You don't like me?

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I think we need something a lil angsty but also a lil happy so the next few stories are gonna follow that sorta thing because holy shit I can't deal with mega sad all the way through stories right now

Things had become difficult between Selina and Bruce. Yes, she loved spending time with him and Dick but she wasn't Dick's mum. She was Bruce's...whatever they felt fit at the time. The acrobat was lovely to be around and was quite quickly wiggling his way into her heart but she wanted Bruce on his own. She missed their private time. Bruce wanted her to accept that he had a kid now so fooling around needed to be kept to a minimum. He'd read somewhere that having inconsistent figures in a child's life can lead to issues in the future with attachments and he really didn't want to deal with that. "I'm not saying we can't have alone time together but I have to be there for him now," Bruce stated. He was stern on the topic and that just made Selina even angrier.  

"Why do you have to be so stubborn? You can leave him with Alfred for a while," Selina offered. 

"Because I've been doing that too much lately. He needs me. Not to mention how he runs Alfred ragged," he argued. She huffed angrily at him and folded her arms. "Don't be like that Selina. It's just until he's a little older."

"Oh so I have to wait years for this kid to grow up so we can spend a few nights together?" she snapped. 

"I'm not going to let that boy grow up without me because I want to get with you," Bruce insisted. It wasn't fair for Dick to only spend time with him when they were patrolling together. There had to be a line between work and personal life and, despite Bruce finding that particularly difficult, he didn't want his ward to grow up with those lines blurred. "C'mon Brucie, we used to have such fun together," Selina whined. 

"And we still can just less than we used to," he replied. She huffed. 

"I'm starting to wish you never fostered that kid." There was a sniffle but neither of them was crying nor did they have a cold. Their eyes glanced to the doorway.

There in the doorway, standing in his pyjamas with his stuffed elephant in hand and tears brimming his eyes, was Dick Grayson. He stared at Selina and she could almost hear his heart shattering into pieces. Her eyes went wide as her brain scrambled to put words together to explain herself but she couldn't get her mouth to work. Bruce was just as shocked to see the little boy standing there. He worried how much he'd heard. The argument had been going on for quite a while. "What're you doing up chum?" he asked softly.

"You don't like me?" Dick asked Selina, ignoring Bruce's presence altogether. She couldn't get her words out quick enough. This little nine-year-old was staring at her with such sorrow that she was paralyzed. Her silence didn't help her case. His eyes dropped to the floor defeatedly and he squeezed his stuffed animal tightly. Bruce went to go pick him up but he moved away. "Dick?"

"I'm gonna go to bed," he mumbled, quickly turning away and running upstairs. 

"I'm so sorry Bruce," Selina said. She'd finally gotten her mouth to work but it was too late. The billionaire sighed as he thought about what to do. He knew Selina didn't mean it but Dick didn't know that. He should've been in bed anyway but that wasn't the point. "He's probably had a nightmare and come down. I need to go check on him."

"Right, yeah, of course. I can go if you need it?"

"If you meant what you said, you can leave and never come back. You may not like it but I have Dick now and he comes first," he responded. "If you didn't, it's best to tell him now rather than later." 

"I really didn't mean it."

"Then you best follow me."

A nightmare had driven Dick downstairs but he'd been driven back upstairs by one too. He really liked Selina. He thought she was going to be like a mother figure to him. Yet she wished he'd never been brought here. He shut the door behind him and wished there was a lock on it so he could make sure he'd be left alone. He ran to his bed and got underneath the covers as he held his stuffed elephant tightly. Dick didn't like crying despite how easy it was to make him cry. It was always tiring and he felt embarrassed afterwards. But he couldn't stop crying right now. What if Bruce gave him away so he could be with Selina? What if Bruce didn't like him anymore because she didn't like him? He liked it here and he liked being Robin. He loved everything and everyone in this new life he'd made but what if that was taken away from him as it had been before. There was a knock on the door but he ignored it in favour of crying harder. He tried to hide further beneath the covers and wished that the mattress would swallow him up. Another knock had prompted him to say something but he didn't have anything to say so he continued to cry. The door opened and he felt a weight on the end of the bed, making his curl up further into himself. "Hey Dickie, you wanna come out for me?" Bruce asked. He was using his light voice in hopes of coaxing the boy out but it didn't work.


