Imagine#38:My Undoing-Peter Pan

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Now,what?"I asked,"You're gonna put me in one of your cages?"

I can see he was very annoyed at me.Peter Pan,the most playful villain,helpless and confused because of an ordinary girl from Maine was head over heals for him.

He suddenly grabbed me by the neck and gave it a tight grip,"Don't toy with me,you pathetic little fool!"

"Hey,how can you say that?"I smirked even though I was struggling to breath,"I know you love me."

"Cocky,now,are we?"he spat,"Well,you're wrong.I don't even like you."

"Yes,you do.You just don't like my mother because she beat you.Can you just let it go?It's not like the Evil Queen can outsmart you everyday,can't she?"

He made an annoyed face and tossed me away,"Ouch!"

He had left with Felix and the other lost boys for a hunt at the forest.I was alone at the camp.I know it was a bit complicated if we keep on having encounters a while ago.But I believe in him no matter how evil he was.Pixie dust never lie,he is my true love.Well,I've always thought that my soulmate would be you know...not a maniac of a killing machine,but if that's what the universe wants for me,then that's it.


Peter's P.O.V.

I can't believe that girl!I've been taking her in my murdering frenzy,took her to see what a monster I am and yet,here she still is,walking on my island like it was covered in rainbows and unicorns.I swear I had given her permission to leave,even kicked her in a dozen portals from a magic bean,and three days later,she'll always find her way back.

I even asked my shadow to drag her away,had some mermaids to try and drown her,even had to swallow my pride and ask Rumplestilitskin to take her.

"Did you try injecting her with dreamshade?"

"Of course I did!"I shouted angrily at Felix,"And I'm running out of ideas."

Pixie dust seems to protect Y/n.It's like magic was on her side,even mine for no price at all.Who is she anyway?Why does she even want to be with me?Am I really that irresistible?

I shout in frustration,"Felix,find me a way to get rid of her!"


I had sent Felix in the Main land to search for something to solve my big problem.For now,I guess I have to be patient and wait.And as you can see,I've got no choice but to spend some time with her.

"What do you want?"I put down my pipe.

"Nothing,"she replied,sitting beside me,"Just want to be with you,is all."

I envied the lost boys.They were free dancing around the fire without a leach like this one being a pain in their necks.

"Why'd you stop playing your pipes?"she asked.

"Because,I can do what I want,"I snapped at her and I saw her hurt expression.

She nodded weakly and whispered,"Can you...can you play it for me?"

"Why should I?You're not special in any kind of way.Only certain children can hear it,people who are lost.And you,you're doing it on purpose.And I saw,it overrides the rule."

"Do you think I want all of this?!"she yelled out of anger and it took me by surprise,"For your information,Peter Pan,I didn't even want to be here.I'm beyond pissed because all I want is a home.And then a stupid little blue fairy kept pointing that home is you,that there is no place else that would feel such thing if I weren't with you.Well,guess what?I don't even feel anything except madness."

"Then why don't you leave my island!"

"Because I can't!"she cried,"Even if you want me to,even if I did too.There's always gonna be a way that I would surprisingly find a magical object that will always lead me back here.Not even my own house at Storybrooke,not even the deepest part of the ocean.And honestly,I'm so tired of it.You think I didn't try escaping?Hell,I did for countless times."

"Depends on how can you count!"

Y/n groaned in frustration and stomped away from the camp,leaving me with myself.The boys had stop dancing and their eyes were all on me.Seems everything was mutual after all.

"What?"I asked the boys but they turned back to what they were doing.

I'm just hoping Felix finds something soon before we both lose our minds.

It was past midnight and I was in my own treehouse.I had my crystal ball set up and I was talking with the blue fairy.

"What is this nonsense you put up?!You think this is funny?"I said.

"I merely told her a prophecy.It's not my fault,nor it was hers or yours.It was magic in general.It seems like it wants to be your friend,"said the blue fairy.

"Really,by shoving me something to love.No,I won't take her.Cause I know if I did,she will be my undoing."

"Magic says otherwise,"she corrected me.

"And how was that suppose to work?"

"It said that if you won't have her,you're going to die.She's also the truest believer besides her adoptive brother,Henry whom you failed to get.She's your only chance of survival.And eventually,survival isn't going to be the reason you'll keep her.You will truly love her,and she will love you back.You can't stop the future,Pan."

"And why the heck would magic want that?"

"Because your love will make magic stronger.After all,it's the strongest kind of magic to ever exist."

She had disappeared and I was left again with myself.I thought of it real hard,maybe it wasn't bad at all.But still,there was something bothering me.I was afraid to love because love can change people.And I'm happy as I am.

"Aww!"I heard a wince behind me.

It was Y/n who looks to have fallen on the floor.

She sighed,"Please don't tell me I'm in your tree house?"

"Sorry,love.It is my treehouse.Why are you here?"I asked helping her on her feet.

"One night,I said.One night without encountering,or touching something that will lead me near you,"she explained,"I was just trying to sleep in peace when it was too late to realise that I was sitting on your thinking tree.All I remember was glittery dust flying around and then I found myself here."

"Maybe you should-"

"Don't worry about it,"she cut me off,"I'm going,I'm going."

She started to leave but I suddenly grabbed her hand.I realised that the prophecy was real when I felt something special rush through me when I had touched her.It was like the empty whole in my heart was starting to fill up.

"I...I wasn't going to kick you out again.I...please,y/n.Stay."

I saw that she also felt something because we looked at each other,her eyes gave out a different shine.They were more beautiful compared to the second start to the right.And suddenly she was more important than Neverland.

"For about three months,you've been trying to get rid of me,now you want me to stay?Is this some trick because I told you it won't work,"she said.

