Who needs a mum when you have a big sister?

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It happened again so sorry if this was your request idk who it belongs to but if you comment I'll add you

To say the batfamily and galas don't mix was an understatement. Not one of them truly enjoyed the events and few could find joy in spending their valuable time with the upper-class elites of Gotham. One member who'd hated them since childhood was none other than Dixie Grayson, an acrobat turned vigilante at the tender age of nine now in her late twenties and still cartwheeling around villains like no tomorrow. She'd spent her early years being tormented for not fitting into their views of what a model girl should be only to be badgered by boys of the rich with dwindling finances in an attempt to maintain a rich lifestyle and get their hands on the Wayne fortune. She'd thought that once Bruce bulked up the family with boys that attempts would fly their way but they were still in the phase where everyone found them a nuisance or infantilised them. Hell, one was legally dead so who knows how that affected his inheritance. All she knew was that she was the centre of the hollow affection despite having a very public relationship with Barbara Gordon. That wasn't all she had to stress about. With Bruce schmoozing for half the evening, she was left helping Alfred dress the boys, throw them in the car and make sure they don't catch a murder charge. Usually, she brought Barbara along to fight off guys while she confiscated yet another knife from Damian but her ginger Paramore was busy that night. 

"I'm so sorry," Barbara apologized for the tenth time that day. Dixie tutted before applying her lipstick, keeping a careful eye on what her brothers were doing through the mirror she was looking into. Behind her, Tim and Damian were trending the thin line between roughhousing and beating one another up whilst Jason chanted with a grin. She ignored them for the most part but she knew how quick it could turn with Jason hyping them up and the last thing they needed was Alfred stitching up a head wound before an event. She smacked her lips and capped her lipstick, turning to the three to give them a warning glare. 

"I know you're sorry but don't worry about it. It's fine. I'm a big girl, I can handle them."

"Can you put the boys on? For my peace of mind at least?" Dixie sighed but snapped her fingers to get their attention all the same. 

"Fine but you can't convince Tim to frame them for tax fraud. One of these days he's going to get caught and I'm never going to be in the mood to deal with B regarding it," she replied. The phone was swiftly passed to Damian who she trusted the most not to break it and she went on the hunt for a certain billionaire to check that she definitely had to be there. 

"Babs?" Tim questioned as the youngest of the brothers put her on speaker. 

"Hey losers, I need you to keep an eye on Dixie tonight. I get your whole thing is chaos at these parties but she's stressed enough as it is without guys trying to get with her," Barbara explained. 

"Is your assumption that Grayson will cheat?" Damian asked venomously. Such a suggestion was heresy. Especially the suggestion that would be with such unsuitable suitors. There was a light laugh on the other end.

"Nope, I trust her. The guys there just piss her off though. Bruce never seems to do jack shit about it and she's always looking after you guys so I thought you could repay the favour. They're awful to her sometimes and you know how she gets." Yeah, they did. Dixie's mind was her own worst enemy, filled with thoughts of inadequacy and a need to be liked. They supposed it came from her time in the spotlight followed by years of getting slammed by the press for something as small as eating ice cream. 

"We've got her Babs," Jason assured her. "Doubt she'll need it though. She ripped my head off when she saw my outfit."

"How would you feel being crept on by guys and knowing you can't punch them in the face without it somehow being spun to put you in the wrong? She's gonna be on edge about everything."

"Fair point," he replied. 

"I'm not asking you to be nice but keep the stabbing attempts to a minimum, don't raise hypothetical questions about your death and try not to fall asleep in your food, got that?"

"Yes," they replied in unison. 

"Good. Can you put her back on?" They hummed and Damian was given the task of finding his older sister. 

Now that they'd been told to look out for creeps, the brothers couldn't stop seeing them. Damian had been particularly astute in his observations at these events so he initially knew just how many people looked at his sister with predatory gazes but he was now hypervigilant of those who weren't coming over instead they were studying her. It made his skin crawl. His brothers weren't feeling much better either. Whilst Dixie's back was turned, they could see people staring and they knew she could feel them burrowing into her skin by the way her shoulders tensed up. The fact that Bruce hadn't done anything about it bugged them too. Sure he spent these events away from his kids half the time, considering how Dixie was made to look after them, but surely he noticed people. What really bugged them was when people spoke to her. Some guy would start with a pickup line and when she said she had a girlfriend their response was either homophobic or incredibly gross fetishism. No wonder she spent her time micromanaging them. If it meant avoiding those types of conversations, they'd do the same. "Grayson, is this vegetarian?" Damian asked her after she was done waving away another attempt at flirting. She glanced down at his plate and frowned, immediately knowing he'd gone to the wrong table. 

