Historical accuracy can eat ass

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Watene-Toi finally you have this fuckin mess

I'll be honest, I find writing weddings really hard - I guess I don't find them that interesting or the idea of them fun to write? - but I tried my best with this sooooo leave me alone

also we all know this isn't historically accurate BUT kings in England are allowed to officiate marriages so at least that's logically possible

To say either of the grooms were nervous for the wedding would be an understatement. Dick insisted on keeping the wedding as private as possible, fearing what the public would say and what it would do for their reputation, but Bruce was having none of it. He was a prince at the end of the day and deserved a wedding that he would get if he had chosen to marry a woman. He'd tried to keep fighting for what he wanted but Bruce was stubborn and he eventually gave in, letting the man dig his own grave. They settled on something in between. The only people allowed in to see the ceremony were those considered to be family such as some of the knights and of course the rest of the royal family. The banquet after to celebrate had to have more guests and the couple had to parade around the streets in a carriage to show their union was approved of. Dick swore the king was trying to sever ties with his allied kingdoms by allowing this to happen so publically. Not everyone would like the idea of two men sitting on the throne and he didn't doubt there'd be people who would act on it. To what extent they would go to show their distaste he both didn't know and feared.

Wally wasn't doing too well with the wedding either. There were so many etiquette lessons he had to learn for the banquet after that he had no idea about. It wasn't like the princes ever followed them but still, he wanted to at least attempt to get it right. It was his first impression on the higher-ups of Gotham after all. He doubted anyone had even noticed him before. He tried to continue with his duties as Dick's servant, a post he wasn't entirely ready to give up, but he hardly had time to between the planning, the fittings and so on. He'd been replaced with another servent who'd served the king for years but he didn't like it one bit. How could they trust a complete stranger - he wasn't a complete stranger but he may as well be for the ginger - look after his precious prince? Barbara had teased him on the subject, saying he was just jealous. He wasn't jealous. He didn't get jealous....okay maybe he did. He trusted Dick completely to be served but that servant he couldn't trust at all. 

Yet, as they laid there, the night before the wedding everything felt right. They'd be together officially. No more would Dick be introduced to women of the court with the expectation to woo them all the way to the alter. No more would Wally have to watch as some princess tried to touch up his lover to get to the top. No more would they be a secret and have to sneak out into the cold to spend time together. "Wally?" Dick asked, glancing up. His head rested on the other's freckled chest, listening to his heartbeat. They kept hold of one another whenever they slept together. It just felt right to be touching, to be so intimate without taking things to the next level. 

"Yes?" Wally replied as he curled Dick's black hair around his finger.

"You're not doing all this to repay a debt right? I don't want to marry you if this is for the sake of when I took you away from your father," he asked. 

"Of course not! I'm doing this because I love you. Why would you think such a thing?" Dick stayed quiet for a few moments. He didn't really know why he worried about such a thing. They were prepared to run away together at one point, following through with the plan until they were invited back home, but for some reason, the thought was coming back to him. Perhaps because this was all so official. When they were in the woods, it wouldn't have been much different than when they were usually alone. If they wanted to come back, they could make up some half-assed lie. If they broke up, either of them could come back with, again, a half-assed lie. This felt so permanent and it hadn't been truly what they wanted for themselves. He had to wonder if Wally was doing this for love or for that good deed Dick had done so long ago. "Just a poisonous thought?" He nodded and nuzzled closer to his lover. He wanted this so badly. For their secret to stop being so secret. Wally could go with him anywhere if it were. He'd be able to join the banquets that made him so uncomfortable, he'd be able to defend him without something bad happening and most of all they could be happy. "I can assure you, my prince, that I want to marry you not for your wealth nor to pay back a debt. I want to marry you for who you are," Wally assured him. He kissed the acrobat on his forehead to cement his explanation. "Get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow."

"I'll try my love."

Until the ceremony, the pair were separated in order to make things as traditional as they could be. The suits they wore were obviously made from the best of fabrics and probably cost a small fortune in their own right, despite both of them insisting that they didn't want something so expensive. "So who's the bride?" Cass asked innocently. She was in Dick's dressing room whilst she waited for the servant in charge of the bridesmaids to get her. Cass had never been to a wedding before and was still a little confused as to the significance of something like this. Surely you didn't need some huge event to say that you were being faithful to someone you cared for. Then again, she'd never been for huge gestures so that could be her own bias. 

"There's no bride Cass. It's just Wally and me. Two grooms."

"Yes, but who would be taking the role of a bride?"

"I think she's trying to ask who the female is in the relationship," Steph expanded. Cass nodded.

"Oh. Well, with a relationship that involves two men, we don't take gender roles like a man and a woman would. At least, in this case, we don't. Neither of us is the woman," Dick explained. He didn't mind explaining it all. This concept was new to a lot of people but the concept itself was not new at all. He'd been to places where he'd seen such things when he travelled with his parents. There were even those inside the circus who practised it. Wally was much more in the dark when it came to a relationship between them. He'd ask if he was doing things the right way or if this was wrong. It was quite cute if Dick were honest. 

