Do as I say, not as I do

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flashbossXD requested this and I could see the fun we could get from it so here we go

The habit that would confuse his teammates for a whole year began when Robin was little. In fact, it was before he was even Robin. He was Dick Grayson and he was eight, living in the circus with his parents as an acrobat in training. His debut performance wouldn't be for another few months. One day, he was left with one of the daughters of the strongmen he considered to be an uncle. He supposed that made the girl his cousin or at least a cousin figure. It was an often occurrence for him to be left with her since neither of them could really help in the circus set up due to being so young. The girl, Jen, was four years older than Dick but the pair got on fairly well and had bonded over their love of animals. They were talking about different languages when they got onto the topic of swearing somehow. "Mama says I can't swear because it's rude," Dick stated. He'd sworn once in his life when he messed up a backflip but his parents had grounded him for using such language. He didn't see why it was so bad. People who visited the circus sometimes swore and their friends would laugh. He thought it was a funny thing to say. Apparently not judging by their reaction. 

"That's coz you're sayin it in English. Your mam and da only knoe English swears. Ya need to say em in other languages," Jen explained. She had a rather thick Scottish accent as did her dad. They transferred to their circus from one that travelled around the UK. He supposed her accent never left and he liked it so he didn't mind its reluctance to fade. It suited her almost. 

"Oh? But it took me so long to learn English and I still struggle," he argued.

"Ya don't need to knoe the whole language idiot. Ya just need to knoe the swears. 'Alf the time people will jus assume you made a weird noise n not tell ya off." He hummed to himself. 

"Do you know any swears?" he asked innocently. She nodded proudly and moved closer to him. 

"Here are the few I know."

And from that day, Dick used other languages to swear without getting in trouble. There were very few times where he swore and someone knew what he was saying so he got away with it pretty often. He also widdled out what languages other people knew so he could avoid using those around them. Unfortunately, he confused the team pretty often.

Robin stomped into the main room of the Mountain with a thunderous look on his face which was quite the opposite to his usual smirk. He looked just about ready to kick someone's ass if they so much as looked at him the wrong way and they didn't doubt that he could. "Uhm, hey Rob. You feeling alright?" Wally asked. He was the least likely to get his head ripped off so naturally, he had to be the one to ask. That didn't stop him from being slightly - extremely - wary of his friend. The teen huffed at him and shook his head. "What's up?"

"Batman is a придурок," he snapped. "Everything I do he's like Robin not like that, Robin you need to concentrate, Robin take your meds. I don't wanna take my meds they don't work!"

"Okay, let's take a deep breath before you pop a blood vessel," Wally told him. "I'm not even gonna attempt to repeat what you called Batman so if you could say that in English that would be great." Robin groaned angrily and stormed off to train off his frustrations. Hopefully, he wouldn't slam his fist into the wall this time. 

"Welp that's him for the rest of the day. Anyone have google translate?"

"I think he was just using that dumbass Robin language," Artemis stated. A boot swiftly came hurtling towards her head and an angry Robin hopped over to collect it. "You brat, those are combat boots! You could've given me a concussion."

"That was the idea сука!"