"No Dami. You want me to go find you things you can eat?" He nodded and handed her the plate. She took it with a soft smile and pressed a kiss against his hairline, knowing full well it annoyed him when she did that. He aggressively scrubbed away the evidence and watched her leave before convening with his brothers. 

"I want to maim every poor excuse for a male in the room," he grumbled once she was out of earshot. 

"Tell me about it. When she bent over to fix your tie, half the room turned. Not surprised given that you can smell the classism on their breaths and misogyny isn't usually far behind," Jason concurred with equal venom. He couldn't stand it. He knew his sister was a badass who could easily layout these guys flat but she would bear the brunt of a bunch of dumb social rules. 

"Well we can't kill them and we can't beat them up. I could keep framing them for tax fraud," Tim suggested.

"They're rich Tim. No matter how many times you frame them, bitch boy's parents will always bail him out," the eldest reminded him. Punching people was so much easier than dealing with loopholes that wouldn't always work. People should be able to punch people who deserved it more often outside of the mask. They could always punch them in the mask but it would look rather suspicious if all the rich young bachelors of Gotham got their shit rocked by heroes for no apparent reason. "We could ask Harley if she could take them for a bit?" Jason suggested. She would always be down for it. If not her then her gang of Harleys would also be very happy to put some rich men who were never told no in their place. 

"Yeah because Dix totally wants this out, doesn't she? She's a proud woman and I doubt she wants people to know these lot are getting under her skin," Tim pointed out. "The whole point of Babs being here is that she has a covert way of dealing with them. She likes to be the centre of attention sure but not for this reason."

"Unfortunately I agree with Drake. She does seem to want this to be kept quiet. Perhaps we can go with something a little long-lasting?" There was a spark in his eye upon suggesting this method which drew in the other heroes. It was a mischievous spark and they knew that meant something good.

"Don't leave us hanging Demon Spawn."

"Grayson already acts as our caregiver more so than Father at times so it wouldn't be unbelievable if we played into the idea." A smile was brought to their faces. Of course. Nothing deterred a bachelor more than the prospect of kids especially a bachelor looking for a quick fortune. It was another step to alienate the child from the fortune and if they found out there were three in total waiting in the wings then any attempt would prove fruitless. 

"Alright boys, let's cockblock some pervs."

No sooner had Dixie returned with a certainly vegetarian-friendly plate of food did she get approached by a guy who'd been looking her up and down the entire evening. He belonged to an old rich family in Gotham that everyone knew was secretly going bust so it made sense for him to ensure his future with someone like Dixie. "You're awfully sweet but I have a girlfriend," she replied in a sweet tone but only her brothers could hear the bitterness behind it. She was practically screaming for him to leave her alone but he insisted.

"Don't knock it till you try it, honey," he retorted smugly. She was about to go for another attempt to brush him off politely when Damian pulled on her arm to direct her attention to his food once again. 

"Mother, what's this?" he asked innocently. Seeing Dixie well up at the suggestion of her place in his life being motherly made him feel a tiny bit guilty for misleading her but he supposed the title felt right in his image of her. She did all the things mothers did like helping him with homework and looking after him. Maybe he should psychoanalyse that later. 

"I-it's, um, it's broccoli fritters," she answered, doing her best to recover. By the time he'd nodded, content with the answer, her pursuer had wandered off. He did his best not to let a smile slip and ate away in victory. He noticed Dixie stare in the man's direction with a relieved look before she turned to her family. "I suppose we can't spend all night stooped up in the corner. You don't have to stay with me the whole time," she assured them. 

"I'd like to remain by your side since you know the catering. Todd and Drake may do as they like." They caught on swiftly to what the younger was implying and disappeared into the crowd. Dixie didn't think much of it given how this was how they usually split off at these events. Then she'd have to find them again later because they got into trouble somehow.

"Alright, let's try to find me a drink."

