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granted this idea was sparked by something peachrcses requsted for my smut oneshot book - check it out even though updates are hella spaced out - BUT shush

Also, Dick is pan you can't convince me otherwise this man fucked an alien and i doubt gender was the dealbreaker

Nightwing had a lot of bad guys and gals hitting on him. It was always a nice ego boost when they complimented him even if they were doing so as they were trying to murder him. Despite all the affections he'd managed to catch, he never really shared the same sentiment for one reason or another. Usually, it was the whole criminal aspect of their meeting. That was until he came across one hitman who had him questioning. 

He had a type and this hitman was hitting a lot of his requirements. Ginger, taller than him, well built and those eyes were stunning even when filled with murderous focus. The scar running down his face was a nice addition too. 

"My my, aren't you the looker?" Nightwing stated, having finally pinned the man to the ground after chasing him halfway across the city. He went to grab the handcuffs he kept in his utility belt when the man used the opportunity to flip them over. He was a lot stronger than Nightwing initially thought. Great now he was in a skin-tight suit with the hottest guy he'd ever seen straddling him and pinning his arms against the gravel of the rooftop. Someone up there saw he was pan and thought they might as well push it. Obviously, he could easily get out of the position but he'd let himself revel in having a hunky beautiful man on top of him for a little bit. It's been a hard week, he deserved a treat.

"You're not bad yourself," the hitman responded.

"I would say we should do this again sometime but you'll be spending 25 years in a cell and I'm not the patient type," Nightwing retorted. The ginger hitman hummed at him clearly amused.

"What makes you so sure I'm going away?"

"Because," he paused and flipped the man over with his legs. He quickly jumped to his feet and put his foot on his back to press him further into the ground. "I've got the upper hand here." The man chuckled at him before grabbing his ankle and throwing him to the other side of the rooftop. 

"Apologies Nightwing but it seems today isn't your day," they remarked. He walked over to the hero and knelt beside him, grabbing his handcuffs and clamping them to the pole. He caught the hero by the chin and angled his face to look up at him with an appraising look. Nightwing gulped and decided to shoot his shot. It's not like he was going to see the guy again without putting him behind bars. He moved closer and connected their lips though he was extremely surprised, and delighted when the criminal kissed back. They parted and the man took advantage of his awestruck mindset, running off into the night. 

"Call me Britney Spears because I'm in love with a criminal."

The interaction between the hitman and himself made Dick realize how lonely he was getting. He would've never done such a thing if he was beginning as Nightwing. He kissed a hitman for God's sake and then let him get away! Granted he didn't have much drive in the first place since the guy he killed was a bit of douche but it was a matter of principle. He decided to go on Tinder, half hoping to find someone and half hoping he found some horrible profiles to laugh at to make himself feel better. One afternoon, he'd been swiping on the app when someone stood out. 

"No fucking way," he whispered. The man he was looking at was the hitman he met just a few nights ago. He was still in the area then which meant that he must have another target in mind. His name was David and he didn't have much in his bio but what hitman would? Dick was then faced with a moral dilemma. Was it really ethical to- he'd already swiped right. You only live once and if he lost a kidney he probably didn't need it in the first place. Besides, being in your twenties was all about making bad decisions and he could argue that this was simply undercover work. It was a match right away. Dick grinned at this and sat upright, chewing his bottom lip anxiously. Did he send the first message or did David have to? Oh, he was typing! 

David: *typing*

David: hey there handsome

Did Dick squeal at this message? You'll never know and you'll never have proof that he did.

Dick: hey yourself

David: let's cut to the chase here, you, me dinner

Straight to the point, he liked that. It was slightly intimidating but it was probably because David wasn't in town for very long. If he was looking for some light entertainment, he couldn't really afford to go through all the hoops casual dating apps had. 

Dick: sounds like a plan, when are you free?

David: i was thinking tonight at 8

That was fairly soon but it wasn't like he was starting patrol early and he doubted this would take up his entire night. He could let himself have this little treat. Plenty of heroes fooled around with less than honourable people so what was the harm?

Dick: where?

David: anywhere you like love

Perfect, that gave him the opportunity to go somewhere he knew. That totally made it safer than it could be.

Dick: you fancy Chinese? i know the best place

David: sure!

Dick sent the address then scrambled to his wardrobe to pull out something to wear. Maybe he was too excited about this being his first date in forever. He may as well get laid by the guy he was convinced was some sort of living God if he could pass it off as an intel gathering.

