Imagine#39:A Role To Play-Robbie Kay

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Alright guys,we're gonna start any minute.Be ready!"

It was the director.I was here on set to play the role of Peter Pan's true love...which isn't Wendy Darling,I assure you.It was an easy part to play since we have the same name and I wouldn't be so much confused and I'd be more comfortable.

We were doing a kissing scene,a part where y/n would try to prove that she can love a monster like Peter Pan but he would push her away and tie her in his thinking tree until he clears off his mind since he had already fallen for her.

And I wasn't very much nervous since Robbie Kay and I are good friends ever since we met.He was the first one to talk to me in my first day on set and I was glad he did because we were both newbies in the series.

"Nervous?"I asked Robbie who was pacing around.

He smirked,"Nah,just running over with my lines.Are you?"

"Maybe...maybe not.Good luck,buddy,"I laughed.

"What for?"he asked cockily with his handsome British accent.

"Well,"I said as I playfully pinched his cheek,"Because I'd be the judge of how much of a good kisser you are."


Robbie's P.O.V.


This is Y/n L/n we're talking about.I'm about to kiss my crush for a damn role and my heart is leaping!The fact that I really like her is haunting me.

In real life,we are only friends.That's why I really enjoy playing Peter Pan.At least,there's some part of fantasy that she loves me back...even if it's just for business.

What if I mess up?What would she think of me?

"Everyone in place,please!"The director shouted.

Everyone ran to their positions.I hurriedly went near the camp fire and took a deep breath.Y/n was now in front of me and I sensed the butterflies swarm in my tummy.God,the things this girl do to me is so...exhilarating.


"It's this some trick to get yourself a ticket out of here,"I say my line,"You think you can simply twist my mind and leave Neverland."

"I'm not trying to leave Neverland,"said Y/n,"Why can't you just believe that I do have feelings for you...just like how I believe in you."

"I'm a villain.Villains don't have happy endings."

"Maybe you are,but you've always been a hero to me.You've given me a home,a family...and a reason to live my life to the fullest."

She neared me,and all I could do is wait for this beautiful moment.

She kissed me,sweet and long like she was truly in love with me.She was good but I kept reminding myself that it was just for the sake of job.Still,I can't help myself.

When we broke off,I was suppose to push her into the thinking tree...but I suddenly smiled and the momentum was snapped off.I just had to step away and chuckle a little.

I heard laughs from all around me and I saw y/n smiling too.I could feel myself blushing.After all,it was my first kiss.

"I'm so sorry,"I giggled a little.


Y/N's P.O.V.

I really found him cute...blushing and all that.He just seems unable to contain his happiness.I think he likes me...or he wouldn't have reacted like this.

Well,he's a great guy...and I'd be very happy to end up with someone like him.

After a few more apologies,we had all calmed down and was skipping second take.The director just decided to cut the part where we had all thrown to fits of laughter and continue with the next scene.

The crew had me tied by the thinking tree with vines.Peter Pan would be lecturing me about how love is weakness and all that jazz from the script.The scene was suppose to end with our face close,Peter glaring at me...and I was suppose to look at him with hope and longing.

"...and until then,you're gonna stay here until I prove you wrong."

Robbie amazes me.He was a great actor...and a great person.Handsome,kind...thoughtful.

The camera had closed up on us and Peter's face was just an inch from mine.The director was going to say 'cut' anytime now.And I just can't help myself and took the chance.


Just in time with the word,I had pecked Robbie's lips before he could move away.He had put his hands over his mouth and I could see he was hiding a smile.

"Now,now,kids.Behave yourselves.I don't want little ones running around the studio,"the director said.


We were allowed half an hour break.Robbie wanted to walk me to my trailer.

"I...I don't wanna push but...I just had to ask,"I said,"Do me?"

He sighed,nervously chuckling," caught me.Are you...mad or something?"

"No,no,"I panicked,"I'm actually glad that you do.I'm just not used to have someone I like to like me back."

" like me?"

"Is that even a question?"I teased.

He just smiled at me and scratched his nape.We didn't really do anything about the whole situation just so it doesn't interfere with our job.But after we had finished,it started a whole new relationship.We're very much happy.

I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to spend the rest of my life with Robbie Kay.It seems like the role play was pretty much real after all.

Just as promised,another imagine.Enjoy,my friends!😊😊😊I'm actually rewatching the Season 3 of OUAT.

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