Neko Dick pt 2

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I may add more to this if it is asked for

The family couldn't help but fall in love with the young Neko within the first ten minutes of meeting him. He was simply too adorable not to. In the car, he looked out the window curiously with wide eyes and his tail slowly swayed from side to side as he watched other cars and pedestrians go by. He especially liked the traffic lights. The colours were pretty. He wondered if he could get lights like those. The car ride wasn't that long which was good since he was already getting bored of sitting in one place despite the fun landscape that he'd only ever seen shrouded in darkness. He jumped a little at the sound of the gates to Wayne Manor opening, gaining a small "aww" from Tim. He flushed red in embarrassment and kept his eyes focused on his surroundings. He heard the crunch of gravel under the car which he couldn't decide if it was too loud or satisfying. 

Eventually, the car came to a halt and Alfred opened the door to the limo for him. He quickly got out, not wanting to hold up the others who wanted out and looked around excitedly. There was a massive garden and this was only the front. The trees were shaped like circles and some of them were even cut into animals. He liked those ones especially. The Manor itself was massive, bigger than any house he'd seen before. Granted, he was only used to his old trailer and Selina's apartment so he didn't have much reference. Ivy climbed up the walls but it looked well-maintained rather than invasive, giving the building a refined look. He heard a chuckle and turned to Jason with a confused look. Why was he laughing? 

"Have you never seen a mansion before?" the older inquired.

"Mhm. We stay in small places. Fields," he answered. 

"C'mon I'll show you your room before dinner," Jason offered. Dick followed him inside where he saw just how fancy everything was. In his short time with Selina, she would show him all the fancy places she'd stolen from. She told him anything is free under the cover of the night. Any other time there'd be a price tag. This place looked like one of the fancy places. He was pretty sure he'd seen one of the vases in Selina's home and she said it was worth millions. Maybe Bruce gifted it to her. He didn't get much time to look around before he was brought upstairs. "Your room is next to mine but the walls are kinda thick so you shouldn't hear anything unless I'm screaming or something. I doubt that will happen though. Unless I'm playing COD. Then you will hear screaming. Swearing too," he rambled. Dick simply listened to him with a blank look. He didn't want to ask what he meant by playing cod. Maybe Bruce let them play with food here. Odd.

Jason continued to talk but Dick couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. Why did he smell so familiar? Now that he could smell him without everyone else, he was just so sure he knew this guy but how? He'd never seen Jason before. He could've smelt him when he was running around on the streets. But why would he be so sure that he smelt him? If it had just been something like a five-second meeting why would it be familiar? No, he was sure he'd met and talked to him before. Let's see, who had he had conversations with? Selina, that one shop owner, that Neko that thought he was someone called Harry- 

"Hey, earth to Dick! You with me?" Jason called. He blinked a few times and looked at him. "You were a million miles away then."

"No, I was not. I was here," Dick replied. 

"It's just a phrase. What were you thinking about?" 

"You smell like I smell you before," he answered. "But your face is not the same." Jason laughed him off but it didn't feel patronizing. It felt playfully taunting. He didn't find any malice in it. Selina would laugh like that when he asked questions.

"It's probably my shampoo, soap or deodorant. I use popular brands so a lot of other people will smell the same as me," he explained. Oh. That makes more sense. "So we put this together on sorta short notice so it's not finished but we can always take you out shopping. B is a billionaire, after all, he won't miss a few hundred." He opened the door for the Neko and led him inside to the room. Immediately, Dick spotted the most perfect place to sleep. No, it wasn't the bed. It was a spot on the tallest closet he'd seen in his life and there was enough space for him to snuggle up with a blanket and a pillow. He liked sleeping in high places. You got the perfect spot to spy on any potential threats whilst also feeling safe. He supposed he'd have to actually sleep in the bed but he'd definitely nap up there. Selina had a spot like that in her apartment that she let him climb up to and sleep when she went out. He slept very little yet seemed to always be trying to fall asleep. Nightmares usually shook him awake before he got very far into a good sleep."You know there's a whole other room other than that little space," Jason commented. Dick looked at him and giggled nervously, his face flushing red with embarrassment. 

"Sorry," he stated. He didn't feel like explaining himself so he stuck with the apology. It was only polite and he doubted the other wanted to hear about his thoughts.

"No worries kid," the taller replied. He strolled over to the chest of drawers and opened one. He pulled out a shirt and some pants that he hoped would fit the younger. "We kinda guessed what size you were. Selina didn't know either which didn't help. We looked like right idiots trying to get you things," he mused. He walked over to the bed and laid the closed out. The t-shirt had a symbol on it that made Dick's face light up. 

"Oh-oh, Robin symbol yes?" he asked, pointing at the fabric with a smile. Jason returned it and nodded. 

"You like him?" he asked. There's something about his smile, something smug about it like he knew something the Neko didn't. 

"Yes, he helps Selina. Calls Batman too! But put me in the other place. Not fun," he answered, a frown replacing his smile at the end. He shrugged to himself as though shrugged off the memory and picked the t-shirt up. It was soft. Softer than anything else he'd felt. 

"I'll wait outside for you then I'll show you around. Might be able to set up a video chat with Selina." At the mention of Selina, the boy's ears pricked up but he was visibly confused about what the words before her name meant. "Do you know what video chat is?" He shook his head. "Oh, you really were sheltered huh?"

"No. Just poor."

"Shit- I didn't- I grew up poor too- I didn't-"

"'M not uh made sad?" He couldn't think of the word offended at the moment. Jason sighed with relief. 

"Video chat is like what we're doing now but you talk to the person on a screen. Like TV but you can interact with them." Dick nodded thoughtfully. "Tim will explain it better."