David couldn't believe his luck. He'd gotten the hit only a few hours ago and he'd already bagged the guy. Who knew it would be that easy? Then again, the source mentioned that he'd been lonely for a while. He'd suggested it in Twitter posts but David didn't think he seriously meant it. Neither did his fans by the looks of things. The ginger couldn't help but feel bad for the guy. He seemed like a good person judging from the few things he'd seen in the paper, good people were the cases he always hated to get, he was just in the wrong family. He tried to push away those feelings of sympathy because it would just make it harder to go through with. David decided he'd make sure they at least had a fun time then just make it quick and painless as a form of mercy. It was the least he could do. 

When he met Dick, he didn't know what it was he felt but it was something different. Something sparked deep down inside of him. He'd felt the same thing on that rooftop with Nightwing though it was squashed by the adrenaline of meeting the hottest hero known to man and written off as nothing more. He knew nothing of the feeling but what he did know was that he didn't want it to end. Dick grinned at him the moment he came into view and, despite the natural fog that fell on Bludhaven for most of the year, it shone through the darkness. It made David feel warm even though he was standing in the cold. 

"You look even better in person," he greeted. It wasn't an act. He truly meant it. There was a certain feeling of ease, one that made him feel special, that he hadn't gotten from the photos but appreciated all the same. 

"Aren't you just a natural charmer? How about we get you out of the cold? From the pictures, I'm guessing you're not used to the cold of Bludhaven," Dick replied. He'd set the meetup point a few blocks away and David guessed he did that so they could get in some first-minute awkwardness out of the way. But there wasn't anything awkward to get out of the way. This all felt weirdly natural as though they'd been talking for months prior. 

"I travel a lot so this isn't the coldest place I've been," he mentioned. 

"I tend to stick to Bludhaven and Gotham. There's something about this place that makes me wanna stay here till I'm old. Has a certain draw to it despite all the crime," the smaller responded. He carried the conversation so naturally that the hitman wondered if he'd felt the spark too. "You got any places you always visit?"

"Not really. I like to bounce around. Staying in one place isn't my style." Dick chuckled which made his heart skip a beat. It was such an intoxicating sound. David needed to hear it as much as he could. He wanted even more to be the person who caused it. "What's so funny?"

"You sound like a kid on his gap year. Lemme guess you go wherever the wind takes you? Or do you close your eyes and throw a dart at a map to decide your next visit?" he taunted. There was a wonderful smirk that went well with his words. David couldn't get mad at him for it. 

"Work makes me move around a lot if you must know. Business stuff," he explained vaguely. It was the same excuse every time. He'd used it so much that he had it memorized. Now it was pretty much second nature to admit but he didn't overlook the fact he really wanted to spill his guts to this guy. They'd just met and he wanted to tell him everything and yell at him to run now. 

"I get it, billionaire's brat and that. I'm a police officer now so my travelling is driving around and around the same areas."

"Billionaire's brat?"

"Gonna sound like a douche here but you know who I am right?"

"Yeah, but I wouldn't consider you a brat just yet," David teased. It got a cackle. He liked this. 

"Thanks. It's just an expression. You get enough DMs about it that you just use it yourself." There was something sad in his tone when he said that despite his clear attempt to joke. The ginger frowned at him but he waved it away dismissively. "I just ignore them. It's not the worst I've been called. C'mon, we're almost there. We better step on it so you don't freeze."

As a hitman, David had to grit his teeth and bear with a lot of really bad dates with rich people in order to kill them by the end of the night. They always talked about themselves leaving no room for him to say anything other than pacifying comments and every other story was just a way for them to name-drop someone famous they met or remind him of how much money they made. For most of the dinner, he was just thinking about ending his suffering and blowing their brains out in a crowded restaurant. 

Yet, with Dick, it was so much different. He was constantly asking David things and would only turn the focus on himself if he had something that related to the topic. He was genuinely interested in the man who sat across from him. He was a genuine joy to be around and David just wanted to have him on speed dial so he could get a hit of his bright attitude whenever he needed it. When Dick spoke about something, he spoke about it with conviction. He talked about his friends with true admiration, his family with true love, and his work with true passion. Everything that was around him he was grateful for. It was beginning to dawn on the hitman that he'd have a dead body on his hands by dawn and he slowly realised that he didn't know if he could do it anymore. The dates usually helped him through killing the good people but this one was only giving him more reasons not to go through with it.

"Are you okay?" Dick asked. He must've noticed the other zone out. 

"Yeah yeah, just thinking about work. Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead, I've been quizzing you all night," he said, finishing off his noodles. 

