How brave can a Robin be (RevBatfam)

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When I first began making one shots I made a story called how brave can a robin be. I was still pretty new to that stuff and I think I've grown enough to rewrite it in a different au

EDIT: sleep deprived brain decided to ignore the notes i made for this which said to tag Priscilla_Mack as they were the one to suggest doing reverse batfam - leave me alone I haven't slept in over 24 hours at this point so shhhhh


I have done as much research as I could on the subject before delving into this topic but I am well aware that there are probably things that could only come from experience with this and I haven't experienced this. As I do when having sensitive topics I will leave helplines

If you believe there is any type of misrepresentation or any sort of unintended offense, please contact me and I will take this story down and make revisions

Batman groaned uncomfortably as he was brought out of his dreamless unconscious. He felt something tight around his wrists, pulling them up above his head, and they didn't budge when he pulled on them. He looked around his immediate area. All his boys were accounted for and seemed to be waking up around the same time, except his youngest who remained still with his head slumped forward. The Dark Knight tried to think back as to what got them here. They were working a case. Sex work he thought. Yeah, it was sex work. They had a massive break in the case and he felt that Robin was old enough to work the case too. That and they needed all the help he could get. They'd been searching the building and they'd split up to make sure everyone was out. Then things went black. Shit. "Is everyone alright?" he announced, scanning their faces. 

"On a scale of 1-10, I'm hitting a strong 3," Red Robin grumbled.

"5," Red Hood added.

"7," Nightwing commented which was no surprise to them. Of course, he'd brave face it. Their chattering stirred Robin who's small stature wasn't helping him chug through whatever they'd been knocked out by. He let out a near inaudible whine, struggling to lift his head up. "Someone's still tired," Red Robin teased. He gave the younger a light kick to give him a jumpstart which seemed to work a little. It got him to open his eyes and glance up at the least. "Morning sunshine."

"Where am I?" Robin slurred.

"Chained up somewhere. Probably a basement judging by how cold it is," Red Hood answered.

Before they could divulge in any more conversation, the door to the room opened and a man stepped inside. He matched Nightwing in stature but his features were very different. He had oak brown hair and dull green eyes. "How'd you curious bats sleep? Good I hope," he announced. They knew the man straight away as their culprit behind the sex ring, Tony Falcon. "Why are we here?" Batman asked. If they'd been knocked out for however long, he wanted to know what stopped the man from killing them. The criminal smiled and walked further into the room. Immediately his eye seemed to settle on their youngest. He even dared to give the teen a wink which Robin was much too tired to react to. "You already know my line of work I assume. I'm sure you'd all fetch a pretty penny, even if you're not used like my guys and girls," Tony answered. "Now that'd be a wonderful headline. "Batfamily turned whores." Oh, I can't wait to see it when I read the morning newspaper." He walked over to Robin and lifted his head up. His hands felt inhumanely cold, sending shivers down the hero's spine. The simple action sent a flurry of glares his way. He chuckled at the reaction he got. "This one is brand new, isn't he? Not an ounce of experience under his belt." Tony laughed under his breath at the way Robin squirmed when he let his hand travel down. 

"Get your hands off him," Batman growled.

"Awfully protective over this one aren't you?" As his hand got too close to Robin's crotch, the teen squeezed his legs shut and tried to wiggle away. He couldn't understand why he couldn't shake off what he'd been given as his brothers had. Sure he was small but he'd been drugged enough times that his system should be used to it. Perhaps he'd been given much more of it, either on purpose or by accident. "I have had my eyes on you for a while my pet. I think I'll save you for myself." Sure Robin couldn't fight that well, he could certainly be defiant. He spat in the man's face and gave him a scowl. 

"Keep your hands to yourself," he warned. His brothers giggled at him. 

"Nice shot," Red Robin congratulated.

"I'm certain I can train that out of you." Tony wrapped his hand around the teen's neck and squeezed harsh enough to cut off his air. "I'm sure I'll have you moaning and begging for me." He stood up and took the hoop of keys off his belt.

"What're you doing?" Robin asked nervously.

"You've got me rather worked up and, since I'm keeping you all to myself, I think I'll have my treat now."

"Don't you dare!" Batman cautioned. The man continued to unlock the chains from the wall, allowing him to drag the boy by his wrists out of the room. Robin kicked and thrashed, flashing a desperate look to his family to do something. "Come back here!" Nightwing ordered.

"Coward!" Red Robin yelled. The door slammed shut. They felt sick.