"Please?" A sound resounding a muffled no was his reply. "Selina didn't mean it, did you Selina?" Dick when rigid upon the revelation that she'd been in his room. If the mattress was going to listen to his wish, he wanted it to right now. 

"I really didn't. I was being silly."

"That's not a silly thing! It's mean!" Dick cried. " meanie!" He rubbed his eyes harshly and scowled at the sheets. "I thought you'd like me."

It was getting warm underneath the covers, curse Bruce for buying the thickest blanket he could, and Dick didn't know how long he could persevere. "Can you come out, please? I want to apologize to you properly," Selina insisted. The boy huffed and decided to abandon the comfort of his soft tomb. He dramatically took off the covers and refused to look at the woman though that wouldn't do. "Look at me, Dickie."

"Nuh-uh," he pouted. "You were tryna make B pick n that's what big meanies do." He picked at the fluff of his elephant as though there was something on it but there wasn't. He just wanted to concentrate on something other than the conversation they were having. "It's not that at all. It's just that I'm not quite used to sharing things and I'm not ready to be a..." She struggled to find the right words.

"Mum figure. 'Cuz B is my dad figure," Dick finished. 

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I don't like you. When people get mad, they say things they don't mean. They just say it to get attention. Don't get me wrong, you're a wonderful little boy but I wish I could spend time with Bruce on my own," Selina explained. 

"But we can share him! You didn't have to say that you didn't want me here," he protested. 

"I know I know. I promise I really didn't mean it." He huffed at her, still not happy. "I'm really sorry."

"C'mon Dickie, she said she's sorry," Bruce said. This wasn't going to be resolved without him stepping in. 

"Well, Roy says words don't mean dick till you prove it."

"We don't use those sorts of words in this house. I don't want to hear that phrase come out your mouth again. I understand that Selina hurt you but she's going to make up for it over time, aren't you?" The woman nodded.

"I promise. Even if I'm not ready to be your mother figure, I'm not gonna hurt you again."

Six years later because I love doing this 

"Ma'am, Richard isn't allowed to see anyone outside of immediate family right now," the nurse insisted but her words fell on deaf ears. 

"I don't give a flying fuck! I want to see my boy!" Selina yelled. She was very close to giving this rather lovely nurse a broken nose. No longer than four hours ago, Dick had been rescued from his kidnapper's clutches and he hadn't been in the best shape. She wasn't about to let this nurse stand in the way of seeing him. It didn't matter if reports said he'd be okay, she needed to make sure for herself. It made sense that they were keeping visitors just to the family since any would-be kidnappers would take advantage of the teenager's weakened state. "Nurse it's alright, she can come through," Kid Flash announced from down the hall. They whipped around with a curious look. "She's like an unofficial official guardian." She trusted that the hero knew best and let Selina through, earning a glare from the worried woman. 

"Thank you, dear," Selina said.

"Gotham nurses have enough on their hands without you tearing them a new one," he joked though he was half-serious. He knew he never wanted to be on her bad side. 

In the hospital room stood those who'd saved Dick from the kidnappers, Kid Flash and Red Arrow. Bruce was nowhere to be seen but that was to be expected since he was off-world. Instead of the billionaire, Alfred was sat by the teenager's hospital bed with a worried smile as he listened to young master's ramblings. Dick looked tired and thin but he'd be okay. Selina rushed over and hugged him tightly, kissing his forehead and cheek. "You worried me half to death," she stated.

"I'm fine, honest! Just a little tired and hungry," Dick assured her. 

"My poor little kitten."

"The guys are right here," the acrobat pointed out, his cheeks dusted red with embarrassment.

"Hey, don't be mean to your mum," Red Arrow teased. 

"She's not-"

"Listen to your friend kitten," Selina interrupted. 

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