Imagine#34P5:The Princess and the Pauper-Robbie Kay

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Robbie's P.O.V.

Golden ray's shone through the unfamiliar room.My hands were clinging around the person I loved the most.My head was buried in her hair,the scent of fragrant flowers from the meadow was what I could smell.I sighed deeply feeling warmth throughout my body.I could never had been happier in my life.

I scooted myself closer to her,feeling her against me.I raised my head from the unusually soft pillows and pressed my lips on her bare shoulders.

"I didn't know you were already awake,"croaked y/n.

She slowly turned around and I was surprised that tears had dominated her eyes.

"Y/n,what's wrong?"I hushed and tried to wipe them out.

She embraced me tightly and rested her head on my chest,I rubbed her back trying to calm her down,"Y/n,can you please just tell me what's wrong?"

I cupped her face,trying to search her eyes for an answer.

"Don't let them take you away from me,"she cried.

"Who's gonna take me?"I panicked.

"Everyone,"she sobbed,"They want to take you away from me.They want me to marry someone else."

I kissed her forehead and tried to hush her down.Then I remembered,the royal wedding is just two weeks ahead.I should've gone here earlier.She spent her life always looking out for me,and she sacrificed a lot because she loved me,and I would never ever forgive myself if I gave her up without a fight.I could never bare losing the person that taught me what real love was.

"Come away with me,"I whispered to her ear,"Come away to where we could be happy together and no one could ever tear us apart."

"Runaway,you mean,"she replied,"To where?"

"Far out where no one could find us.We could start our own family,I could find a job.Or we could build our own farm.Anything better than here,"I assured her.

"Yes,Robbie,"she answered,"I'd never wanted anything else."

I kissed her once more on her forehead lovingly.

"It must be tonight,just so you could grab a few things you'd like.You mustn't tell anyone,okay?"

"But what about Ivan,Stepahnie,and your sisters?My father might expect that I'd go there.They might get in trouble,"said Y/n with deep concern.

"We're gonna come by the old farm and tell them then."


Y/N's P.O.V.

The day came slowly and I was growing impatient.Somehow,I was nervous and I feared that we might get caught.My heart would race everytime someone would address me.

The whole day,we've been discussing about what to do and what not to do in the wedding,lead by no one else than Madam Ponce.We also had cake tasting and dress fitting and all that gag.I paid no attention because I knew it was useless since I was running away after all.

|Le Time skip brought to you by Pan's magical eyebrows|

When night had fallen,I was already set to sneak out to the stables where Robbie would be waiting.I had a small pack enough for a week journey,and half of it was filled with gold and my jewelry that I could trade for a new start.I had tucked a letter addressed to my father on my bed before I slipped out of the window,climbing down using a series of quilts I had knotted together.

I made sure I was quiet.And I had hoped to have hidden myself even from the light of the moon.There was just one thing I kept thinking of,and it was that I'm not willing to sacrifice my happiness for my kingdom.I had already lost a whole lifetime with my real father and I won't let it tamper with my love.

I was nearly by the stables when I heard guards yelling.

"Close the gates,in order of the King!The princess must not get away from the main town.We could hunt her easily by then!"

Shit.That was fast.How could they have known I had escaped?!

"Robbie!"I shouted as soon I met with him,"We must hurry,the guards are closing the gates of the city.It won't do us any good,they're looking for me right now!"

With those words,Robert had helped me mount a brown horse and following as fast as he could.We had raided off the stables and started to make our way to the gates.

"Hurry!We must get there first before the guards there find out.We still have a chance,"I told him.

We were riding fast,but not fast enough.The palace guards were now chasing behind us while we were nearing the walls.It was a terrifying chase but we were going to make it with the open gates in sight.

"We're gonna make it!"Robbie cheered.

And cheered he did too soon...

The sound of a horn blared from behind us.And a guard that was alert by the walls had heard.I deducted that the horn must've meant 'Close the gates'.

I had hoped that it was a slow process since the gates were made out of heavy strong steel,enough to stop a huge army...let alone two people trying to escape.So we did our best to catch up.

But somehow,all they had to do was break off a heavy weight chained to the stirring wheel and the gates instantly closed before we could even reach it.

Robbie and I pulled to a halt,hopes broken with the sound of steel meeting the bricked ground.We were as good as dead.

The guards surrounded us with spears and swords as they were mounting their horses that was also covered with armor.And they were loads of them to be penetrated with just a bare horse.