They didn't know how long it'd been but they knew it was too long. None of them could focus their minds on something that would actually help them escape. Panic had set in and all they could think of was pulling at the shackles. They had no utility belts, no weapons, no Robin. Somewhere they could hear muffled protests. It made their hearts ache. Robin was still so young and he didn't need nor deserve any trauma further than the one he'd sustained that fateful night he lost his parents. "I'm going to kill that motherfucker," Red Hood growled, sharply tugging at the metal that was tight to his wrists. He knew he had a gun and if it wasn't loaded, he'd certainly find another way to murder the sick fuck. The door opened and they anxiously waited to see who it was. When Robin was absent, their hearts dropped. "Where is he?" Red Robin demanded. Tony smiled and made a show of buckling his belt. 

"Somewhere. Doubt you'll see him again so it doesn't matter," he answered. It was sickening how nonchalant he was. "I was right you know? Zero experience. Nice and tight."

"Stop it!" Red Hood snapped. He didn't want to hear this. He didn't want to see those images Tony was trying to place in his head. He didn't want any of this and he doubted his family would either. Yet his protest seemed to egg the man on. "His little moans are so cute. Give me a week and he'll be on his knees begging for me to use him. You've raised such a good slut-" He was cut off by his own scream of pain. He dropped to his knees to reveal Robin bearing a metal baseball bat. He was shirtless. His pants were clearly put on hastily and they all did their best to ignore the new stain on them. His teeth were gritted together as he raised the bat, again and again, striking the man so hard that they could all hear the snaps of his bones. None of them stopped him. Not that they could in their current state. However, there was one person who stopped him. Batgirl grabbed the bat before he could continue and took it off him. He didn't have the energy to shout at her for it. He leaned down and picked up the hoop of keys, limping over to Red Hood who happened to be closest. Batgirl helped lessen the load by pick locking the rest. Robin's hands were trembling so hard that he could hardly keep the key steady enough to slide into the lock.

When he did manage to finally unlock the shackles, Red Hood shot up and pulled him into a tight hug. It was at that point Robin broke down into wails. He wrapped his arms around the older and buried his head in his chest. "You're safe now. We're right here," Red Hood assured him.

"Saw him," Batgirl whispered to Batman. There was a look on her face that was breaking him. She'd never be able to unsee that. 

"Did Falcon?" Nightwing asked, unable to finish the sentence. She nodded solemnly. 

"I'll need to take him to Leslie. Are you okay to take over?" Batman asked.

"We'll be fine. We'll meet you at the clinic," Nightwing responded. The older nodded and strode over to Robin. 

"Come here chum," he called. Robin glanced up to his brother and when he got a nod, he moved to latch onto his mentor. He picked up the teen and held him close to his chest, not missing the hiss Robin let out at being jostled about. "I'm sorry Dickie. I'm so sorry," Batman muttered. Had he not let him join the mission, they wouldn't be in this mess. He blinked quickly to get rid of his own tears at the state that horrid man had left his son in. He'd be receiving plenty of visits in whatever jail cell the state left him to rot in. Rapists never did well in prison, child rapists even less so. Good. It's what scumbags like him deserved.

Batman carried Robin to the Batmobile, placing him on the passenger seat. Robin whined at the loss of contact and instantly guilt took over the older. "I've got to drive, Dickie. You can keep hold of my hand, okay? So you know I'm right here," he suggested, offering his hand. The younger happily took whatever he could get and took his hand, giving it a light squeeze as he shifted in discomfort. Batman was going to kill that man. "Are we goin home?" Robin sniffled. He was shivering, most likely from a combination of shock and cold since he was missing his thermal shirt. Batman swiftly turned up the heating. "I know you want to but we should go to Leslie."

"So we can get evidence?" His mentor nodded. Robin looked more tired than Batman had ever seen him. It was a sort of tired only something like this could make a person. They'd seen it plenty of times before. Batman was naive enough to think it would never be his boy. That it'd never be one of his own. He slammed his foot down and sped through the Gotham streets. Robin needed to be home. He needed a warm bed. He needed emotional support. He needed whatever he thought he needed. "He took it," Robin whimpered. It was so quiet that his comment could barely be heard over the engine but his father heard it loud and clear. He somehow made the batmobile go faster. Traffic better not dare to rear its ugly head. "Took what?"

