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CherryBerry952 requested this and i hope it's good!!

By the way, 12 days of Christmas is going ahead this year and will be starting on the 13th - no requests for it because I wanted to be self-indulgent!!


They were all taken separately. Bruce when getting coffee, Damian whilst apprehending a thief, Jason when he collected his UberEats, Tim when he found an empty warehouse instead of a gambling den he was going undercover at and Dick when he tried to help a woman after he caught her mugger and returned her purse. Each then woke up stripped of their weapons, which must've been a shock to their captors, and tracking devices in a new puzzle Riddler had made in collaboration with Scarecrow. It was the team up nobody was asking for but it's what they got. After waking up with varying degrees of headaches since the older heroes had been chloroformed way too much in their lives that it was more like a dull pulse, they were told the rules of the game they'd been plopped down in. The group would go through death-defying challenges and the prize was to leave with their lives. In each room, they'd be told their challenge and they were warned against cheating unless they wanted to be killed. Pretty simple life or death situation with the only change being that they were doing it in casual clothes. Well, most of them were doing it in casual clothes. Tim looked like a tiny waiter. Once they were given their instructions, the door to their holding room slid open and they were prompted to go through. They were confident in themselves as they passed through the doorway, knowing they could get through this and that some very pissed off Batgirls would be coming to their rescue. Oracle probably already knew they were missing and hunting them down. Spoiler and Orphan would be bursting through this maze soon enough thanks to her information and would likely make fun of their attire. Jason's Wonder Woman obsession was on full show thanks to the iconic W patterning on his shirt, socks and sweatpants. He was just missing the socks and shoes, but come to think of it all of them were missing their socks and shoes, so there was his Christmas gift sorted. None of them was nervous about what lay ahead. Not until they saw the first challenge and understood why Scarecrow was working with Riddler. 

The room was dark as they entered but soon they heard bulbs humming to life and a heavy switch flick as one by one they lit up in alternating primary colours. The walls were adorned in striped red and white wallpaper and the platform they were standing on was red with white bulbs on the rim. It took a minute to figure out what they were looking at but their confirmation came in soft circus music. A pool of guilt and grief developed at the bottom of Dick's gut as he looked out to the other platform. Between them were four parallel red metal bars and between the first pair and the second pair were pieces of glass about jumping distance apart. "Dick?" Tim called, noticing how pale his brother had gone. The older didn't answer and instead peered over the edge to inspect how far up they were. Too high to survive. No net to protect them if they fell. There was only concrete to catch them. His shoulders tensed as he winced back at the memory imprinting itself on the clean floor below. All that blood and the way those limbs stuck out at all those horrid angles. He hadn't recognised the shapes immediately when he was younger, only being able to pick out the general mush of body parts and brightly coloured leotards. A shiver ran down his spine as the speaker crackled to life. 

"Welcome to your first challenge. I'm sure this is a familiar sight for you Mr Grayson," Riddler greeted with giddy glee. The acrobat glared up at the ceiling but didn't rise to the taunt although he did appreciate the way his family moved that tiniest bit closer to him. It was silently reassuring. "Your challenge is simple. You have sixteen minutes to pass over to the other side using the glass bridge. Each panel is made of either tempered glass or untempered glass."

"How will we know which is which?" Jason asked.

"We won't," Dick answered, his voice much darker than usual. He knew they noticed it but he was battling to keep his emotions in check. If a little bite was added to his tone then he couldn't be blamed for it. 

"Precisely Mr Grayson."

"We can only use the bridges?" he confirmed.

"Yes. Only the bridges." He nodded to himself and squinted at the first two panes of glass. There was nothing different between them and the lights didn't help much in deciphering. "When the alarm sounds, your time will begin." The speaker turned off and a loud alarm blared. Above them, they could see a digital clock displaying how much time they had. It even had a hard ticking noise to really help with the anxiety. 