Part of being Robin meant he worked on a lot of gadgets alongside his mentor to aid in crime fighting. Currently, Robin was working on a more durable breathing device since he kept breaking his on missions. Since he was so light, villains tended to throw him around like a ragdoll and he always seemed to land on his breathing device which was rather annoying when he was then thrown into some body of water or other. Sure, Kaldur would be able to dive in and help him to the surface before dragging him onto the closest embankment within ten minutes, it was an arse to keep replacing the thing that he had to order from some special store in the middle of nowhere. The only issue with making such a thing from scratch was the constant trial and error which really got on the teenager's nerves. He was insanely stubborn so every setback was just a challenge but he still got annoyed when something he worked so hard on broke apart. It always happened at the same point too. Just as he put an 80-pound weight on the device it would shatter and he couldn't figure out if it was the material or his design. He decided to continue his work at the Mountain, hoping that the new space would give him some ideas. Alas, it did not. He tinkered with the design as M'gann cooked in the kitchen behind him. Kaldur was vaguely aware of what he was working on and found it quite impressive that the teen was so determined to create something perfectly designed for himself. He didn't doubt that he'd be able to do it. Robin was quiet as he screwed in something, his concentration completely focused on what was in front of him. That's when Artemis and Wally strolled in during one of their infamous bickering bouts. They were getting heated as they went from snapping to full-on shouting. This distracted Robin for a moment but that moment was enough for him to tighten the screw too tight and crack the material. He huffed and shot the pair a glare. "Just jāšanās kiss already before you make me magkantot again!" he yelled, throwing his project at them. Wally reeled back when it hit him in the head and pouted at his friend.

"What the hell are you saying, Rob? I don't speak Bat."

"It was Latvian and Filipino you pislik!" he growled, crossing his arms across his chest and slouching. 

"Why are you talking in different languages?" Kaldur asked.

"Probably because he's a showoff," Artemis replied.


They didn't hear him swear again until their mission together. It went off track rather quickly and somehow the building ended up collapsing. In the heat of the moment, they all ran in different directions with hopes that they'd all somehow find a way out. Miss Martian panted as she got to safety and leaned against a large tree. She watched as the building settled, the sound of rocks falling followed by the eerie quiet was rather unnerving. She collected herself and set the mindlink back up. It'd been temporarily knocked off in her panic. "Is everyone out?" she asked as her eyes frantically searched around for other teammates. Kid Flash stuck out like a sore thumb so at least she knew he was safe. 

"I'm out," the ginger announced, out of breath.

"As am I," Aqualad added. There was a loud grunt and the sound of a heavy piece of debris slamming to the ground.

"I'm out now," Superboy informed her. That explained the noise. 

"I'm somehow in a tree but fine," Artemis stated. She hopped down. How she got there was something else. She remembered shooting her grappling hook as a last-ditch attempt to get out and she was pulled just as the building gave in. She guessed she'd hooked on a tree. That was certainly one for the record books. They waited for a moment, all of them knowing there was one reply missing. They waited a moment longer. Then a little longer. 

"Merde," Robin groaned. His response should've come as a relief but he wasn't speaking English and that usually meant nothing good was going on. 

"Rob? Where are you?" Kid Flash asked, almost scared to hear the reply.

"I'll give you a hint. I'm surrounded by concrete," the younger deadpanned. They often wondered if that was how he stayed calm. Sarcasm was like his comfort blanket that he wrapped himself in whenever things got bad. 

"Oh my god, you're under that shit?" the speedster exclaimed.

"Y-you should say глупости. It's Bulgarian. Don't get in trouble that way," he replied.

"So that's why you talk like that."

"Not the issue here. We need to get you out. Do you know which exit you were closest to?" Aqualad interrupted. As much as finding out whatever they could about their most mysterious teammate was great, said teammate was stuck under a fallen building with a potentially small amount of air and could be injured.

"South I think. Yea south. Got hit in the head, knocked to the ground," he answered. Scratch that, definitely injured. Immediately they all ran to the south side where the door had roughly been and began carefully moving the blocks out the way. "I'm kinda pinned. Let me try to- ibu keparat!" Everybody instantly stopped, worried that they'd just caused more bad than good.

"Robin?" they all exclaimed.

"Fine. Fine. Hurt though. Can't move much," he assured them. He didn't sound fine. Not fine at all. He sounded pained even through his mind. They resumed pulling off pieces and hoped that they wouldn't find the young hero in a really bad way. "Gotta...gotta stay awake. Till you get here."

"Right yea, you could uhm-uhm teach us swears in other languages. You know a lot right?" Kid Flash responded. He hummed, disinterested. Yeah, he supposed reciting things wouldn't be riveting enough to force him to stay awake. "How'd you decide you were gonna use other languages? Must be a lot of work."

