Sixth day of Christmas

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flashbossXD wants some Harley and Dick and honestly I love them??? them in the harley quinn movie?? heLLO?

I'm also messing with timelines here so just go with it - it's Christmas and I can get away with what I want


Nightwing wasn't feeling it tonight but then again, he hadn't felt it any other night recently. How could he when everything had gone to shit and he had been the one to cause it. Nothing really felt right anymore. Still, he continued doing his job as he did every night and found himself working harder as though that was somehow going to make up for everything. It wouldn't. Maybe it would make him feel better. It didn't. He'd been going nonstop for a while before his body demanded a break atop a roof around five hours into patrol. Groaning, he let himself collapse onto the gravel and stared up into the sky. He couldn't see the stars thanks to the pollution but at least he had the moon. That was something. There was silence thanks to it being so early in the morning which didn't do anything to help this horrible lonely feeling that had been plaguing him recently. He felt it everywhere. It followed him around and lingered, never leaving him be. Of course, he hadn't told anyone about this. They didn't need to hear how this was affecting him when they were grieving too. Grieving. He hated that word. It was always a horrible experience for him and he was very aware part of that was his own fault. Nightwing would deny this affected him, worked himself to the bone to ignore how bad he felt and then he would eventually break down because he'd done himself over. Sure, he knew the process and he recognised when he was going through it but that didn't stop him from doing it. It just meant he knew what stage he was that. Right now he was in the working himself to the bone stage. "Nightwig!" Oh great. 

The hero glanced to his right to find Harley Quinn grinning ear to ear at him. He hardened his stare which made her put her hands up in surrender. "Hey hey, I'm not gonna kill ya. Well, at least not tonight," she defended. She walked over to him and sat down beside him. "You look glum honey bun," she added, poking his cheek. He huffed at her and sat up, ignoring how his body protested. It wanted him to relax but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. He swore he was getting sick too because he kept getting chills. He really was falling apart without him.

"What do you want Harls? I'm on a break and I'd rather not waste it."

"A break? You collapsed on the roof and didn't move. I thought ya finally kicked the bucket and I coulda done with the credit," she responded, giggling to herself. When he didn't smile back, her happiness faltered. Nightwing sighed to himself and pinched the bridge of his nose. Great. If word got out that he was just collapsing on rooftops then he'd no doubt be visited by Batman. Not like that guy could talk but he'd bring Robin too and the kid didn't need to see him like this. He'd rather no one did. Alas, Harley had seen him which wasn't the best but it could be worse. She could still be with Joker and his condition would spark a really fun torture session that would take months to get over. He really wasn't in the mood for that. 

"What're you doing here anyway? You stay in Gotham," he snapped, the embarrassment getting to him a little. 

"Just passing through. Are you doing good? Never known you to just eat the dirt like that."

"What do you care? We're kinda on the wrong sides to be doing little heart to hearts," he pointed out. Harley went to reply but then paused. She tried again but shook her head before any of the words left her mouth. 

"Why don't we go grab a coffee or somethin?" He furrowed his eyebrows at her expression. She looked uneasy and she was never uneasy. 

"Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"I have time to spare. Why? Do you have somewhere?" she asked, already knowing the answer. She had him there and it wasn't like he had anything to do. He could've lied and said he had somewhere to go. Some crimes to stop. Yet he found himself shaking his head anyway. "Then it's settled. Do you need help up?" He shook his head and got up, stumbling a little when he got a head rush. She raised her hands to catch him just in case but he waved them away dismissively. "You good?"

"I'm alright. C'mon, I know a place."

This was all a little too weird in Nightwing's opinion. When would he ever allow Harley to just hang around with him in public? Sure he was civil with her but they never hung out in front of people. Especially not when he was going into a store with her and grabbing a coffee as well as paying for hers too. The cashier looked completely dumbfounded at how they were chatting like old friends. They weren't on the right side for this to work but here they were talking about random things. Why did he find himself enjoying the company and wanting it to continue? Why did Harley also seem to feel the same? She even helped him take down a burglar. Even though he was questioning how weird this all was and wondering if there was a motive behind it, he wasn't attempting to gather evidence or investigate it. He was just thinking about it. He found himself enjoying the company no matter how suspicious it was to spend time with Harley for no reason other than she asked to go grab a coffee together. So, although this was all a little too weird in his opinion, he didn't hate it. 

They must've done a full circuit of Bludhaven together before finding a spot to rest. It was one of the apartment blocks not too far from where Nightwing was staying but he wouldn't tell her that. As lovely as this evening he was, he didn't quite trust Harley with where he lived. If she didn't use it to try and kill him one of these days, she might start just dropping in every now and then. He didn't fancy explaining why a criminal was sitting in his front room to a one night stand he brought home nor to anyone else for that matter. Harley was currently judging him for grabbing an energy drink on the way over considering she'd seen him have three coffees already. "Not all of us can be terminally energetic," he teased. She laughed, shaking her head. 

"I'm not always energetic," she argued.

