Wide asleep

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This song is such a fuckin vibeeee

Dick couldn't remember how many coffees he'd had at this point. He knew it was quite a few judging by how hard his heart was thumping against his chest. It was probably too many for any other teenager but he wasn't any other teenager. He was in the middle of the summer and the summer meant he was working pretty much every night. Coffee and adrenaline were the only things keeping him upright for the most part. He was sneaking coffee to his room at night but he suspected that Alfred was catching on since he'd slipped up a few times and left the cups on his nightstand. What could he say? He was a busy kid and he needed his go-go juice before someone thought he couldn't do the job anymore. Bruce could do it so why couldn't he? 

Despite his reliance on coffee and three hours worth of sleep he got somewhere about three days ago, Dick wasn't stupid. He knew that he was going to crash at some point. He was well aware that it would probably happen during training. Unfortunately, his smarts weren't outweighed by his stubbornness. Although he knew full well that going to the training session with the team would end up with him either looking like a total weakling or him being forced home, he still went. Sure his eyes were drooping and he felt dead on his feet but he could grin and bear a training session. At least, he thought he could. He was almost stupid to think that by some miracle he'd be fine. And he was fine. Until they called him up to spar. From the moment he stepped into the ring, there was an alert. The once blue floor now flashed red. "Uh, what's that mean?" Artemis asked. 

"It means the computer deemed Robin unfit to train," Black Canary responded. She narrowed her eyes at the teen and scanned him up and down with her critical stare. Robin shifted under her gaze as his sleep-deprived mind worked overtime to think up an excuse. "C'mon Canary, you're gonna trust a computer over me? I'm fine. It's probably some faulty wiring," he protested, his usually bright smile now strained. He could see the black dots. This wouldn't end well. Maybe if he just ignored them, they'd go away. Stupid dots. Where do they even come from anyway? Why do they always invade his vision at the worst times? They suck. Maybe they were created just to be a dick to him. He wouldn't be surprised. With his bad luck, he guessed it would be just for him. Like some sort of bad omen. Other people saw them though, right? He should ask sometime. 

"Robin!" The shout for him made him jump. Great job Grayson, you never jump. 

"Sorry, what were you saying?" he asked, trying to play it off. "Daydreaming."

"I asked if you're okay my friend," Kaldur told him. It was only now that Robin noticed he'd come closer, across from the ring where he once was. God, he was running slow. Still, this could be worse. He could keep the dots at bay for now. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Like I said, faulty wiring."

"You're the one with faulty wiring if you think we're going to believe that," Wally stated, narrowing his eyes. Robin once again tried to play dumb. He was fine. He could stand one little training session. And then one with Batman. And then do his homework. And then go on patrol. And then write up those reports. Perhaps he bit off a little more than he could chew. This was the first time he'd actually worked every night during the summer. But if Batman thought he could do it then he could do it. He didn't need a night off. Batman didn't need a night off so he definitely didn't need one. Yeah, he was fine. Probably. Hard maybe. Light no but it was a light no. Someone was shaking him. He blinked a few times and looked to see who it was. Oh, Kaldur. Just Kaldur. That's good. "Hi," he greeted. The Atlantian gave him a concerned look. That wasn't good. 

"Perhaps you should sit this one out. You can spar when you're up to it," the older offered. 

"Honestly I'm fine. Great even. Hunky-dory. Very asterous. Mucho whelmed."

"Did you get hit in the head or something?" Connor asked. Robin shook his head, immediately regretting it when the black dots seized their chance to take over. He swayed unsteadily on his feet so he squeezed Kaldur's hand to stay upright. "Robin?"

"Spinnin," he mumbled. His eyes rolled back and his grip weakened. He was going down right in front of all his friends. How wonderful.

Before Robin could hit the floor, Kaldur caught him and picked him up. Black Canary practically teleported to his side and put the back of her hand to the teen's forehead. "He's got a small fever, not enough to make him collapse," she commented. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she took him off Kaldur. He was light. Almost too light. "Keep training, I'm going to give him a once over. Kaldur, you're in charge," she announced, carrying Robin out the room. "I know you're going to ask so yes Wally you can come with me." The ginger nodded and quickly followed her. 

"For a second, I thought he straight-up died," he stated, his eyes firmly placed on his unconscious friend. 

"At this point, I don't think he can die," the older replied. She carried Robin to the med bay where he began to stir. He let out, in their opinion, the cutest little yawn that was humanly possible and rubbed his right eye where, behind it, he felt a small headache beginning to rear its ugly head. Forgetting that he was Robin right now and not Dick, he snuggled up to Black Canary in an attempt to go back to sleep. He used to do it all the time when he was younger. He'd nap pretty much anywhere so he got used to various Leaguers picking him up and placing him somewhere that was a little safer than wherever he had decided to pass out. He felt the woman chuckle at him but he didn't see what was so funny. All the caffeine had decided to leave his body and right now all he cared about was sleeping. Maybe he shouldn't have gone so long without sleep. "What's up with you?" Wally asked worriedly.

"M tired," he whined.

"When was the last time you slept?" Black Canary asked. 


"Please don't tell me that's days," she replied. He gave her an awkward smile. "Sweet Jesus no wonder you passed out. I thought you had naps?"

"Wanted to be like B," he mumbled. She huffed. She knew she wasn't going to get much more conversation out of him like this and even if she could she wouldn't feel right keeping him up. "Wally contact Batman. Code SLP Stage 4." He nodded and rushed off. 

"Don't need B," Robin protested weakly. Black Canary shushed him gently and held him a little closer as she began to sway from side to side ever so softly. 

"Just go back to sleep hun. You need it."

Batman arrived shortly after contacted and Wally led him to the med bay where his protege was napping quite happily in Black Canary's arms. She gave the ginger a smile that really said to beat it which he quickly did, knowing better than to argue. He'd message Robin later. As he left, he closed the door behind him and left the pair to it. "He hasn't slept in three days. I thought you said you were going to be careful about this," she scolded. 

"I didn't know he was up. I send him to bed straight after patrol," Batman protested.

"That's not how it works. He needs downtime with you so his brain knows to shut down for the night."

"But he used to be so tired after patrol, he didn't need that. He's been working nonstop I have no idea how he even stayed up," he defended. He went quiet for a moment and went beside his teammate, brushing a few hairs out of Robin's face. "He smells of coffee," he mumbled. That'd be how he stayed up. Batman knew he shouldn't have taught him how to make it. It would come to bite him in the ass and he considered his ass thoroughly bitten. "That's been helping him stay awake. Like father like son," Black Canary commented. 

"I'm not that bad."

"He wanted to be like you, Bruce. I'm all for him being a hero you know that but I can't just stand by and let him ruin his mental health," she said rather seriously. 

"What're you saying?"

"I'm saying you need to take some serious responsibility in what you're teaching this kid because if you don't I'll be forced to take over. You may be Batman but trust me, you are nothing compared to what I'll do for him. Got that?" 

"Got it. Can I have my son now?" he asked. He didn't want to be scolded any further. It felt odd to be the one who was scolded. She handed the boy over and gave him a stern look. 

"He's not a mini-you. Just remember that."

I think I should've been a theatre kid but then I got incredibly self-conscious and bullied to hell and back so I've been robbed of being the theatre kid who would always be in male drag even though it was completely unneeded

who do i speak to report this theft?

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