"I must say I'm looking forward to Wally being able to sit with us for once. He was practically attached to your hip and making those sad eyes when you two were separated. I just thought you were close friends," Steph mentioned. "Though I bet you're even closer now."

"Steph! How unladylike," Dick teased, his face slightly flushed.

"A prince should keep his composure even when faced with lewd suggestions," she taunted back. She put on her best posh voice that she used at banquets. It made her sound like a complete prick and she hated it, but she had to do what she had to do to seem like the model princess.  "Are you excited to marry the love of your life?"

"I think so?" Both the girls' jaws dropped.

"You think so?" they both screeched in unison. He winced at their tone and turned away from them. He walked to the window that overlooked the dense wood that surrounded Gotham. He knew them well. All the hiding spots, all the best places to pick berries and the great places to watch the animals. "Are you having second thoughts?" Steph asked worriedly.

"No, it's just- I can't seem to escape the thought that Wally is doing this for me rather than for us. That he truly doesn't wish to be married and that he's doing this to keep me pleased. Though he has said before that's not the case, I can't help but think about it," Dick answered. He turned back to them. "Since I became heir to the throne people have done things to get in my good graces. What if this is another instance of that?" He fiddled with his cuff links. "I-I really love him and that terrifies me. What if he simply saw how lonely I am and decided to pity me? I am rather pathetic though you may say otherwise." Cass walked to him and took his hands in her own.

"He loves you. Accept that."

"Your highnesses, I apologise for the interruption but you're needed for the ceremony. Another servant will come for Prince Richard in a few moments," a servant announced.

"Right yes. It appears time ran away from us," Steph replied. She turned to her brother with a smile. "Listen to Cass. She's never wrong."

Just as the servant said another man came to fetch Dick. He tried to keep his composure around them. This was his wedding day and he was about to walk down the aisle and marry the person he actually loved. The person he truly wanted to be with. He'd always thought he'd be forced to marry some princess or other for the sake of Gotham but he was actually getting what he wanted. He wondered if Wally felt the same. Cass' words along with Wally's whirled around his head. Once he got to that altar and they said their vows, that was it. They were bound together in marriage. In England, Henry VIII had gotten a divorce but he'd been frowned upon so separation wouldn't really be an option. Then again, he'd married a woman. His reputation wasn't as tarnished. "Prince Richard, you seem distracted," Bruce's voice boomed. He immediately dragged his eyes up from the floor to meet the man's and smiled awkwardly. "You may leave us. We can take it from here," Bruce added, waving his hand at the servent. They nodded and walked away at a brisk pace. "Tell me, son, what has your mind so distant?"

"This was the right decision, wasn't it? Everything that happens today is so permanent and you are risking years' worth of allies and Wally is throwing away all the anonymity he once had. I just fear that I'm not worth such sacrifices." Bruce reached out and put his hand on the young man's shoulder. He gave him a stern look. 

"You have always thought you're not worth the efforts people do for you but has that ever deterred them from doing them? Has it ever stopped you from being pleased with the fruits of their labour?" he asked. 

"No. I've always been grateful for the lengths people go to."

"Exactly. You're loved Richard, more than you let yourself know. This wedding should be your confirmation that you're worth the same as any of us. Walk through those doors without that voice saying this isn't worth it because it is. If that's not possible, think how happy Wally is that he can finally be with you without risking his head," Bruce told him. "Now, are you ready to be wed?" Dick's smile looked less awkward now and he wiped the tears that had been brimming his eyes. 

"Yes, I certainly am."

Wally fidgeted a little as he waited for his fiance to walk through the big oak doors. He couldn't believe it. He wanted to giggle with excitement but also throw up with nerves. His eyes were darting around the room, desperately trying to find something to focus on to keep him from squealing to get the energy out. He glanced over the crowd and his uncle Barry gave him the thumbs up encouragingly. That made him feel a little better. At least it had until he set eyes on Damian who was giving him the harshest death glare of all time. He still wasn't all that happy that Wally had managed to whisk his brother away, potentially forever, and was now being given "the grace" of marrying the man. The ginger doubted Damian would be happy with anyone marrying his brother as he had been against Barbara doing the same. He argued she wasn't the right fit but never explained why. To be fair, he was right but Wally doubted they shared the same reasoning. He looked at the other princes and found their expressions weren't too dissimilar. Well, Jason looked at him with the least contempt. For everything that happened, he had to think it was kind of cool they were going to leave together. They were kinda badass but not enough for him to take some offence to not being involved in the scheme. It was right up his alley. Plus it would've been the biggest fuck you to Bruce to know where his missing son is. The princesses were his pick me up as they smiled softly. At least he had them. No religious man would come to conduct the wedding so there was no priest to look at. Luckily, Bruce was allowed to conduct the wedding.

