Inter-dimensional relationship advice

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EDIT: IT WAS outsidersandBTS4life SORRY


Dick had been working for way too long. He knew very well that he'd been working for too long but he couldn't stop. When he thought he had his last piece of work done, there was a pile waiting for him. This, combined with his lack of knowing his limits, - thanks Batman - meant he just never stopped. He working himself into the ground and that was something his wonderful boyfriend couldn't allow. "Dick, I get you have issues with self-restraint when it comes to working but you must be exhausted at this point," Wally insisted as he watched the teen attempt to get through his next lot of work. He'd been glued to his phone screen the entire time, from the Zetatubes to meet up with Wally, to bringing him to the Manor, to where they were now in his bedroom. "I'll be done in five minutes," Dick responded dismissively. 

"You said that an hour ago! What's the point of me looking this irresistible if you're not even looking at me?" the ginger complained. He draped his arms over the smaller's shoulders and glanced over the writing. Most of it was muddled up with red lines underneath every other word. He wasn't getting much done so there was no point working this hard. "Walls, I need to get this done."

"No, what you need is a break. C'mon, if Bruce says anything I'll cover for you. He can't expect you to work for this long when this is our designated teenager time."

"Teenager time is on Saturdays, today is Thursday."

"Babe, look at the calendar real quick," Wally told him. The younger glanced. It was Saturday. Oh. 

"Perhaps you're right but I won't be able to stop thinking about it," he replied. 

"How about we visit Spider-dude? We'll be in a new place, I'll be able to make up for being a jealous boyfriend and you'll be able to give your brain a rest because God knows you won't nap." Dick hadn't thought about Peter in a long time. He guessed it would be really fun to see him again. A lot had probably changed between their last visit and now. "Good idea."

It was a pretty regular summer's day. Peter was spending some time with Tony before he went to meet up with MJ. It was supposed to be him, MJ, and Ned but the latter had been snatched away by his parent for a weekend getaway. So it'd just be him and MJ. It was only his crush that he could barely talk to without stuttering and tripping over every word. "She's just a girl," Tony reminded him for the sixteenth time. He could hear his brain whirring and it was annoying him. What was the point of spending time together if Peter was just going to think about girls? Then again, he was a teenager, of course, he was going to think about girls all the time. "She's not just a girl Mr Stark! She's an awesome badass girl who I'm going to embarrass myself in front of." 

"You will if you think too much about it. Just be your usual dorky self," the billionaire responded. 

"It's not that easy," Peter pouted. As his mentor went to tell him it simply was that easy, alarms blared throughout the lab. Peter slammed his hands over his ears at how loud and shrill it was before asking, "What's going on?" 


"Unscheduled teleportation in the living room. Files say it is the boy the turned up a few months ago." The spiderling jumped up with a grin.

"That's Dick! He's safe, don't worry," he assured the AI. He rushed to the living room to meet up with his friend, already planning on how this surprise visit could work in his favour. If he wasn't alone with MJ, then he wouldn't make a fool of himself. Maybe Dick could even hype him up since he seemed rather confident in his relationship if memory served right. He wondered if he could get a few pointers too. The alarm died down once he said it was okay which saved him of a headache. "Dick!" he exclaimed excitedly as he ran into the room. The younger immediately grinned at the sight of him and opened his arms for a hug which he was swiftly swooped into. "Grip is a little strong there, buddy," Dick wheezed. The brunette dropped him immediately with a sheepish smile. 

"Sorry, it's just you couldn't have come at a better time."

"What am I chopped liver?" Wally asked with a smirk. He held out his hand to shake Peter's but was whisked into a hug too. "Ego replenished. Now, what's this about coming at a good time?"

"I was supposed to go meet MJ-"

"The girl you're madly in love with yes-"

"-well Ned was supposed to be there but he isn't so you two coming along is like a God sent," he explained. The pair glanced to one another with matching smirks. 

"We haven't been on a double date since Z and Arty got together," Dick commented. 

"It's not a double date!" Peter exclaimed, his face flushing bright red. "It's a bunch of friends hanging out together." 

"Mhm sure."

After Tony practically shoved money into Peter's pockets for the trip despite his protests, the group caught the bus and went downtown to a science museum. Dick held Wally's hand so he wouldn't get lost in the crowd. With the little energy he had, he wouldn't be able to think clearly enough to not go straight into a panic attack. The ginger gave his hand a light squeeze here and there to make him feel better which was greatly appreciated. They weaved through the crowd until they got to a bench area. Peter took them to one side where they'd be hidden by a tree before going over. "Okay so MJ is right there and I was wondering if you could maybe big me up. Oh and don't mention you're from a different dimension she's not in the circle," he stated. 

