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Yes this isn't how canon is but fanfic and it's cuter this way

They sat at on top of the roof, Robin head leaning against Starfire's shoulder as he held her hand. They watched the moonlight dance on the water quietly. In the distance, they could hear the fair still going on. Starfire didn't mind that they left it. It was loud and as much fun as they had, she liked this quiet time now. They felt close when it was quiet. No big villain looming the destruction of the world over their heads. No threat to their lives. Just quiet. "Hey Star?" Robin called. 


"Do you ever miss your home?" She was quiet as she thought about it. 

"Sometimes. There are things that make me wish I was home. It can be hard to understand and be understood. There are moments I get so frustrated because I know if I was home then I would be perfectly understood," she explained. "But most of the time I don't miss it. Everything is so wonderful here. You and our friends make it that way. You keep me from missing it." He smiled up at her and she kissed him on the forehead. "Do you miss your home? Gotham may not be as far away as my planet but you must feel the same?" His smile slipped away as his gaze shifted to the water. He didn't know if he did miss Gotham the same way she missed her planet. There were memories there and he wanted to miss it. He wanted to say that he did miss it because in some way he did. He missed Barbara. He missed Alfred. On a rare occasion, he'd find himself missing Bruce. Then he'd remember that he missed a lot of things. He missed the circus. He always felt at home there. Everyone was family. As much as he knew that Bruce tried to make Gotham his home and as much as he had fun there, it simply didn't feel that way anymore. The city had left him to bleed too many times. It had become too accustomed to Batman solving everything that he simply wasn't given the credit. He'd just been there. He was the goofy sidekick. Not like when he was here. He was the leader of his own team before he was even old enough to vote. This city had goofy villains and that spark Gotham had before things went as dark as they did. They didn't have Batman so he didn't have to live up to some unobtainable standard. "Robin? Are you okay?" Starfire asked, moving so she could see his expression better. She put a hand on his cheek which finally drew his eyes off the water and onto her. 

"Sorry. Got caught up thinking." He squeezed her hand to reassure her he was alright even if he wasn't so sure himself. "It's just that things are complicated. I don't know if Gotham ever was home. I wasn't born there, I ended up there."

"You never told me that," she mumbled. 

"It's not something I like to tell." His frown deepened. "Or even remember."

"Oh." They sat quietly for a few moments. "Robin, will you ever tell me about who you were before you got here?" He looked at her curiously. "I only know Robin now. I really like you but...I wish you trusted me to know you were."

"It's not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't like to talk about it."

"But why?" He moved away from her and looked down at his feet. "I only asked-"

"I'm scared," he muttered, just loud enough for her to hear. He didn't want to admit it. He hated himself for it yet she had to know if she was to understand that it wasn't anything to do with her. It was all his fault.

"Scared? Of who?"

"Of you. What if you see me differently? What if I get upset and you think I'm weak? What if-"

"Robin," she interrupted. He turned to her only to have her lips press against his. He melted into the kiss and let her pull him closer. They parted but kept their foreheads pressed together. He stared at her as his skin flushed pink, a confused expression written across his features. "You worry too much. How could I think of you as weak after everything we've been through?" 

Robin didn't say anything. He just continued to stare at her, pleasantly surprised that she wasn't going to think of him differently. He found himself absently playing with her hair and sighed. He really like what they had. He wished he could preserve this moment. Save it in a file so if things went bad, he could go back to this point and rewrite everything. He'd be able to make sure he was perfect if he could do that. She wouldn't ever get upset at his reluctance to say they were together. She'd have the best boyfriend in the world because she deserved that. She deserved everything he couldn't give her. He twirled her ginger hair around his finger before he spoke. "I suppose you're right." Starfire stared at him with surprise. He never usually stood down.

"W-wait really?" she asked. He nodded. 

"If I can trust you with my life, I should be able to trust you not to judge me right?" he asked, nerves clear in his voice. This would be like the ultimate fuck you to Batman. He could hear the lecture now. Batman telling him he trusted too easily, asking him if he forgot everything he was taught. There'd be a shouting match. They'd avoid each other until they forgot why. That or Alfred would force them to make up. He wondered if that would stay true to the whole Robin situation. Would he always be angry or would one day he feel the same closeness to Bruce that he used to. "Batman used to tell me never to trust anyone. Even other heroes. But...he's been wrong before so this might be another instance of him being wrong."

"Oh Robin," the alien sighed. "That is no way to live."