For a moment, the group was silent as they all went about thinking of ways to cheat the system but they all knew there wasn't a way to cheat. They didn't have anything to throw onto the glass to test its strength, Riddler had made sure of that. He wanted them to test jump to each one. If they fell then it was their own fault for choosing incorrectly. Dick cracked his knuckles and let out a sigh before stepping up to the edge. "Dick?" Bruce questioned. 

"Given it's my trauma, I'd like to go first," he stated in a tone so serious they knew there was no convincing him otherwise. It didn't stop them from trying though. 

"No, I'll go first," Damian insisted. "I'm the lightest. I'll have more time to catch myself." Dick barely let him finish his sentence when he got onto the edge, let out a breath and jumped to the right. Everyone went silent and stared as stood on the glass waiting for him to fall right through but he remained standing. "Grayson!" 

"Don't pull that shit man!" Jason snapped. 

"You were just going to argue and I already called shotgun," he defended, plastering on a smile to reassure them. They could see right through it by the way his hands shook. Everyone was out of their element. They weren't heroes right now. They were themselves and it almost felt as though they were naked without their masks to hide behind. No persona to protect them. Dick, however, was a natural performer which seemed to aid in helping him ignore the reality of the situation. If he fell, it would be lights out. "Be angry at me later," he stated. "We've got fifteen minutes left. I'm not about to get you all killed."

"That's not what we're worried about," Bruce responded. He shrugged off the comment and faced forward. Time was not on their side so he couldn't spend much longer having a heart to heart. He had to keep moving forward. 

Jump. Tempered glass.

Another jump. Tempered glass.

Third jump. The glass cracked underneath his weight. In the space of seconds, he went from standing upright to falling right through. Luckily, his reflexes were fast and he managed to catch the side of the bar. Unfortunately, the glass splintered and shot out in different directions including but not limited to the bar he was currently holding onto. Glass poked through his calloused fingers and he let out a shout of pain as it pierced through. Blood bloomed from the cuts and trickled down his arms before dripping onto the floor below. He heard his family calling for him and he turned to see their horrified expressions. Their faces were sickly, their hearts clearly dropping to their feet the moment they saw him fall. He wasn't fairing much better. Flashes of his parents' bodies stained the back of his eyelids as he tried to shake them away. Bile had risen up his throat but he swallowed it back down because throwing up all over himself didn't sound very fun. "Hold on!" Bruce announced as he stepped onto the tempered glass. 

"What do you think I'm doing?" Dick shouted back rather hysterically. 

"Trying to die?" Jason posited

"This is the exact worst time for a death joke!" he snapped.

"I don't know, this does feel pretty timely."

"I'm getting constant flashbacks to my parents dying right now so if you could please lay off reminding me I narrowly avoided repeating the Flying Graysons disaster that would be perfect!" He let out a long-suffering sigh and swallowed thickly as he looked out to the other panels of glass. They had quite a few to go and he really didn't fancy falling through one again. He narrowed his eyes at them and then had what could only be described as a lightbulb moment. "Bruce, stay where you are."


"Stay where you are. I have an idea and we're gonna hope I won't die of blood loss while doing it."

"You were saying about the death joke-"

"Shut up Jay!"

"He has a point," Tim defended.

"I'm telling Babs you made death jokes."

"Don't you dare!" Jason exclaimed. Nobody wanted to face the wrath of Barbara. She really lived up to the stereotype of fiery ginger and none of them was going to ask for a punch to the face. He smirked at the genuine anxiety in the younger's voice, letting himself enjoy that for a moment before pressing on with an idea that was hopefully going to be worth the pain. Slowly, he lifted up his hand and gripped the bar behind him. He hissed as the glass was driven further into his hands but he kept going with his plan. He moved closer to the glass panel beside him and began swinging his legs back and forth. 

"This is going to hurt like a mother fucker," he muttered as he built momentum. Eventually, his feet collided with the glass and it shattered completely, cutting the tips of his bare toes and making a soft tinkle sound when it hit the concrete below. "Stubbing your toe is no longer the worst feeling."

