was confused so I went to the dining room to hope for some answers.

I saw my sisters eating at the table all by themselves.

"Where's father?"I asked.

Fiona spat out her porridge and tried to hide her laugh,"Trust me,you don't want to see him today."

"Why?What did I do?"

"You spent the earnings yesterday to a pub.Father is beyond pissed at you,"answered Camilla,"He said you deserved what happened to your face.If it wasn't for Y/n,Madame Dunbrik would have sent father to jail."

"You mean y/n sent money?"I said.

"Actually,she came here with money and luckily found you before you were thrown to jail.She had two guards brought you home.One of them said you got in trouble in the pub cause you didn't have enough to pay what you drank."

As Fiona spoke,I remembered fragments of my actions.I just cringed at my headache and sat down with them to have my breakfast.

"Is y/n still here?"

"Yeah,she's by the chicken coop helping mother collect the eggs,"Camilla simply said.

"Does the King know?"

My sisters just looked at each other.I was about to repeat the question when I heard the door open.

"Robbie,you're awake!"

Mother and y/n joined us at the table.I could only look at her thinking about the time I heard Rosaline said she was helping her to get involved with the Prince of Xerxes.

"How was your sleep?"y/n asked.

"Fine,I guess."

"Did you have a nice dream?"she smiled.She was really acting weird.

"Well,you broke it,you bloody traitor," I spat.

"Robert!"my mother scolded,"That is no way to treat the Princess."

"Yeah,right?Ever since you became princess you just left us and just forgot.I hoped you did but you just had to ambush my love life."

"Robert,what is wrong with you?!"Fiona shouted.

It went quiet.Nothing else was heard but muffled sobs.

"Believe me I never did wanted to leave.I just wanted my father.I just wanted to find my own home,"she cried.

"Home?I thought this was your home!I thought you loved it here!"I snapped.

"I do.But I loved you more to leave it like you wanted me to!"

Those words were like rags shoved in my mouth.Then,guilt started to flow through me,making me realise this was all my fault after all.

"I loved each and everyone of you here.I was grateful for every sacrifice you made for me.You gave me a home when I had none,you gave me happiness when I was sad,and you gave me a family when I lost mine.Working for you would never been enough so I swore to do things that you wish me to do the best I can,"she said through sobs.

Fiona embraced her from behind.Camilla was holding her hand.

"When my father came to this house,I was satisfied with just seeing him.But you wanted me to leave so I thought it was a good chance.I know the majority of you wanted me to stay.But I realised I've been such a burden to you Robbie.And eitherway,if I never really came to your lives,you would all be equally happy without me."

She ran outside.I wanted to follow her.So did my sisters.

"Let her be,"mother said before one of us went away,"She needs some time alone."

I didn't feel like eating anymore.And I'm guessing my sisters would be glaring at me right now.

"You should be ashamed,Robert.You have no idea how complicated things are right now?"scolded mother.

"Really?She's having a luxurious life at the castle.Why is she even here?"I backfired.

"Now would you just shut up,"Camilla yelled,"That's the point,Robbie.You don't even know and yet you just had to open your mouth."

"Then tell me!"

"The King had long betrothed her to a Prince she doesn't even like.She ran away hoping that we could help her understand and comfort her into marrying a total stranger.She feels like her father just looked for her for the sake of extending the kingdom!"

My mother shouted the answer.She looked really mad and she was on her feet towering me from where I sat.

"You're lucky a girl like her loves you.You are ungrateful,rude,and proud,I don't even know where you picked it from,"she spat,"You're grounded,young man.Now go to your room!"

I stood up and did what I was told.She was right and protesting would just make everything worse.I am so messed up right now.I don't even know who to begin apologising to.


Night fell,and father was also home.We were all in the dining room again.

Y/n made some stew.It was my favourite ever since we were kids.

Father thanked y/n for paying the family debt.And for giving a lot more to buy livestock thrice the number we could afford.She was a family miracle.Maybe because I envied her,I looked at her as if she was a burden.But the truth was I was the burden of the family.

The rest of the time was silent.Soon,they started to clean up.

"Wait,"I called their attention,"I wanted to say something."

"I really messed up this family,"I continued,"And honestly,y/n deserved my place here than I ever would.I'm sorry,for everything."


It was the door broken down to the floor.It was the King of Chorona,paying us a startling visit.

"Where's my daughter?!"he shouted.

