Imagine#40:Pay up in Kisses-Peter Pan

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I've spent my life long enough in the island.And I'm so sick of having to deal with Pan everyday.You see,I was an adult once.I was lonely and the people of the Enchanted forest had always thought of me as a young witch that might end up like the Evil Queen.

But I'm nothing of the sort.I always use magic for the good.People are always just so afraid of things they don't understand that they don't realise that they were already hurting me.

I've wanted a new life and live in a place where I could do anything I wish.And the magic bean that I had worked hard to get brought me to Neverland.I met Peter here,and I knew him more than anyone will.I've been nothing but a servant to him.It was always me who picks up his mess.

For instance,when his shadow mistakenly brought girls in the island,I was the one who would take care of them until further notice.Or if his shadow was unavailable,I'd run some errands to the mainland for him.In return,I could have everything I wish in Neverland alone.

But Pan was dying.He failed to get the heart of the truest believer and he lost Felix for a stupid curse he casted over the mainland.

Now I have the island to myself...and I'm simply...lonely.I've always imagined myself happy to have the whole island to myself.But it seems like it's not that great to run it.I missed dealing with lost boys to stay away from my part of Neverland...or visiting Tinker Bell for a friendly chat...or simply trying to pull up harmless pranks when Pan was busy dealing with his bad intentions.

I regret not taking Emma's offer to go back in Storybrooke.

"Darling,you're still here!"

I was shocked to see him alive.I thought he was dead...but I guess not.

"Pan?"I called,dropping the firewood I had gathered,"You''re bleeding!"

I had ran to him and caught him before he fell flat on the soil.I needn't question him now so I propped him up with one of his arms around me and dragged him to my place.

"It seems like people are backstabbing you again...literally this time,"I tried to joke.But he just winced.

I took of his shirt,careful not to touch his wound.

"You've bled too much,you should be dead by now,"I deduced.

"Well,I'm clearly not.So can you please just focus on helping me stay alive!"

"Still bossy,are we?"

"You just missed me,"he said cockily before wincing once more.

I hurriedly scavenged my potions and grabbed one that heals flesh wounds.

"It's gonna sting a little,"I warned him before pouring it on him.


After sometime,his wound started to cloth until it was good as gone.I grabbed some clean cloth and started to clean off the dried blood on his chest.It was the only time I realised how built his body was.

Oh gosh,I knew keeping my youth would be this...mishandled.Curse these hormones!

"I wish I could've brought you a camera in my way back here so you would have something to preserve an image of my naked torso to look at,"he smirked.

"Oh shut up.'Thank you' would've sufficed,"I told Pan,"But I guess you're gonna die anyway,right?You simply failed to get yourself the heart of the truest believer.You also lost your most loyal servant."

"Now,now.Don't rub it in."

"Well,I'm just taking advantage of the moment to simply have fun.Isn't that what you like doing,neighbor?"I teased.

"So you are gonna miss me,"he smirked,"I know everything,y/n.I know you like me."

"You cocky asshole,"I scolded,"Why are you so full of yourself?"

"It's okay not to admit it."

"I don't like you!"

He just winked,"Well,if you truly don't like me,it's not your fault,darling.Not everyone has good taste."

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away from him,"I'll go hunt some hares.I'll be back in an hour."


"It was an accident.I didn't love the woman.She wasn't my type,"explained Pan.

I don't even know why we were talking about this,"So what's your ideal girl,then?"

"She has to be a good cook...a tidy woman.And she has to be good with kids."

I laughed,"I'm not exactly sure if you're describing a wife or a maid."

"Well,I'm not really good at handling women.How about you,y/n?Ever had someone when we were...older?"

"No,"I say,"I don't even want to understand guys.Your minds are too narrow!"

"If my mind was too narrow,Neverland would never had existed,"he defended.

"Look at what it did to you,"I replied.

He glared and then he sighed,"Point taken."

"Besides,who wants love?It makes you crazy and it's so complicated."

"Well,it can be wonderful at some point.You'd feel very important for once,"he explained.

"I've always felt myself.And if it's importance we're talking about then I could say you love me.You've been running this whole island with me.Without my help,it could have burned down years ago."

He smiled at me,"Well,I guess I do.And if not,eventually,everything will come together.You've always liked me."

"I do not!"

"Yes,you do,love,"Pan countered,"And we have the rest our lives here for you to accept."

I crossed my arms.Well,I've never told anyone about it.But I guess it's just written all over me,"Fine,I admit it.But you have to earn it."

"Darling,as long as I have my eyebrows and my handsomeness,and as long as my name is Peter Pan,I will not fail to earn your heart,"he said in his British accent.

"I won't believe you unless you say it back,"I tested.

"Okay,y/n m/n l/n.I,Peter Pan of Neverland,confess my deep romantic feelings for you."

"But what if I shaved your eyebrows?Would you still love me?"

He laughed,"You wouldn't dare."

"You wanna try me?Just wait til tomorrow morning,"I say.

"Was that a threat?"He scoffed.


"Shave them if you like.But for every strand of hair is a price worth of an intense make out...each,"he crossed his arms.

"Well,well,well.Never thought it'd be this real,"I neared him,"Alright,I'll spare your precious eyebrows...for just one quick kiss."

"Thought it'd be more expensive,"he tried to look disappointed.

I came near his head and whispered to his ear...I made sure it was close enough,"It's up to you to pay a higher price."

With that,he kissed me...quick and simple.He smiled...but his forest green eyes were almost black from dilation.

Suddenly,it felt as if he was devouring me.When we pulled away,he seems to be unable to open his eyes and he was smiling ear to ear.

This villain got his happy ending.And don't worry,I didn't shave his perfect eyebrows just as long as he pays up in kisses.

It's short and not very well-thought of.Sorry.I'll do better next time,I promise.I'm just so carried away cuz it's suppose to be holidays but I'm doing school work for a teacher who's too lazy to do her own job!😑😑😑😑😑😣😤Don't forget to vote,comment,share,follow,and PM me!😊😊😘😍

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