"I bagsie not carrying him," Jason announced although he did sound uneasy. No one responded to his taunt and any other ideas he had to lighten the mood had died on his tongue.

Dick continued moving forward, occasionally switching between the two sets of parallel bars when he found tempered glass. His family watched on with anxiety. They could see his grip gradually getting weaker thanks to the glass making them wet with blood and the swinging was only making it dig in further which caused more blood to flow out. They could tell Dick was in pain because he was silent as he crashed through the panels. His focus was mostly on the task at hand but sometimes his head would dip to the drop below. For a brief moment, he would contemplate how it would feel to fall that far without anything to catch him. Then he'd shake his head and return to destroying his feet for the sake of saving his family. Each of them would wince in sympathy when he smashed through yet another panel and they knew how hard it was going to be to recover from. Especially with his knack for disobeying bedrest rules. His technique was the best they had though so they had to let him continue. It felt like forever but eventually, he found his way to the end of the glass bridge and found the last piece of untempered glass. He let out a shout of agony as he pulled himself up onto the platform and curled up into a ball once he was away from the edge. "It's safe!" he yelled out to his family. They nodded and followed his path with Bruce being the first onto the platform. The billionaire shrugged off his shirt and ripped the fabric into strips before carefully taking hold of Dick's wrist to pull his hand away from his chest. There were so many thin strips of glass sticking out of his one palm that it might have knocked Bruce sick in the earlier days of his vigilanteism. They didn't have time to sit there and pick it all out so he went with wrapping the affected areas to at least stifle the blood loss. He didn't know how long they would be there and the last thing he wanted was blood loss taking his eldest. "B," Dick said. 

"I'll carry you," he said quickly, knowing what was about to be suggested.

"It's safer here than whatever awaits us. If Riddler lets us, you have to leave me behind."

"I'm not doing that."

"You are because you're smart enough to know I can't do anything with my hands and feet like they are. I'll be fine." Bruce stayed silent as he wrapped up the affected appendages. "Oracle will find me or one of the girls."


"I've made my mind up. Take the boys and go ahead." By the time the discussion was concluded, everyone else had made it over the glass bridge with five minutes to spare. He told them the same thing as he told Bruce. He was going to stay here and do his best not to bleed out whilst they continued. 

"Are you stupid? We're not leaving you here so they can do whatever they want to you," Jason barked out when he heard the plan. "Bruce will carry you."

"But we don't know what's ahead," Tim argued. He hated to agree with such a bad plan but it was the plan that would ensure they could get through the tasks. Too much energy would be put into what to do with Dick through each one and they didn't know if they'd be as parkour heavy as the bridge. He was a liability.

"We're not leaving Grayson!" Damian snapped.

"You are leaving me," Dick said in a stern tone. One they knew wasn't to be messed with. He was deadset on the idea and they all knew it was better than taking him but it was a different thing entirely to go through with it. "They'll find us. They'll find me. Go ahead."


"Will you just fucking listen?" Dick shouted, interrupting Damian which was a sign he wasn't budging. He never swore at him. "Leave me here." 

"You're such a dramatic bitch," Jason huffed. "Fine. Fine, whatever you want." He sighed and waved Damian over. The teen conceded and walked over so he could press a kiss against his forehead.

"I'll be fine Dami. You keep the old man safe for me, okay?" 

"I'll resurrect you just to kill you if you die here." He smirked and nodded. 

"I'll hold you to it. Now shoo."

Oracle found them during the next trial. They had to defuse the bomb that killed Jason but Batgirl and crashed through the doors before they could get to the hard parts of it. She handed them some wire clippers whilst they sent Spoiler after Dick. She'd found him slumped over, the white fabric around his hands red with blood and tear tracks down his face that all of them decided not to bring attention to. The important thing was that he was alive. He was shipped off in an ambulance and when he woke up, he was surrounded by family. He smiled to himself. "Told you they'd find me."

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