"Classified. S-secret ID stuff. Before Bats," he explained. They didn't like how stunted his sentences were. He was usually more fluent with his sentences, easily jumping from one subject to another by weaving a threat to connect between the topics. Even when he wanted to convey simple things, he'd lump them all into a big sentence to get it out of the way. This sounded like he wasn't thinking clearly. Like he was just blurting out what sounded right. 

"You'll have to tell us another time," Aqualad said. There would be another time, he assured himself. This was Robin. Sure they didn't know how far down he was and the nature of his injuries but it was Robin! He'd been doing the hero gig for five years now. Nothing could kill him. "If Batman permits it." He heard Robin hum. He sounded tired. "I remember you working on a breathing device. You threw it at Wally yes?"

"Yea. Got it working." He paused. There's a shift in the rubble followed by a muffled scream. "Definitely shouldn't move."

"You did give me an idea of where you are," Superboy stated. Benefits of super hearing. He trudged across the rubble, waving over his teammates. Turns out Robin was further from the south exit than they thought. He must've been hit early, right as they realised that everything was collapsing. Guilt riddled them. No one checked to see where he was. He was human after all. They should've kept a better eye on him. Even he, Boy Wonder Extraordinaire, could do with someone looking out for himself. 

"Robin, are you able to give me an injury status?"

"Able to, want to, need to. Which one of those do you mean?" he asked.

"Need to. It's an order."

"Fine. Probable concussion, ankle is," he paused, "sprained not broken, I've got a rock above me that if it fell I'd be squished." He went quiet. "Oh, metal is stabbing me. Screamed trying to move. Think it's pretty deep."

"Why didn't you start with that?" Miss Martian shrieked. "You could be bleeding out!"

"Mhm. Wet. Lots of...lots of wet. Heh. Splash," he rambled. Superboy cringed.

"Stop splashing it! It's gross."

"Helpin ain't it? Hearin where I am?" He had a point. Still, it was gross. He could just tell the substance was thick.

"There's too much blood if he's splashing it about," Kid Flash said.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious," Artemis snapped. 

Upon tossing a bunch of bricks to the side, Artemis noticed a bright yellow stick out. Robin's cape. "Found him!" she announced. "Rob, is your cape over your head?" The teen moved and flipped his cape back over so he could see her. 

"So that's why it was so dark," he muttered. She tutted at him and continued to throw bricks out onto the grass with her fellow heroes picking up the pace. Eventually, Superboy moved the clump of concrete debris that had previously loomed over Robin and threw it much further than he needed to. Perhaps out of spite. They could all get a good look at the hero as he carefully got onto his knees. He yelped upon jostling the metal that was shoved into his side. He glanced up at them and then back at the blood dripping down. Not all of it had been blood, some of it had been water from the old pipe system but a lot of it was supposed to be in his body. 

"Superboy put pressure on the wound, Miss M bring the bioship around. KF, once it lands, run on and grab a stretcher. I'm not moving him without a stretcher. That means no moving yourself either Robin," Aqualad ordered, sending a glare down to the younger. The teen was preoccupied with the red gloop on his gloves. His blood had clotted together on the fabric. He stared at it, rubbing the substance between his fingers with sick fascination. Aqualad jumped down to the small pocket Robin had been trapped in. The dust would do nothing for his wounds. He knelt down in front of him and grabbed his chin so he could carefully move Robin's face around. There was a cut in the middle of a blossoming bruise near his right temple. He snapped his fingers to get the teen's attention. His half-lidded eyes looked up to greet him along with a flash of his signature smug smile. 

"Hey Kal."

"Hello, Robin. We're going to get you out soon. Can you tell me how you feel?"

"Like scheiße," he responded. The older tutted at his assistance to censor himself. At least his mind was still half working.

"Thought so."

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