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You guys wanted it so you guys get it

I'll do something else Davick later for  KAJ2004  but for now, have this

I'll never be able to properly convey how much joy I get from that video of Tom Holland hosting a marvel quiz when his brother (i think it's his brother) and points out he had the answers on the back of the question cards which everyone could see

Hi editing Grayson here - for some reason this part is getting corrupted and is repeating blocks of text so if i haven't figured out the issue by the time you read this just skip that part!


Dick, although he loved David very much, hadn't told him what he did at night. He never had a good chance to mention it so he just didn't. David was out most of the time on a hit somewhere so he didn't have to pull out the night shift excuse too many times for it to become suspicious and he was left home alone more often than not. He made sure to hide his suit in his bag beforehand if he knew the hitman would be staying for the night and he'd stash his uniform on a rooftop somewhere. Blaming his night shift for his absence also came in handy when he came home bruised and beaten. He could just say it was a busy night or something. David hardly asked too many questions and usually went to comfort him instead of interrogating him on the source of the injuries. Of course, there'd be nights where he could tell that his boyfriend was getting suspicious with certain wounds but he'd usually have some sort of excuse. It ranged from underfunding leading to faulty weapons or not having a partner or old protection gear that didn't work as well as it used to. Dick planned for him to tell David naturally but by "naturally", he didn't quite expect this.

It was a late night and Nightwing was taking his break on a rooftop when he heard two heavy footsteps land behind him. He whipped around, almost choking on the apple slices he was enjoying, and got into a fighting stance before realizing who it was. Shit. 

"David?" It was then he noticed the gun that was pointed at him.

"How'd you know my name?" he snarled. This wasn't going to end well. 

"Uhh LOOK OVER THERE!" Nightwing shouted. That didn't work exactly but the shock from hearing him yell so loud stunned the hitman for long enough. Using this to his advantage, the hero rushed forward and kicked the gun out of his hand. Maybe he should mention he was his boyfriend at this point but his thinking was interrupted by David punching him square on the jaw. He was knocked off his feet and had to roll away before he got a combat boot to the face. He pushed himself back onto his feet and held his hands out in hopes of maintaining some distance. "Okay listen to me for just-" his sentence was cut off as David pushed his hands away and went to slash him with his knife. Nightwing dodged and hit his hand so he'd let go of the knife. He grabbed David's shoulders as he knocked his legs out from under him. He sat on his stomach and pinned his wrists to the ground. "You need to sit tight for one second, okay?" He went to take off his mask but his boyfriend didn't take his direction very well. As soon as one arm was released, David flipped them so he was on top and he took another knife he'd concealed. Whilst he brought the knife down, Nightwing ripped off his mask. The hitman had already swung but he managed to change his aim to avoid the important bits. Still, the knife dug into his boyfriend and he'd never felt guilty in his life.

Time stood still and all the colour drained from David's face. He immediately got off of Dick and covered his mouth to muffle any cries that managed to escape his mouth. 

"Surprise?" Dick stated with an awkward smile. 

"I could've killed you!" the hitman yelled. 

"What happened to only killing bad people?" the hero snapped back. Sure, he probably should've said something sooner but he didn't quite envision that not telling David would get him stabbed! There was a knife sticking out of him! 

"I could've murdered you," the other whispered.

"C'mon everyone has nearly killed me, you're not the first. This isn't even our first fight," Nightwing pitched in, hoping it would lighten the mood. It really didn't so he attempted again. "You're the first one to get upset that you tried it though. Most are upset about not following through." He looked down at the knife in his side and started applying pressure around it. In the midst of things, he didn't notice the warm blood trickling and soaking into the material of his suit. That was going to be a pain to sew back up and his suit always went weird whenever he put it through the wash. He could handwash it but that would look dodgy if anyone saw him doing it. Though now David knew about what he was doing at night, he could probably get away with it. It's not like he got a lot of visitors. Pretty much everyone he knew was aware of his nightly escapades. Now he thought about it there were like three people who didn't know but he felt like they were suspicious. There were only so many things you could cancel due to work before they ask questions. He hoped they didn't think he hated them. 

"-Dick!" Nightwing glanced up and saw his boyfriend in front of him. He was sweating like no tomorrow yet he looked as white as a sheet. His hands were firmly gripped onto the other's shoulders, shaking the hero out of his thoughts. 


"Don't ever go silent on me," David ordered. He nodded, barely registering the fear in his lover's tone. "W-where do I take you? The hospital?" 