"Seize the boy!"shouted the captain,"Let the King be the judge of this impudent action."

"No!"I shouted,"By my order,unhand him!"

Robbie struggled as well but they didn't comply.

"Did you not hear me,captain?Do as I say!"

"I'm truly sorry,your highness.But my compliance is only to the King,"answered the man with the best tended armor among them.

Robbie was put in the jail-like coaches.I got off my house and tried to reach for him.But the lot of them grabbed me before I could take a step.

"Please,your highness.Do not make things worse.We do not want to hurt you.Now let us take you back home."

So much for please.I was took back against my will.They had dragged me and my things to my father's throne room,where he had been waiting.Robbie was brought in with me.

But he wasn't alone,the King of Xerxes was there,also Thomas,and surprisingly Nina.

"How dare you kidnap my daughter?"my father shouted.

"Again,it was me who had runaway,"I answered,"He's not to blame.The faults are mine alone."

"Then,tell me why have you done so?"he asked,"Is there something that you want to have?You could've just tell me and I could've bought them in an instant."

"What I want is not material of any kind.And it could never be here,father.Please,why can't you just let me go."

"Because I don't want to loose you again.This is your true home."

"Home?This is not home.Home is where parents tuck you in at night.Home is where parents teach their children how to ride a horse.Or where they all get chocked up in your first day of school.This is not home,"I spat.

"Is it that you want?Then stay and I shall comply,"answered the King.

"Really?Because my whole stay here,everything that I wanted you to do,you left to the maids.I didn't come here for the maids.I came because I wanted a father!"

The room was silent.All eyes were on me.

"Somehow,I tried to understand why you missed everything in my whole life.And you still are.It hurts me to think that you just looked for me because you had an oath to keep,"I continued,"I don't want a crown,gowns,and gold.Or a prince for a husband.I just wanted to find out if what my mother speaks of you are true.But in the end,I just felt like I was sold."

"It is my duty and it is a sacrifice.Our kingdom will fall if we don't comply to these rules,"he stated calmly,"I was busy at the moment,sweetheart.Can you not give me more time?"

"If I did,I'd be married and regretful.And what we would be talking about will not matter anymore because it will all be too late,wouldn't it?"

"Y-You cannot marry this farm boy,"he sternly...stuttered.

"Well,he matters to me more than you ever could.His family took your place in my life and it's only yourself to blame."

"Guards,"my father stuttered,"Lock the boy in the dungeons.Charge him for kidnapping my daughter and for poisoning her mind.Execution will be de-death,dated... on the day of her wedding as..a g-gift."


I kept on calling and struggling to loose from the guards grip.They dragged Robert away to the dungeons and we couldn't do a thing.

"You are mad and evil!I hate you and I wish I haven't met you.I am ashamed to be called your daughter!"

He didn't answer me in any way right.The death sentence was unlike I thought he'd be.He never really held such thing in the history of his reign.I thought the hardest punishment he could give by law was imprisonment.The people told me why was he acting strange.Tough yet unsure.Stern but regretful.Like it was forced.He had always been gentle...and his act wasn't convincing.While the King of Xerxes looked so glad at the moment,an aura that was just spiteful was radiating from him.What has he done to my father?

I was locked in my room which was filled with rage and sadness.I was crying my heart out and it ached.I didn't even get a good sleep.

Morning had arrived and so would my maids in a few minutes.But I just stared blankly for my tears had all been cried out.My energy was drained from all the efforts of breaking the door and even the steel bars that were newly installed on my window.

They all came in time.But they had not spoke even about the mess I had done in my room.Nina was the one to tidy it up while the other two were the ones to tend to me.

This time,it was a green gown that I had worn.And it only reminded me of Robbie's eyes and it made my morning forlorn.

I remembered when I had studied Robbie's face.His orbs were a brighter green with some tints of hazel.I use to think that he helped the world in his eyes and to see them was worth more than seeing the whole world.And his smile was all I needed to make it through the day.But his laugh was something that would take me out of my worries.I'd give anything to see him now.

I had gone out of my room and Nina was accompanying me to make sure I got to the gardens for breakfast.But as we had made it down to an empty hal,Nina pulled me to a spare room and made sure no one was outside and inside before she had spoke.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Forgive me,your majesty but I had to apologise for yesterday."

"Nina,none of that was your fault,"I said.But then,I got curious,"Unless,there is something that I do not know."

She suddenly went down on her knees and clasped my hands tightly in hers.

