Try me bitch boy

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luxuriousmisery requested this and like all my requests it takes a while so here it is after like half a year

this story does include trans!Dick and there will be misgendering so please if you don't like either of these or they're possibly triggering to you then do not read this 

I'm going to put some helplines for this due to the material within this story and it's become a thing I do at this point when I deal with sensitive topics 


Also yes i know i suck at coming up with names but you're just going to deal with it

Dick didn't really like bringing his team to Gotham during the day. His city was still grappling with the effects of the billionaire Bruce Wayne having a trans child and being openly okay with it. They simply weren't there yet and they didn't really get it but they never tried to. People still misgendered him all the time, either by accident or on purpose and half the time he couldn't really stand up for himself without a company pulling their stocks from Wayne Enterprises. There was also another small incy wincy problem with bringing his friends to Gotham. His team were very understanding of him being trans, in fact, they did everything they could to support him but that also resulted in them being overprotective. Intensely overprotective. That plus people who like to fuck with him was a recipe for disaster but he couldn't keep telling them they couldn't spend time with him in Gotham. He was running out of excuses and he couldn't tell them he didn't want them to hear the stuff he had to because he hadn't exactly told them being misgendered or anything along those lines were an issue at all. Eventually, they bugged him enough and Wally did those puppy eyes that could get him to jump off a cliff if in the wrong hands that he relented and set a date for when they could visit. If all went to plan, they'd have a lovely day. 

So naturally, it wasn't going to go to plan.

"Never thought I'd see the day you two weren't all over each other," Artemis commented as they walked through Gotham. She and Dick had been going back and forth the whole trip before concluding the only place they liked was the park since both wanted to make use of the weather. Whilst most of the team were getting food, the pair were holding their spot on the greenery. They were easily the most intimidating out of the team whilst also being able to deal with the verbal back and forth that may come their way without decking the person. 

"Wouldn't have thought you'd be complaining," Dick replied as he picked at the grass. Whenever someone came somewhat close, he'd tense up and stare at them. Studying them. The last thing he wanted today was someone to make fun of him in front of the group. It was so embarrassing. They'd done enough in supporting him already and someone pointing out that he needed it more support was awful. 

"I get you're trying to keep a low profile but I think Wally is going to explode if you don't give him some sort of attention," she pointed out. He didn't need her to tell him that. He knew his boyfriend and he knew he was itching to at least hold hands. Dick felt the same. He wanted things to be like how they were when they hung out in Central City but in Central City they didn't really know him. The possibility was so low of someone recognising him and then having the balls to say something about it. 

"It's not that I don't want to Arty, you know that." He groaned and fell back against the blanket with a huff. "It's just not worth it."

"Maybe it is," she replied. "I get that it's hard but we're here."

"You can be here all you like but you won't be there when it matters. No one ever is," he mumbled. She decided not to pry about that. Not that she would've had the chance even if she wanted.

"Didn't know you were a lezzi Rachel," a teenager yelled. Dick shot straight up and snapped his head to see the owner of the voice. His mind was immediately sent into panic as he saw three teenagers from school hop off their bikes and walk up to them. These three were well-known douchebags John Richards, Jamie Fell and Wade Tenet. They were infamous for picking on anyone and everyone without a care and Dick had been their primary target ever since he started transitioning. "You tryna play minority bingo Rachel?" John asked. He knew what the word meant. Rachel. That's why he repeated it. He weaved it into every sentence, lacing his words with poison. 

"Get lost dick squad," Artemis spat, seeing her friend wince back at the words. She knew why he didn't fight back but that didn't stop her from hating to see it. He could beat this guy twelve times over but that would be too suspicious. A little circus kid suddenly knowing martial arts with some signature Robin moves mixed in? That'd be a little too unusual to get away with.

"Aww come on, let us talk to the pretty lady," Jamie whined, wearing a dark grin. "Such a shame you cut off your tits Rachel I bet you would've had such a lovely pair."

"What do you mean Jamie? You can see 'em right there!" Wade giggled as he pointed to Dick's chest. He quickly covered up his chest and looked away, trying to ignore them but it was difficult when they were right there. "Don't ignore us, Rachel, that's not very ladylike." 