"Nah, nah. Hospital is for 'aha it's death time' but this is a home job."

"Right. We're not too far from your apartment, I can carry you there." Nightwing laughed.

"You didn't stab me in the legs! I'll just jog over no problem." 

"I still stabbed you." Before he could object any further, David had scooped him off the floor and into his arms. Now that he was closer, he could see the etchings of sorrow in the hitman's expression which usually remained rather calm in moments of stress. This was going to be a long night. 

Carefully, David placed his boyfriend on the bed and got out the first aid kit he helped on his side of the bed. He set out a few things but despite his steady hands, he was far from calm. 

"Are you mad at me?" Dick asked quietly as he tried to keep the pressure on the wound. He didn't fancy bleeding out on the bed. It was a nice mattress. He'd gotten it last Christmas because Bruce got sick of him complaining about his back. Mattresses were expensive too. Sure he had money but he wasn't going to splash it out on a mattress. He wanted a nice savings account for when he was too old to be Nightwing. Given how things were going, he probably wouldn't get to use it but it'd make for a nice funeral. That was a dark thought. 

"Why would I be mad at you when I'm the one who stabbed you?"

"No, I mean about the Nightwing thing," he corrected. David took his hand away for a moment to look at the wound then hummed to himself before going back to the first aid box. He took out some scissors and cut away at the suit. 

"You need to wear more protection when you go out," he mumbled, ignoring Dick's question. He put the scissors back and then put on blue gloves to make sure he didn't infect the wound. "Do you need to bite down on anything?"

"This isn't my first stab wound. I can fix myself up, you know?" he replied sassily, hoping it would put him at ease. It didn't.

"You're not going to. Focus on your breathing and I'll focus on getting this knife out. Luckily it didn't go too deep," David ordered. He batted away Dick's hands and applied pressure himself, earning a hiss of pain. "Are you sure you don't need to bite down on anything?"

"I'm alright. Are you gonna answer my question?" He didn't really want to have this conversation but it wasn't like there was much else to talk about. Right now he couldn't think of a way to change the topic to something upbeat. He guessed that's what stab wounds did. 

"I'm focusing on your stab wound."

"Yeah but- fuck!" David sent him an apologetic look as he placed the bloody knife back where it belonged. He'd clean it later. He pushed the sides of the wound together after putting some gel in it to help the healing. "As I was saying. Yeah, but you can focus on two things at once or else you'd be a horrible hitman. Speaking of, what the hell happened to only killing bad people?"

"Can't we talk about this later?"

"House rules: stab victim gets what he wants. I want to talk about our issues," Dick stated. If he wasn't currently clutching the sheets to deal with the pain, he'd fold his arms and pout to really sell his point but simple puppy eyes would have to do. The ginger sighed to himself, relenting. 

"I know the compromise but I wanted the money," he replied. He glanced away from the wound to Dick's eyes which were glassy with tears. "I was gonna get us a place somewhere safer. Then I wouldn't need to worry about you when I'm not here."

"That's got to be the cutest reason I've been stabbed," the acrobat replied. David rolled his eyes. "I'm being serious! That's adorable."

"Yeah well, now I don't need to worry as much. At least you can defend ... wait did you know who I was when we went on our first date?" Dick nodded with a nervous smile. "Scratch that, still worried. When you said you knew I was a bad guy I thought you were just going off gut instinct! Why in the world would you go out with a hitman?"

"You were cute, I was desperate. Can I make it any more obvious?"

"Cool it, Avril."

After ten minutes of keeping the sides of the wounds so the blood would clot together, David moved on to stitch it up. He hated seeing Dick in pain. The other had tried his best to hide how much pain he was in but David suspected that the adrenaline was leaving him and therefore letting his body feel how sore it was. At least the knife had been clean. He always kept his weapons clean out of habit though there was no real point in it since when he stabbed someone he stabbed to kill. 

"I'm nearly done now, Dickie."

"I just realized something," Dick said, a small smile forming on his face.


"I never got to finish my apple slices." David tutted as he put a bandage over the wound to keep it clean. 

"I'll get you some more apple slices," he offered. He kissed the other's forehead lightly and began putting away everything. "Are we still good?"

"We are. I'll get you back at some point so beware," Dick warned with a laugh.

"I'll keep my eyes peeled for handsome heroes trailing me."

"Ooo, we could make a game of it. Like a sexier cat and mouse game." The hitman shook his head at the suggestion and went to retrieve a fresh bowl of apple slices.

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