"Your family and friends, from your stories I've gathered that they depend on you. At the end of the day, who's there for Dick Grayson?" Dick didn't respond as he chewed in contemplation. He looked truly puzzled by the question. Granted, it had come out of left field and David wasn't even sure why he'd said it. He just said it. He quickly justified to himself that it was simply making sure there was no roommate to worry about bumping off or animals to lock away from the body. 

"I'm there for me most of the time. I used to have someone there. Wally West. Then he got with this girl, they were planning to get married and then he...he passed away."

"I'm so sorry to hear that," the hitman apologized genuinely, almost frighteningly so. He moved across the table and grabbed the acrobat's hand, holding it in his own comfortingly. 

"Don't be. It's just a little fresh still. We were friends since I was a kid. It feels weird not having him there anymore. His fiance and I talk but I try not to let her know I'm upset about things. She doesn't need that on top of everything else," he admitted. He wiped at his eyes and then flashed a smile. "Sorry 'bout that. It was only been a few months, six to be specific." That's when the lonely tweets started. This poor guy. He was the rock for everyone but no one seemed to notice how draining it was for him to be there for anyone but himself. David couldn't do this hit. He really didn't want to. He wanted Dick to be with him. He wanted to protect him and keep that enchanting smile on his face. "Hey, how about we get dessert at my place? I know I look like a guy with healthy food but trust me I have some really good junk food." David smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. 

"Sounds great."

Sitting in Dick's apartment, David wanted to cry. This man was just the sweetest being alive. He'd not pulled him into the bedroom as soon as he could or flexed on him about where he lived. He simply let him in, sat him down and then got ice cream for him without expecting much more. 

"Are you feeling okay?" Dick asked. He sounded so caring. Like he really gave a shit about some guy he'd met on Tinder of all places. The same guy who was sent to kill him in cold blood for no reason other than getting back at Bruce Wayne. "You don't have to eat ice cream, I can get you something else. I trust you don't have cooties and I can easily eat your serving if you're worried about it going to wast."

"It's not that." Dick frowned to himself and it made his heart wrench. Why did he have to gain an instant liking towards his target? Why did he want to bundle him up in bubble wrap and shut out the world so he stayed safe? 

"Look, dude, I'm a police officer. I know a fishy guy when I see one and you're basically a whole seafood buffet. If you're here to kill me and I'm guessing you wanna get to it now if you are because you're bored-"

"I don't want to kill you," David interrupted. He couldn't listen to much more. If Dick already knew then he may as well spill his guts like he wanted to do all night. He put down the bowl of ice cream in his hands and turned to the acrobat rather seriously. "I never wanted to kill you. You were just another hit."

"Where'd Mr Charm go? I wanna be more than another hit. Let's say sexiest to feed my ego," Dick suggested. Yet his taunt fell flat when his eyes met with a rather desperate ginger. 

"I can't kill you, Dick. Something, I don't know what it is or where it came from, is making it impossible. You gave me the chance to kill you when we met a few blocks away and I didn't take it. The Chinese place was empty and I still didn't take the chance. I'm in your fucking apartment and I can't bring myself to hurt you." His chilled hands rose to cup his confused target. "I don't want this feeling to leave."

Dick was frozen. This killer, this man that was meant to be capable of murder, had just confessed that he'd fallen for him. In all honesty, Dick had fallen for him too. He'd been listening not for the sake of listening but to actually listen. He cared about what Dick was saying. This man was showing him something he craved and he didn't know how much longer he could resist. His eyes darted to David's lips then back up to his shining green eyes. He was so beautiful. He was so caring. He was exactly what Dick wanted yet he was a murderer. There were no ifs or buts about it. 

"I know you're an officer and I know you're passionate about the law but..."

"What about a compromise?" Dick suggested. He'd said it before he really thought about it. This was going to be such a big problem, he knew that. Not only was he a police officer but he was also Bludhaven's only vigilante! They were bound to come into issues here and he was only setting himself up for failure but what if it somehow worked out against all the odds? Even if it didn't, didn't he deserve to have some stupid fun? Didn't he have the right to act his age for once without having the world on his shoulders?

"I can't give up this life."

"I'm not asking you to. What if you only took cases of people who really deserved it? Then maybe I can maybe turn a blind eye?" David stared at him before smirking.

"I can do that." He connected their lips and it immediately felt like fireworks were going off in their brains. Dick knew it wasn't because he missed the feeling. He knew the feeling of desperation. This was something else. He deepened the kiss and put down his own bowl of ice cream. This was much better. Once his hands were free, he placed them on the other's hips to pull him closer. They paused to breathe, their eyes half-lidded. 

"Then you can call yourself Liam Neeson's daughter because you're taken," Dick whispered.

Might do a pt 2 whenever

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