"I know,and it's not a trick.I'm tired of shutting you out.Maybe if we try to work this out,none of us have to suffer.At least,we should try."

"Alright,Peter Pan.I trust you,"y/n smiled.


It's been weeks and we seem to get along really well but we're still trying to be good friends.

I decided to take her to see the constellations at the mountain and we were lying on the grass.We've been getting to know each other and her end was too innocent for me.I could only assume that she thinks I'm a monster now.This is exactly why I don't want love.

"What are you thinking Peter?"

"It's nothing love,you shouldn't worry."

"Peter,"She sighed,"You promised you won't lie to me."

"I may not be the most well-behaved boy in the island,but I always keep my promises,"I smiled at her.

"Then tell me what you're thinking about."

I was silent for a moment but she had to know,"You."

"And I'm suppose to be flattered about this?"she teased.

"Maybe.But I'm just worried about you.You have no idea what you just got yourself into.And to think you just threw away your chance of your dream"

"It's a matter of home or to be astray.I guess this is what I'm meant to be."

I sat up and looked at her,"I'm sorry but all I can offer you is Neverland."

"Maybe I can learn to love it here and I have til forever ends to do so,"she replied.

We fell in silence again and she was enjoying herself with the stars.And I realised that I was smiling ear to ear,I was starting to change.This is what I feared.

"I know how it feels."

"What?"I asked her.

"That you think I'm changing you."

I looked at her sceptically.

" I have the same effect on you?"I asked awkwardly.

"Very much,yes.But it's not's just happiness.It means you're just used to anger,am I right?"said y/n.

I nodded in embarrassment but soon we were laughing together.But after a while,the atmosphere become serious.

"I can't change for you,y/n."

"I'm not asking you to,Peter.It's all up to you.All I'm just saying is that I love you for who you long as it's you.Isn't that all that matters?"

"Wait,"I said,"You love me?"

Her cheeks turned into a shade of pink,"Well,even though it was the prophecy,I truly do.It defines me,you know.Loving you,I mean."

I've never had my heart beat this loud and fast.

"I....I think we should....get back to the treehouse,"I stuttered.

She nodded and head on near the cliff.I turned around to hide my smile,I can't help it.After I had calmed myself,I walked to where y/n was.I could see that she was still staring at the sky as she stood and I took it a chance to embrace her from behind and I buried my head in her neck.I felt her gasp but she calmed down eventually.

"I love you,too,"I whispered.


Y/N's P.O.V.

This is it.I've found it.My love.

I turned around and hugged him,"Let's go home."

I expected him to fly us but it turns out,he just teleported back to the treehouse.He broke of my embrace only to bring his face near mine.

Peter hoarsely whispered,"Kiss me."

I melted in his arms and did what I was told.And from that moment,he'd part a bit to say things out of endearment but he just ended up murmuring things on my lips.


Peter's P.O.V.

The night was spent with just the two of us cuddling on my bed.I can finally say I was truly happy and content for once in my life without having to do something wrong to others.

I woke up with a smile hoping to see the love of my life in my arms only to see that I was alone.

"Y/n,darling.Where are you?"

I looked all around the tree house but there was no sign of her...except a piece of rag with poppy dust.


"Felix!"I kept calling out to the forest,"Felix!"

"Pan,"he gladly greet me,"I have found it,I have found a way where she can never bug you again."

I glared at him and grabbed him by the neck,"What did you do to her?!"

"Sleeping curse,"he replied with fear.

"And you didn't even ask me first before you came up with this?!"

"You instructed me to get rid of her."

"When you found her in my bed with me,did you not think there was clearly something that changed?"

I ignore him and tended y/n who was lying on the cold ground.She was lifeless and her last breath had left her.

"You can still wake her up.Actually,that's why I chose to get a sleeping curse so it's only you that can wake her,"Felix says from behind me,"You're her true love anyway."

I sighed in relief and kissed her with all my love.

She gasped for air and looked around,"What happened?"

"It doesn't matter now.C'mon,on your feet,love."

I hoisted her to stand and she gave a frightened face when she saw Felix.

"Don't worry,sweetheart.He's not gonna hurt you.It was a mistake,"I explained.

"Really?Or is it just because you're still trying to kick me out?"y/n shoved me and started to walk away,angry.

"I'm not,y/n.You have to believe me,"she pretended not to listen so I ran after her and appear right in front of her,"If I did want to gone then why do you think I'd kiss you back to life?"

"I don't know.I'm not even sure if you were truly honest the whole time I've been with you.I feel like you're just toying me around,"she started to cry,"You made me look like a fool.What the heck is wrong with you?!"

"I love you truly and honestly.Felix made a mistake,I sent him a month ago when we weren't know, love,"I took her in my arms and tucked stray hair on her face to her ear,"Please,y/n."

"It was true,y/n,"Felix butts in,"I'm so sorry.I didn't know."

She sighed and hugged,"One more chance,you hear?"

"Yes,love,"I smiled and kissed her on the cheek,"C'mon,let's get ourselves some breakfast."

Sorry if it didn't go well my friends,it's stupid.But no worries,your dear author will make up for all the lost time and will be updating twice or more before the holidays end,it's a promise.I may not be the most well-behaved Pangirl in the Fandom,but I always keep my promises.😉😉And maybe I could put some Fanart somewhere,you just have to be ready!

And I would also like to advertise my new set of imagines for Tom Hiddleston.Please check it out cuz I made a Fanart for him...

But I'll also put it here in case you don't because I missed everyone!Please comment,my friends!And vote!😊😊😊☺️☺️

The Pangirls will never fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💚💚💚

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