Throughout the evening, they dropped in hints that Damian was Dixie's kid. It was easy to play them off as mother and son since they were so close. Everyone remembered the events they attended together whilst Bruce was "away" and Damian's age matched up with the years she didn't go to events. It honestly shouldn't have been as easy as it was to deter new suitors and it was pretty disappointing to find out that men were so put off by women with kids but if it meant their sister was left alone then so be it. Jason and Tim's hints usually consisted of the following:

"She was so young when Damian was born, it's no wonder she wants to make sure he has fun at these things."

"You should've seen Bruce's face when he heard about Damian."

"Barbara is so good with him but I think he took a minute to adjust to her."

All of these things weren't particularly wrong. She was young when Damian was born and she did want him to have fun at these events. Bruce was surprised to hear about the son he never knew about and Damian did take some time to get used to sharing Dixie with Barbara given they weren't together during her time as his mentor. It was more so the context that made them sound different and if they didn't correct people on assuming the wrong thing then it was the fault of the people. Damian took a slightly different approach to playing up his closeness with the acrobat. He always got her attention whenever she was trying to leave an uncomfortable conversation in the manner of which even a toddler would be ashamed of and he was intentionally messy so people would catch Dixie cleaning him up as a mother would. It helped that she did it all with a smile that beamed with adoration for her little brother which could easily be mistaken as motherly love. He even let her be a bit more cuddly with him to really sell it. His time with Dixie wasn't just focused on batting away unwanted advances, he also noticed just how much she defended them when people made comments. It was nice, he had to admit, that whenever someone had a mean thing to say she always had a rebuttal that made them shut up. One incident had made him chuckle particularly hard.

A woman had come up to Dixie and they were chatting as usual when she commented Tim. "He's a wonderfully smart boy, don't get me wrong, but he's clearly far too smug for his own good. Silly boy thinks he'll be ruling the world by twenty," she ranted. Dixie flashed her a tight smile and swirled her drink casually.

"Oh but he has every right to be so smug when his grades weren't bought. How much money did you pay in fines again? A pretty penny wasn't it?" That had shut the woman right up and she swiftly left with the excuse of seeing an old friend. 

It was weird how they hadn't thought of this arrangement before with Dixie protecting them through witty comments and them protecting her with ambiguous clues yet here they were and none of them was going back.

It was late when they met up with Bruce and all of them were tired from the amount of socialising. Once they were all piled into the limo, Bruce cleared his throat to grab their attention and immediately they tensed at what he had to say. "Some gala goers are under the impression that Dixie is Damian's mother," he stated. Dixie furrowed her eyebrows but not a second later she figured out why they'd think such a thing and a smile broke out on her face.

"Oh, you boys are genius! No wonder hardly anyone spoke to me tonight," she exclaimed with joy.

"Uh Dixie, Talia is his mother."

"Dami can have multiple mothers. I have two dads and like ten mother figures. Unless you wanted those men to continually harass me?" she asked with faux innocence. He frowned at the accusation.

"Men have been harassing you?" The siblings collectively groaned at his naivety considering he was the world's greatest detective. "What? How long has this been happening?"

"Since I got tits," she replied bluntly, making Tim and Jason giggle. It didn't help that she gestured to them too. Her mentor swiftly grew flustered at the assertion and any bravado he once had about addressing the rumours was thrown out the window. "They were keeping me safe B. Babs wasn't here to do it and I have a sneaking suspicion she put them up to look out for me. You know how guys get."

"I wish you told me."

"You should've noticed," she barked back, not in the mood to hear his excuses. What those guys did was obvious and it wasn't her fault if he didn't see specific instances. "At least I have two awesome brothers and a pseudo son keeping an eye on me." She ruffled Damian's hair with a grin and he weakly pushed her away, trying to hide how happy he was about his title. Her grin faded when their mentor coughed again.

"I want to circle back to this when we get home Dixie. For now, I'll let the whole mother thing go. Just don't be surprised if the rumours get nasty," he warned. She chuckled bitterly.

"Trust me, I know damn well how nasty they can get." She turned to her siblings with a much warmer smile. "Thank you. I appreciate it." They nodded, blushing a little at her genuine tone. The rest of the drive was quiet but they knew she was content with how the night had gone. It was nice to see she was relaxed.

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