"Well if you guys start dating you probably should say who you are. She might think you're cheating or something," Dick mentioned. He was lucky enough to have been brought up knowing Wally's hero work since it was an essential part of their friendship. If he didn't know, he'd be very suspicious of where his boyfriend was going. Considering how many of their dates were cut short by work, he'd be very salty about their limited time together. "I know I know but up until this point everybody has found out on accident so she'll know at some point."

"Your funeral," Dick mumbled. "We'll be happy to big you up to her. Maybe Wally can give you some flirting tips."

"I'll be happy to share my wisdom with him." Happy with the answer he got, Peter led them over to meet MJ. She was sketching in a little book, her eyes occasionally glancing at the couple having a rather public argument right in front of the museum entrance. Her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration as she drew. She had her hair tied back in a loose ponytail and wore clothes that helped her blend into crowds since there was nothing particularly outlandish about them. "Hey MJ, I brought a few friends along if that's okay?" 

"You already brought them so you didn't really give me the choice to say if it was okay or not without risking coming off as rude," she replied passively. 

"O-oh right yeah, probably shoulda told you beforehand I um I just thought-"

"Peter, I'm joking. I don't mind what lame friends you bring along," she added. A blush of embarrassment crept across Peter's cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck. He tried to laugh off his bashfulness but it just came out awkward. "This is Dick and that's Wally. They're visiting from another state," he lied. "Are you ready to go in?" She quickly scribbled the date underneath the drawing and returned the book to her satchel with a nod. "Great!"

The group stayed together in the beginning, chattering away amongst themselves until Wally and Peter ran off to another exhibit. "Nerds," MJ and Dick said in unison. They gave each other a smirk. "I would've thought you'd run off with the ginger guy," MJ commented. They were staying together, for the most part, waiting for one another if they wanted to stay a little longer at each exhibit. "I'm not as much as a science nerd as Wally. He really goes all in," Dick responded. "He wears those stupid science pun shirts too. I swear half his wardrobe is just bad puns."

"I suspect the same of Peter. Some of the jokes are so similar I think he bought multiples of the same joke," she admitted. The younger chuckled. "So, not like I care, how'd you meet Pete?"

"I was just visiting with my guardian when I got lost. First time here so I was all sorts of confused. Peter found me and helped me get back to the hotel we were staying at. We hung out a few times afterwards before I went back home," he explained, lying effortlessly. Good old Bat training really came in handy. 

"Sounds like Peter all over," she muttered. There was a ghost of a smile on her face as she glanced over to the teen. He was wittering on to Wally about something and the speedster was listening with a grin on his face. "Those two are gonna talk until they're blue in the face," Dick commented. She hummed. "But they are cute when they're passionate about things."

"Tell me about it." There was some silence before she realized what she let slip. "Uhm I mean in like a cute puppy way not an attractive way because we're just friends. Well, acquaintances practically. We just hang out sometimes and that's it."

"Uh-huh sure and I dress up like a bat and fight crime," he said incredulously. He leaned against a nearby railing and watched her reaction. She kept her eyes away from him. How was she this obvious about how she felt around Peter and the guy didn't even notice it? Teenagers. "Peter is a great guy and I know you like him how he likes you. Say something to him."

"You're assuming I feel anything more than tolerance for him," MJ snapped. 

"And I'm assuming correctly. You need to say something before someone else decides he's worth a shot and you know him. He'll probably say yes just so they don't feel embarrassed asking him out," Dick told her rather seriously. "All I'm saying is you're both two hopeless dummies and one of you needs to take the first step. Set a date, ask him out, because he is certainly too nervous to."

"I guess we do have a field trip coming up. It'd be kinda romantic," she mumbled. 

"Seriously, it doesn't need to be romantic. Wally over there asked me out when I was recovering from a stab wound in hospital. I looked like death and he decided that was the perfect time," he pointed out. "I'm not gonna force you to confess your feelings dramatically but what I am gonna do is tell you that boy over there is worth falling for. Don't wait before something bad happens that makes you remember you can't function without him." He waved over to Wally to catch his attention. The ginger smiled at him warmly and then went back to the exhibit. "Believe me, I almost lost him too many times to wait."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's just say where we live, we're lucky to get this old and be as healthy as we are without being in a gang."

"What're those two talking about?" Peter asked, noticing that Dick and MJ were alone together. Wally glanced back with a shrug. 

"Probably some boring stuff. Anyways, lemme give you some tips on asking people out," Wally answered. 