Suddenly there was a round of trumpets that made him jump a little and the doors were opened. The few people that were there got to their feet and looked to the door excitedly. The first thing they saw was the king who wore a proud smile. He was one of the few men in the family that wasn't too against Wally marrying his son. Maybe because he loved his eldest too much to deny him of one of the things that had continuously made him so happy throughout the years. No matter what, Wally had been there and the ginger supposed that the continuity of having him there was something Bruce liked. There was always someone for Dick even when he wasn't there. There was security in it all. Besides, he didn't have much choice in it. It was either let them be married or they'd eventually run off again once given the chance to go about it themselves. Either way, Wally liked to think Bruce thought he was the best fit. The king strode through the aisle, missing some of the jewels he was usually dripping with to keep the focus on the prince. He walked to the front and stood where the priest would before giving the second groom a nod. It was a small gesture but it made all the difference. There was assurance in it. That this was indeed happening and was indeed accepted. Wally smiled back to him gratefully then turned his attention back to the door. There stood his groom. Dick smiled immediately upon locking eyes with him and it took everything in him not to run over to whisk him into his arms. The prince's eyes scanned over the small crowd as he walked to join his soon to be husband, drinking in all the loving looks. It was mad to think this would all be left behind had their plans gone through but he supposed without that plan this wouldn't be happening at all. He resisted the urge to cackle when he saw Barry well up dramatically and Clark's desperate attempts to stop him from sobbing from happiness. Who could blame the guy? He was watching two people he loved greatly get married after all. 

Dick soon found himself standing in front of Wally and Bruce began. "We're gathered here together to witness the union of the heir to my throne, Richard Grayson, and his loyal servant, Wallace West. Though I'm sure we were all expecting a different wedding to occur with the dear Lady Barbara, this service will not be one to disappoint," he began. His voice bounced off the walls and boomed through the rooms but it was no louder than a field mouse to the pair before him. They were much too engrossed in one another. Though both kept silent, they had their own language that needn't use more than glances. They complimented each other and were practically saying I love you over and over as if this wedding wasn't enough to say that. "Since childhood, the pair have always been together. I don't doubt they've spent more than three nights separated. The love shared between them goes beyond both friendship and romance, the care they share is one that shall be forever admired. It's through knowing these two and watching them grow up that I know not to keep them waiting." The audience laughed as the pair seemingly snapped back to reality. "The rings?" Bruce asked, looking at his youngest. The young prince shrugged so he hardened his stare. "Prince Damian," he said in a warning tone. Damian groaned audibly and walked over, surrendering the rings to his father who then handed them to the couple. Wally gulped as he got a glare from the boy and glanced to Dick for some sort of support. He simply flashed him a nervous smile and shrugged, unable to do much to change the stubborn boy's mind.  

"Nice try brat," Tim whispered once Damian was back in place. Bruce shot the brothers a scowl to keep them quiet before continuing.

"Wallace, take Richard's hand." The ginger did so swiftly. "With this ring, you represent the bond you two shall forever have and the life you have chosen to dedicate to him. Do you vow to uphold the values asked of you?" Wally slipped the ring onto Dick's finger with a smile.

"I do."

"Richard, take Wallace's hand." Dick did so with equal impatience as his partner. Both were far too ready to get to the kissing part. "With this ring, you represent the bond you two shall forever have and the life you have chosen to dedicate to him. Do you vow to uphold the values asked of you?"

"I do," he replied, suppressing the excited squeal that threatened to come out upon seeing the ring on his lover's finger.

"Wallace, do you take this man to be your husband to love and to hold until death do you part?"

"I do."

"And Richard, you take this man to be your husband to love and to hold until death do you part?"

"I do."

"Then it's with the power invested in me as the ruler of Gotham I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now cement your union with a kiss." They didn't need any more incentive and immediately pulled one another into a sweet embrace. Well sweet to everyone but Dick's brothers.

After a night of drinking and partying, the drunken newlyweds eventually found their bedroom. Their bedroom. Now that was a weird sentence. Sure Wally slept in there most nights but it had always been the prince's bedroom. They sluggishly pulled at each other's clothes in a lazy attempt to get ready for bed before quickly getting under the covers to escape the cold. "Y'know, if you're really that cold, I can think of a way to warm us up," Wally mentioned as Dick curled around him to steal his near-endless supply of warmth. 

"Noooo, jus' wanna hold you cuz now no one can -hic- can make you go bye-bye," the royal slurred, cuddling up further. He clung to the ginger as ivy would a wall and yawned to himself.

"I forgot how much of a lightweight you are," Wally chuckled. He ran his fingers through Dick's hair and kissed his forehead sweetly. "We can stay like this, my love. I love you."

"Love ya more," the smaller cackled as he drifted off to sleep. He laced their fingers together, wanting to hold as much of his new husband as he could. No one was going to come in and force them apart. There was no danger or risk to the actions that brought them comfort. It was just pure adoration and care. That was all either wanted.

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