"Father,"whimpered y/n,"I'm here.Please,calm down."

"How dare you take her away from me again?!"

"They didn't.I ran away.Please,just listen."

Whatever his issues are,he needed anger management.Yes,that's rich coming from me.

"Why?Was it something you didn't like?Did someone hurt you?"he asked worriedly,"Oh,look at your dress.It's all covered in dirt."

"'s just something I overheard,"she told him,"You said you betrothed me to Prince Thomas and I was to marry him soon."

The King sighed at her retort.It looked like he feared that this was her reaction.

"My darling,"he cooed,"I'll be honest with you,it's true.It was long been done before I even sat on the throne.Our family is responsible for the kingdoms wellbeing no matter the generation we are in.And I wished I had time to teach you,and to prepare you but it must be done soon.The kingdom will fall if the oath wasn't kept.Xerxes,Maugrim,and many more of our allies will think of us wrong if we don't keep our word."

Y/n couldn't reply,she started to tear up again.

"I know this is so much I ask of you.Your mother and I were caught up in the same thing.If I could,I would've made her queen,"he explained,"Now please,come home with me."


Y/N's P.O.V.

Once again,I left the farm.It was dreadful but it was actually my fault.I mean,there wouldn't be any marriage if there isn't any princess,right?

I can't do anything now.I didn't have the perfect excuse to call everything off.My life now belonged to the kingdom.


Days passed,and a letter came to my father that said that King Mark of Xerxes was coming to stay at the palace for the other arrangements.And a lot more royals were coming to my wedding.

I had spoke with Thomas about the issue we were in.It turns out,neither of us agree with this.But he said that things might turn out well by the gift of time.He said it might be just like his mother and father's relationship.Thomas said they hated each other before their wedding,and presently they were deeply in love hopefully till the end of time.

I also talked to Rosaline telling her that I never really did want any of this.She said she understood and she didn't really blame me at all.

"I didn't say that I knew he was the one.I just thought so,"she had said referring to Thomas.


It was evening and I was by the terrace of my room.I was looking at the stars trying to look for a certain one that might be shooting.Perhaps if the legends were true,I might get myself out of this situation with just a wish.

Out of the blue,there was knocking by the door.I assumed it was just Nina who would come to make sure I was alright so I just said that she could come in.

I didn't bother looking when I spoke,"Don't worry,Nina.I'm all set up for bed.I just want to look at the stars for a little longer."

She wasn't responding,nor she left the room like she would so I turned.Then I realised,it wasn't Nina at all.

"Robert,how did you get here?"

"It doesn't matter,"he replied.

"Was there something you needed?Something wrong at home?Did Ivan need to pay for somethings?"

He didn't respond to any question,he just suddenly poured out his feelings.

"I just wanted to see you.I missed you,y/n."

That was odd of an answer.He could've just said so.I could've even made someone fetch all of them to get here.

"I'm sorry I was stupid and selfish.I'm sorry I was blind to have not seen,"he continued,"Eversince I could remember,you've always been there for me.You've always looked out for me.From the start,you've always known I oftenly make the wrong choices.And for a while I've been mistaken,but once again,you showed me what was true."

"What are you talking about?I don't understand,Robbie."

"Recently,when you left for the first time,something wrong kept happening to me.I was acting so weird that I did foolish things that caused my family trouble.Up until now,I realised,I acted that way because I was missing you.And I really did love you."

"You do?"

"Yes,and I mean to prove it to you here and now."

He took me into his arms and pushed his lips against mine.He dare not let go as he relentlessly kissed me.I complied suddenly forgetting everything else.I got lost in his touch,so much that it was already late when I had realised that we were on my bed.

Tonight,without any regrets,we chose to engrave our marks deeper into each other's souls,pass what the body could see,and where the heart could feel.We were in that place that made up for every mistake we had done to each other.I've never felt so loved in my life.Somehow,I knew that this was the right thing.I wouldn't want to share this moment with anyone else in the world.We could care less about morning.

Ya'll know I can't do smut.This is the farthest I could take you,and the farthest I'm allowed to think off.At least I'm not twelve anymore,right?Yup,it's been many years and I'm almost fifteen.Surprised?Well,you've all been so loyal and I love you all....Part 5,and hopefully the last part,shall be published soon.😊😊😊😊😊😁😁😁😏😏😏😏

Lol,I'm not even done with this imagine and I've already thought of a new plot.Summer is really on my side this year...

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