"He took it and now I can't have it anymore! Everybody's gonna talk now! Oh, God." Robin felt sick. He could throw up. It was as if every single minute he fell deeper into the realization of what happened to him and all its consequences. Evidence meant a court case. It meant interviews. All of it he'd have to do as Robin. Everybody would know it was Robin. Robin was supposed to be his safe place. His haven. The place where he didn't need to worry about what people thought because he'd kick there ass if they even mentioned it. What if more people tried it? "They're gonna think I'm weak. They'll think I'm a slut," he wailed. "I didn't mean to make noises Bruce, I swear!" There was something about that sentence. It was almost like Robin thought that if he made sounds that meant this wasn't rape. Batman was shutting that down right now. He looked straight at the teen and gave his hand a squeeze to get his attention. "Your reaction to what happened doesn't mean it was not rape. You did not consent and you can not consent," he said sternly. Robin stared right back. 

"He'll bring it up in court that I did."

"And that won't strengthen his case nor weaken yours." He looked back to the road. Somehow he'd made it at Leslie's clinic faster than expected. He wasn't going to complain. 

"Bruce, promise you won't see me any different now. Please."

"I won't chum. You're my brave bird and you always will be. Got that?" He nodded and gave him a weak smile, a shadow of his usual grin. 

"Thank you."

Batman wasn't allowed in whilst Leslie went through the kit per Robin's request. He didn't want his father in there and part of Batman was happy that he made that decision. Seeing his youngest that vulnerable might just kill him. That didn't make the two hours of waiting any better. He was waiting in the private waiting room and he just couldn't be Batman anymore. He pulled off his cowl and put his head in his hands. His world was crashing down around him. God knows how Dick felt. He would be lying if he said he didn't let a few tears slip through. He'd done this. If he'd just kept Dick off the mission or if he tried that little bit harder. Maybe he could've gotten Tony's attention so he'd be close enough to get knocked out and then he could've maneuvered himself to get the keys and unlock all their shackles and then Dick wouldn't have to be in there having samples taken and Cass wouldn't have seen her brother in such a state and- "Father?" Damian called, putting his hand on the older's shoulder. It was then Bruce noticed that his children had come to visit the youngest. 

"He's uhm he's with Leslie," he stated. They sat down beside him, Steph holding his hand for moral support. She'd been notified as soon as Cass found him.

"Is he going to be okay?" Jason asked.

"God knows. I can't believe I let this happen."

"You didn't do anything Bruce. None of us could've stopped this from happening," Tim assured him. "All we can do is be there for him through this and help him through everything."

"Tony is taken care of. Depending on how Dick wants to play this, we have a few officers who wouldn't mind taking a smoke break for just a little too long," Jason mentioned. He nodded, knowing that he'd probably keep that option off the table for a while. Dick would need some breathing room.

Another hour later and Leslie came out. She didn't seem the slightest bit surprised that there were now a bunch of teenagers sitting alongside Bruce. "Bruce, a moment?" she called. He got up and walked over worriedly. She took him to one side. "He's got a few injuries but otherwise he's physically fine. Emotionally I've never seen him so distraught. I'm so sorry this happened." He nodded his thanks for the condolences. "He'll be out once he's dressed. I had one of his old sweatshirts laying around from his last visit. I thought it best he wore it now." 

"Thank you. Was there enough uh evidence?"

"Enough to get a solid conviction," she replied. "He needs rest. I'm a mandated reporter so I'll inform the police. The last thing he needs is-"

"I don't want to tell the police," Dick said, coming out of the room. He'd been listening to the conversation through the door. 

"What?" they exclaimed. 

"Face it, if I'd been raped as Dick this would've been easy. I get the evidence, I give it to the police, we have a court case, done. But I wasn't Dick, I was Robin. Word will spread, I'll be weak, every villain is going to use it against you. I'll be the Robin who was raped," he stated matter of factly. He sounded broken. Robotic. How far did he think this through? "Red Hood won't be penalized for killing a man like Tony. Kill him." His siblings overheard him and seemed just as worried Bruce. 

"Chum, you're talking about killing a man. I don't know if-"

"He took something away from me that I can never get back. I'd be jeopardizing my career as a hero keeping that man alive. Like I said. I wasn't Dick, I was Robin. Robin doesn't get raped."

They went silent before Jason stepped up. "If you want me to kill him, I'll do it. Just know this will take a toll on you," he stated. He put a hand on Dick's shoulder, not missing the slight flinch he'd received. 

"No one will miss him and if Robin is to continue, Falcon dies."

"Then consider him dead. No one touches my brother like that and gets away with it." Dick gave him a watery smile and pulled him into a hug. He was breaking down again. Maybe he'd regret this later but he didn't care. Robin was his safe place and he was going to make sure it stayed safe. No matter what. 

Again I mean no offense by this story 

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