"It's partially true. I can't trust everyone I meet," he defended. He felt her press her lips against his forehead, her grip on his waist tightening to comfort him. He liked her. He liked her a lot. She was his ideal girlfriend. One that didn't mind him not being the stereotypical macho guy when they weren't on the job. She knew to be patient and she was simply the cutest when she was possessive. Here he was with the most perfect person in the world and he was denying her the one thing she wanted. To get to know him. To know who he was behind the mask. Well no more. Bruce wasn't going to control his life anymore. He wouldn't let him. "If I showed you what I looked like without the mask, if I told you my real name and everything that went with it, would you be happier?" he asked, his voice quiet. Worried.

"I would be, yes, but I would not be if you felt obligated or forced to do so," she answered. "Do you feel like you have to tell me?" He shrugged. 

"I want to and I feel like I have to."

They sat quietly before he moved away a little and fiddled with his gloves. "I could start simple. Something that doesn't need explaining?" he said, thinking aloud. He stared at his hands. He could do this. He could show her something that was incredibly important to keep secret. Robin glanced back up to her. "I could show you my face. Without the mask. Tell you my name?" She smiled sweetly.

"Whatever you're comfortable with." He studied her face for a moment. Her green eyes focused on his masked ones. She looked at him with such love and he wondered if his own care for her was even seen through his mask. Did she know how he felt? Could she see that he felt the same? He brought his hand to his face, his fingers pinching the edge of the mask. He could do this. He shook a little. He'd never had to do this before and he felt nervous. Robin focused on Starfire's hands placed firmly on his hips, grounding him in the here and now. He peeled up the side and held onto it tightly. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and peeled off the rest of it, his eyes instantly squeezing closed once they were shown. He didn't know if he wanted to see her face. What if she didn't like him? What if seeing this part of his face made her think he wasn't attractive? What if the alluring part of their relationship was the secrecy and she didn't want this anymore? 

"M-my name is Rich-Richard Grayson. D-Dick for short." He hadn't meant to stutter. His body was just shaking so much that he couldn't help it. He kept his eyes tightly shut, flinching when he felt her hands move away from him. Oh. His mind went blank as he felt that familiar sting of tears beginning to form. Rejection. He'd expected it but that didn't mean he was prepared. He'd ruined it. Then he heard a soft giggle and the hands that left his hips were placed on his face. 

"Open your eyes, Dick." He hesitated and gulped as he slowly opened them. She gasped softly before smiling, mesmerized. "Your eyes," was all she could say at first. "I love them."

In a whirlwind of relief and joy, Dick couldn't help but cackle. Starfire's face lit up upon hearing it. He hadn't laughed like that in a while and she hadn't been there the last time he had. She'd only heard his light laugh. She'd become accustomed to the laugh he controlled to maintain a strong exterior. This one sounded so genuine and full of happiness and she'd been the one to make him laugh like that. "Star, you almost gave me a heart attack," he laughed, his rare smile making an appearance. He looked so happy. He'd been so open with her that she had to be honest too. She brought her hands down and clasped them around his hands that held his mask. 

"I have something to confess. I too have kept a secret."

"Oh?" he replied. 

"Like you, I have two names. It is only fair I tell you mine too." He held her hands in his own tightly. 

"I'm sure it'll be just as beautiful as you are," he assured her. She laughed. 

"I see your flirting skills have gotten better."

"I did research. Thought you might appreciate it," he told her with an awkward smile. She did appreciate it. He put effort into something that would benefit her, how could she not be grateful for that? 

"I would like my name to stay between us. Our names could be our thing. Many earth couples have such a thing, yes? Names just for their lovers?" He nodded. Although other couples would use baby or sweetheart as their names just for their one special person, this was their version of it. They weren't an ordinary couple so he supposed this wouldn't be ordinary either. "My given name is Kori'ander. I suppose Kori would be its shorthand, correct?" He nodded. She had to admit, his mask really had hidden how he looked at her. There was such devotion in those sapphire blues, such pure adoration, that simply hadn't made it through the white lenses. They sparkled with a sense of pure love that she wished she'd always been able to see. Yet the wait somehow made her appreciate them more so. 

"I like that. Kori. It's nice to say." She smiled mischievously. 

"I'm sure you will be saying it a lot later." His face flushed red which made her laugh. Now she could truly drink in that shocked and flustered look he gave her. "Perhaps we should go inside and warm up that way?"

"Stop, you're making my face burn," Dick whined.

"But you look so cute when your face is red. Why would I stop now?" She wrapped her arms around his waist and brought him onto her lap. He tutted at her, secretly enjoying the possessiveness of the position they were in. His arms slung over her shoulders as his eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips. "Do you always look at my lips?" she asked. 

"Sorry! The uh the mask usually hides- I can stop if-"

"I was teasing you," she said with a laugh. He rolled his eyes. "You love it."

"Hardly. I love when you do something else though."

"Oh? I suppose we should go inside then."

"Mhm. Mind carrying me Kori? The cold made my legs numb."

"It would be my pleasure, Dick."

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