"Your highness,I'm so sorry for what I've done.I didn't mean it,I swear!"she cried.

"Nina,what have you done?"I asked.

"I was just checking on you and I saw you climb down your window.And when I found the letter you left,I gave it to the King at once even though know that you intended it to be read on the next day.I should've just left it alone for the King to find in the morning.And now I had destroyed your plans.And I had put the man you love to his death...I didn't intend it,I wear it by my life.Maybe it was just because the castle felt more alive than it ever had been,and I was so fond of serving a princess like you."

She was shaking in fear as she blamed all of it on to herself.But I couldn't believe it.Her reasons were far beyond a fault.She was just simply concerned for me.

I bent down on my knees as well and gave her a hug,"Don't blame yourself,please.It was all me,I should have just left without a trace.And perhaps looked for another way out.It's not your fault,there's nothing to forgive."

I felt her return the embrace and I pulled her on to her knees.

"C'mon,Nina.Show me to the garden."


Days gone by and all my attempts of seeing Robert had gone downhill.Well,one didn't but a guard caught me before I could even say hi.But we saw each other and it was better than nothing at all.

My heart broke at the sight of him.He was obviously not fed well,and he was covered in dirt and he looked tired.He looked like he was gonna break if he dare move a muscle.

The wedding was now a day away.I had just woke up and my maids were standing by the door.

"I feel...,"I murmured,"I feel dizzy."

"Would you like to lay down for a little while more,your grace?"

"No,"I gasped as I took off to the bathroom and unleashed animalistic hurls.Vomit.


I felt so sick this morning but I assured my maids that I was fine.I wasn't even burning up with fever.

As always,Nina would take me to the place where my father would be having breakfast in along with the King of Xerxes and Prince Thomas.

"Nina,do you think there'd be some peanuts for breakfast?"

"Peanuts,your highness?"she asked confusingly at the request,"I think I could ask the cook."

"Oh,can you also ask for some grapes and apple pie.I think I'd love some."

Whatever that came from,I was acting weird.But not weird enough like what I did on the dining table.I was stuffing my mouth as if I haven't ate anything at all.I mean,I did vomit this morning.Everyone was eyeing me as I did.Even Nina who was holding a stainless steel tray waiting for some instructions from us.

After that,Thomas asked me for a walk around the palace and I complied.He said it was an important discussion.So,I had walked back to my room to fetch an umbrella and a shoal.Nina followed me quietly.Not until we were by a curve that was nearly to my room.

"Pardon me,your highness,"she called,stopping me from my tracks.

"What's wrong,Nina?"

"May I ask you a question?And perhaps I could also ask you to please not get mad at me for asking so?"

I just nodded.Thinking maybe it didn't really matter at all.

"Have you had...any physical contact with Mr.Kay at some point?"

I felt like I was electrocuted ten times.My face heated up.Because of my honesty,I couldn't hide things easily.

"Y-yes,I have."

"When exactly?"she pushed.

"Hold on,why are we talking about this?This is very personal,Nina."

"Please,it's for your own good,"she answered seriously.So I believed that it might be for an urgent cost.

"About two weeks ago.Now tell,me why do you ask?"I fired.

"Do you not see,"she gasped,"The vomiting,the cravings.Your highness,you are with child."

My eyes widened in worry.But not because of the news.In truth,I was fascinated and happy.Just not of the people who had heard Nina's outburst of the news itself.

Prince Thomas was just behind Nina.Probably shocked by the news himself.

"Oh,God!"he exclaimed.

Part 6 shall be sent soon..Hehe...Seems like there's a part 6 after all.I couldn't fit it down.So sorry..Please vote,comment,and share.I'd like to chat with some of you so might as well leave a message.Once again,I dedicate this one for Bourg92_Kay95 as a gift for the end of her imagines..I love you Fifi,stay in touch for me,please...😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣

Bonus content:

So here's just a heads up for the next Imagine to be published after part 6...It's gonna be called "Love Mascarade"...But I swear there's no Mascarade ball.You'll just gonna have to find out for yourselves.

Now,all of you must tell me what might happen in the imagine and this is gonna be a regular thing now...IF I could pull it off week enough to do it...

C'mon,guys,we're RAKers and Robbie having a girlfriend shouldn't be devastating.It's a normal fangirl thing.I mean,I like Benedict Cumberbatch,he's married,he has children,and he's as old as my dad...okay,ewww that went out wrong..but you get my point,right?

Sorry for the long's a picture of we can all agree on....Or it's just

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