Jason rocked on his heels as he waited. A few close calls. Smell was a thing he hadn't thought about but he'd have to mention it to the others. If they smelt like smoke and damp from patrol, the kid would figure them out within a week. Then again, Jason almost wanted him to. It was no secret that Selina was a criminal and as much as she was a good person, she'd probably raise Dick to be her partner in crime. He didn't know if he liked that happening to such a cute kid. He was so innocent. You could tell by his timid curiosity about everything. How his eyes went wide and were bright, twinkling when there was hardly any light to make them shine. His ears and tail all display curiosity. Fear from time to time but curiosity mostly. Poor kid, he thought to himself. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Maybe since Bruce and Selina were so obviously in love they could co-parent him. One week he could spend at theirs the other with Selina. Maybe he'd be like a cool anti-hero. Jason laughed to himself. No way. That kid was cute, far from cool. He was so tiny and slim. He couldn't be a cool anti-hero. A cute one sure. A cute anti-hero was a niche Dick would fill well. He was broken from his thoughts by his eldest brother beckoning him from the stairs silently. He raised an eyebrow and walked over to him. 

"What's up Demon Spawn?"

"Is Grayson alright? Kyle is asking for him. She wants to check him over before we do anything else."

"He's fine. Curious. Lil sensitive if you ask me but there's nothing wrong with that." 

"I'll make note of that. Bring him to the library as soon as he's done in there. I'm not in the mood to hear Father being picked on," he replied before returning downstairs. Hm. Selina really took an interest in this kid. Perhaps it was adoptive maternal instinct. Like Bruce's instinct to adopt anyone under twelve who somehow ended up in his life. He returned to his spot outside the boy's door and stood there for barely a minute before Dick peeked out of his room. 

"Hey Dickie, how're the clothes?"

"Good. Never had clothes with the holes already there," he replied, gesturing to his sleek black tail. "They cost too much Mama says...said. Mama said." Jason stared at him, unsure of what to do. The younger looked really sad. He must be. Maybe he needed a hug. No, they weren't there yet. Uh, what did Damian do with his cat when he was sad? Oh, pet him! Jason reached a hand up and began petting the Neko a little heavy-handedly. Dick laughed at this, making him feel like he just did something stupid so he quickly withdrew his hand. "All humans do that."

"Do what?"

"Pet me. Happened at shows. I like them but ask please," he explains. "Only Selina can pet without. She knows my "tells". I don't know what that means but it feels right." Jason can't help but chuckle. This had to be the most innocent child he'd ever seen. He needed to protect him at all costs, he suddenly thought. It felt right to be so protective. He'd seen enough, hadn't he? 

"Right yea. I'll ask. I'll tell the others to so we avoid...this."

"Good idea."

"Let's get this video chat set up, shall we? Selina is worrying."

"Replacement, you got the call up yet?" Jason asked, Dick, jumping slightly at his loud voice. Tim glared at him and huffed. 

"You do realise by your own logic you're a replacement too right?" The younger shook his head and smiled as though the answer was obvious.

"Correction: I'm an upgrade." Dick wasn't sure what they were talking about but decided against asking. He thought it'd be a little rude. This was probably some inside joke between them and he didn't want to be the one to intrude on such a thing. 

"It's set up. C'mon Dick, Selina is here to say hi," Tim said. The Neko trotted over to him cautiously, his tail slowly moving from side to side as he inspected the screen. He grinned excitedly when he saw Selina smiling at him. How amazing! They had technology that could show him people who weren't even there. He sat down on the couch and waved to her happily. 

"Hey kitten, how're you doing."

"Better now am out of the shelter. Scary. Not much sleep," he explained. She nodded her head understandingly. She resisted the urge to reach out and pet him, simply because he wasn't there to feel her comforting motion, so she tries to do the next best thing. 

"Everything's okay now. You're with Bruce and soon you'll be back home with me. We'll go on a little adventure. Would you like that?" He nodded excitedly. Just out of frame, the Waynes glanced around at one another. They'd keep an eye on that. 

"How long I wait?"

"I don't know yet. They might keep me for longer but you're definitely going to come home. I promise." He smiled, his pupils dilating with the pure affection he had for his surrogate mother. They'd bonded rather quickly, both of them affectionate and lonely creatures. Neither of them was completely safe in Gotham and it felt nice to have one another. At least, that's how Dick thought of it. "I owe you a lot my kitten. You saved my life."

"No no, Robin saved your life. I got Robin. I-I didn't know the numbers," he explained.

"But would Robin have come if you hadn't fetched him?" Well no, Batman would have eventually but he didn't need to know that. Besides, he looked like he needed the praise. "They better be taking care of you. Hear that Brucie?" she said, the second part louder than the first. Bruce popped into the frame to nod. She smiled, satisfied. "And you be a good boy like you always are for Mr Wayne yes?"

"Of course!"

"That's my kitten." There's some chatter on her end and she turns to look at the people with a frown. It sounds serious but Dick couldn't really understand. She held up a hand and then turned back to the screen. "I must go now but you have a nice evening. I'll call you tomorrow okay?"

"Okay!" Dick replied, trying to hide his hurt. He wished he was there. He could reach out and touch her to make sure she was really okay. She'd be able to hold him and whisper sweet things and she'd pet him. He'd hear her coo about how cute he was when he purred. He'd insist he wasn't cute. She'd insist he was. He waves goodbye as she leaves the call and stares at himself on the blank screen, his once bright grin turning to a disappointed frown. 

"Hey, it'll be okay Dick. You'll be back in that apartment before you know it," Tim assured him, hating to see the poor boy frown.

"I know. Just miss her."

"How about we teach you some English in the time you wait? You can impress her with that when she comes to take you home."

"Oh! Cool, I like that!"

Let me know if you want more!

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