"Oh yeah?" he replied, taking a sip. There was a weird aftertaste that didn't mix well with the leftover flavour of his multiple coffees. Still, he didn't want to get tired. He didn't want the night to end just yet. Harley got a thoughtful look on her face as she stared at the city she'd invaded for the night before glancing back at the hero. 

"Can I tell you something?" she asked quietly. He nodded. "I wasn't just passing through. I came here to find you."

"Did you kill B?" he asked jokingly. She tutted at him.

"Tryna be serious here Nightwig," she replied.


"As I was saying, I came here to find you. I kinda sorta missed talkin to ya," she admitted. He smiled and she looked away in embarrassment. "Shut up!"

"I didn't say anything!"

"You were gonna!" she barked. Still, she couldn't help but smile back in the end. "You're different than Bats and his brat. You're always up for hanging around. I like it." She went quiet, something Nightwing would've never thought he'd see, before gripping onto her clothes as though to ground herself. "It helps me feel less...loney."

"You have your hyenas, Ivy too. What makes me so special?" Nightwing asked. 

"Hyenas are hyenas! They don't talk! And Ivy is inside again. She has been for a while. Workin on somethin I think but you didn't hear that from me," she explained. "You talk. You spend time with me. Hell, you bought me a coffee!" He cackled to himself as he finished the last of his drink. "You probably think I'm a real wimp huh?"

"Nope. We've got the same problem," he replied. 

"Nuh-uh. You have the entire League and Batsy and that squirt that's with him nowadays."

Nightwing could've laughed right in her face. Did it really look like he had all that? What a show he and the others put on if that were the case. He messed with the pull tab on the can as he shook his head. He met her gaze awkwardly and put on a lopsided smile. "Not really." He continued to fiddle as he thought about whether he should talk about it or not. With the caffeine running through him, the shitty sleep schedule and being exhausted, he couldn't figure out if he could hold back the tears that always threatened to fall when he thought about what was going on. He liked Harley but he didn't like being that vulnerable. 

"C'mon, tell me what's up. I told you didn't I?" she prompted as though she knew what he was thinking. 

"You did," he responded. "I uh I made a mistake. Thought I had a plan that would work." He couldn't maintain eye contact so he moved his line of sight to concentrate on the streets below. "I mean I'm old enough for these things to work right? To know everything about the business."

"You never did tell me how old you were," she mentioned. 

"Just turned nineteen." Her jaw dropped at that. "What?"

"You're nineteen! Holy shit I thought you were like fuckin twenty-two or some shit but nineteen! Not only nineteen but newly turned nineteen!" It sounded so young when she repeated it but whenever he said it, it sounded so old. It sounded old enough to prevent what happened. Especially when you consider the fact he'd been doing it since he was so little. "Wait wait, how old were you when you were Robin then?"

"Started at like eight or something?"

"I have so many issues with that and I'm a felon!"

"Can I keep going or are you do you need a minute?" he asked. 

"Yea right, continue."

"So this plan I had right? I go through with it. Things were fine but then it suddenly goes to shit and the next thing I know, I've caused something irreversible. My team doesn't want anything to do with me. There's arguing, people are divided. All I can think is how I caused it all," he explained. He crushed the can in his hand and got up, having to pace to keep his emotions in check. "I did it because fuck I don't even know. I thought everything would work out because why wouldn't it? I thought I could trust my judgement."

"Nightwing, if all you caused were arguments then you're overreacting. People get over that."

"It wasn't just an argument."

"Then what was it?"

"I killed my best friend!"

There was dead silence between them. Nightwing paused his pacing and stared at the ground in shame. He could feel Harley's eyes on him and heard her get up. She walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "I know a thing or two about killing the wrong people. I've done enough it in my time. Something tells me you didn't kill them. Something says you just think you did."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.

"You're not the type of man to do that. I think you just made a mistake." She walked in front of him and lifted his chin up so he had to look at her. "Were they a hero?" He nodded. "Then they knew the risk. People die in this business no matter how hard we try to forget it. Just because someone died in your plan doesn't mean that plan killed them." He dropped the crumpled can in his hand and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. She giggled softly and hugged him back. "Take it from someone with a psych degree - grief will mess with your head. Connects dots that shouldn't be connected. I think someone is tired and needs to rationalise something he had no control over."

"He was my best friend for years Harls. Now he's gone."

"How about you come and stay with me? For tonight at least. No crime, no sex, nothing. Just hanging out."

"I think I'd like that."

"No telling Bats either."

"Wasn't planning on it."

"Uh, Batman?" Robin began. His mentor hummed gruffly in acknowledgement. "Is Nightwing supposed to be in Gotham? And with Harley? Getting ice cream?" Batman looked where his protege was pointing and found the exact scene he described. He stared blankly for a moment then sighed. 

"Leave them be. I trust they'll be safe."

"Really? Not gonna investigate that?"

"He'll be fine." He got a strange look from Robin. "What?"

"You're really slacking on being all daddy bats right now? Your eldest is with a well-known criminal who has killed people and you're fine with it?"

"Pretty much."

"I'm starting to see why he has daddy issues."

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