"That's enough, he is a boy just like you are. In fact, he's better because he doesn't go around being a bastard about it," Artemis barked. She got to her feet and stood in front of her friend. She hoped that would be enough to scare off the guys but they seemed to be having too much fun to think about the consequences. They had plenty more to say to the acrobat. 

"You're so protective of your girlfriend blondie. We're her best friends aren't we boys?" John responded. The pair behind him nodded and tried to keep in their laughter. "You think a girl would love all this attention. So ungrateful."

"Don't listen to them, Dick-"

"Dick? Is that what you go by? Oh, you couldn't have been more obvious that you've got a vag down there," the ringleader interrupted. Dick put his hands over his ears. It didn't matter what his body presented him as, he was a boy. He was a boy. He was Dick Grayson and he was loved for what he was. But what if that wasn't enough? "Look at the girlie! She looks like she's gonna cry. Are you gonna cry, Rachel?" Artemis went to swing with all her might but a hand stopped her.

"Don't give them what they want," Kaldur stated.

The team were now standing tall against the bullies. Connor cracked his knuckles intimidatingly but Kaldur looked insistent on solving this without violence. M'gann and Wally were by Dick's side, each keeping a hand on him for support. "These your friends Rachel?"

"Say it one more time and I'm afraid I won't be able to keep either of my friends under control," Kaldur stated. Artemis and Connor glared at the group to prove that the Atlantien wasn't kidding. Although Wade and Jamie got the idea and started backing off, John decided he'd see how far he could go. After all, he had the country's best lawyers on stand by if anything happened. If he got a black eye, he could simply ruin their entire lives. 

"What? Rachel? Speaking of, I'm guessing you lot are the only people that like her. I bet you just like her since she's easy right? Got that nice low self-esteem so you can fuck-" he didn't get time to say the rest of his sentence as a freckled fist had collided with his face. He landed on the ground with a thump and that was the final straw for his buddies to escape on their bikes. John held his nose as he wailed, rolling on the ground. "What the fuck?" he shrieked.

"I did try to warn you," Kaldur stated. 

"I'll sue your ass!"

"Try me bitch boy," Wally replied, kicking him in the side. He spat on him and glanced back to Artemis who grinned wickedly. "Want in?"

"Don't need to ask me twice," she responded. "Connor, care to indulge?"

"I'll treat myself to one kick." The pair got to work kicking the hell out of the rich boy whilst the rest of the team was dealing with the shell shocked acrobat.

Wally cupped Dick's face and guided his eyes from his bully getting beaten the hell out of him. "You didn't need to punch him," the smaller stated, a smile tugging at his lips. 

"But I wanted to."

"You guys are gonna need lawyers," he added. 

"I don't think Connor even has a social security number," the ginger joked. Though now he thought about it someone should probably get on that if he ever wanted to get a job. Or go to school. That's a point how did they explain that mess? Maybe they just said he was homeschooled. Wally shook his head. He was thinking too deeply into that. It was probably Batman magic. 

"Is this why you've been tense all day?" M'gann inquired. Dick nodded with an awkward look. "Well, I don't think they'll be bothering you much now," she assured him. Her gaze went over to the teen on the floor who was really getting it. 

"Guys stop before you break something," Dick ordered though it was very half-hearted. He didn't even raise his voice that much because he really didn't want to end the beating John oh so deserved but the medical bills weren't something he really wanted ranking up. 

"I suppose you're right," Artemis sighed as she got in one good last swing. "You want one?" He thought for a moment as he strode over to the bully. He could be merciful but that wasn't half as fun as what he was going to do next.

"Well I did miss training today," he wondered aloud. Taking his chance, Dick kicked him straight in the crown jewels and smirked as he writhed in agony. "Hm, I should've done that before." Connor stooped down and grabbed the bully by the collar to help him to his feet. 

"His name is Dick. Got that?"

"Y-yes," John stuttered. The super let him go and shoved him in the direction of his bike which he raced towards. They watched him high tail it out of there then turned to their youngest member. 

"You guys should come to Gotham more often."

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