"I don't know Wally. I've never really felt confident enough to do anything like that," he replied, disheartened. He'd love to ask MJ out, he really would, but there were just so many things he'd be risking. If she didn't like him back then it would be awkward around her all the time. If she did like him back but wasn't ready for something like that then he'd come off as pushy. If she did like him back and they went out then she'd probably break up with him because he was missing too many dates from hero stuff. She might break up with him if she found out he was a hero. She might get hurt if she was seen publically when he was suited up. "That's why I'm telling you how to do it and not Dickie repressed feelings over there," the ginger explained, thumbing to his boyfriend.

"I don't even know if she's straight," Peter protested. Wally turned back to Dick, signing to him whether he knew if she was straight or not. He signed back. 

"Yep, she's straight. Now no more excuses," the speedster insisted. "I asked Dick out when he was in the hospital for a stab wound. He was hopped up on fifty different meds at the time and I thought I may as well tell him and if he reacts badly, he probably won't remember. But he did remember and as soon as he was released we had our first date."

"So I should wait until she gets stabbed? Or should I stab her?" 

"No! Ugh, what I'm trying to say is you make the moment, the moment doesn't come to you. There's not gonna be a perfect moment where everything works out so there's no point waiting for it," Wally clarified. 

"Ohh. Mr Stark says that too but what I just want things to be special," Peter admitted. "I'm not good with all this lovey-dovey stuff. 'Specially since my last crush was the daughter of a dude who almost killed me."

"Then think of it as a scientific experiment. All the variables are set in place, you just need to trigger the reaction. There's always a probability it might not work out but now you know that for the next experiment. You'll never get to know if your hypothesis is true if you never set off the process." He put his hand on the brunette's shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. "It'll work out, trust me. Dick and I have to read people for a living and we can see you two care for one another."

"You really think so?"

"I know so." Peter smiled to himself. He supposed if two other heroes said he could do it then there was nothing stopping. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

"Oh, there's a field trip coming up. Maybe I could say something there! It's right before a long weekend too so if things don't work out it's not that bad," he suggested. 

"There ya go, Pete!"

They finished walking around the museum and got ice cream before they called it quits for the day. Dick had finally forgotten about all his work and was painfully aware that he hadn't slept in a while. He estimated at least three days. "C'mon sleepyhead, let's get you home," Wally teased. 

"I can still kick your ass, watch it."

"Aww, are you cranky?" Peter taunted. 

"I could kick your ass too. Bet." 

"Mhm, sure. Thanks for having us, Pete. Nice to meet you MJ. We'll try to come back when this guy has actually slept," Wally said on behalf of himself and his sleepy boyfriend. He picked him up, giving him a piggyback ride so he didn't trip over his own feet. 

"Sleep is for the mentally stable," Dick mumbled back in protest.

"Mood," Peter replied. "Till next time you two." They waved goodbye to him and walked away. "So, what do you think of them."

"Dick's short and sassy, I like that one. Wally seems like a labrador in a human body," MJ answered. She watched them walk away and tutted to herself. They looked like idiots but they didn't seem to care. Not even the disapproving looks from strangers deterred them. "It wouldn't be torturous to see them again if that's what you're asking."

"You want me to walk you home?"

"What because I'm a woman who needs a man to protect me?" Peter's eyes went wide as he stumbled over an apology. "You'd think you'd get that I'm joking. Let's go loser."

Months later

She was going to do it today. She'd finished a drawing of Peter that morning. It took around two days to complete because she wanted it to be perfect. On the back, she wrote the question "Would you go out with me?" It was cute, it was making a moment. Dick made it clear that it didn't have to be romantic but she wanted it to be all the same. 

He was going to do it today. He brought along enough money to buy something on the field trip and he'd checked the stock of the gift shop for something perfect. There would be a book on conspiracy theories there. He'd already written a note that he was planning to slip between the pages. It was one big confession with a question at the end. "Would you go out with me?"

The bus went over the bridge and Peter noticed the hair on his arms stand up. He whipped around and found a spaceship looming over the city. He had to do something. Ned came in clutch, distracting everyone whilst he put on his mask and climbed out of the bus. 

Everyone was turning to dust. MJ looked around the panicked crowd. She found Ned and grabbed a hold of him. "Where's Peter?" she asked in terror. Ned went to answer but turned to dust too. "Peter! Peter, please! Where are you?" she shouted into the crowd before she too turned into dust.

I want to drink Monster out of a wine glass then pretend I'm like a wine taster and be like ah notes of vitamin B and Taurine

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