Fifth day of Christmas

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outsidersandBTS4life is the requester of today 


Missions, despite how well planned they were, hardly ever went according to plan. This was one of those missions. The team were fighting off the leftover guards who were very mad they just blew up the labs essential to their boss's plan and Robin noticed some of them leave in the direction of the Bioship AKA their only means of escape. If they did anything to the ship, they would be in the shit. Naturally, he glanced around the makeshift battlefield and decided that they needed all hands on deck to face off against the majority. He also decided not to mention that he was going off to handle the breakaway group. This came to bite him in the ass later. He took off after them with his team being too focused on the action to notice his disappearance. 

Kid Flash blew out a tired breath as he handcuffed the last person. He looked back to his team with a slight smile and checked over them quickly to make sure no knives were sticking out of them or bullet wounds riddling their bodies. It was then that he found an absence in the group. "Uh guys, where's Robin?" he asked. The group looked amongst themselves, confirming that they were indeed missing their youngest member. Well more like the shortest since Superboy only had the body of a teenager. 

"He wasn't that far from me last time I checked. But then again, it's been a long time since I checked," Miss Martian replied. She looked back to where she'd last seen him and, obviously, he wasn't there. 

"That's our exit route to the ship. Maybe he walked back quickly?" Artemis suggested. 

"Or more likely he was injured and is trying to hide it," Kid Flash corrected. 

"How do you-" A scream cut the martian off and it didn't take a genius to recognise it as Robin's. She looked to Kid Flash who was already running in that direction. He went ahead whilst the rest ran after him, hoping that they wouldn't stumble across something horrible. First, because they cared for Robin but a few down on that list of why they didn't want to see that was Batman would kick their asses if something bad happened to Robin. They all ran at top speed but were incredibly confused when they heard soft cackles coming from the direction of the scream. This wouldn't have been that weird if this had been some villain laughing about a job well done. No, what made it weird was the cackle was the iconic cackle of Robin. The guy who just screamed mere minutes beforehand. The first thing they thought was perhaps Joker was somehow here or maybe these guys had Joker Venom at the least but that was then disputed by the fact the cackles weren't manic or mixed with harsh gasps and cries. They were just cackles. 

Kid Flash was of course first on the scene and he had to take a few moments to take in what was going on. There were a few men strewn about, laying unconscious, and Robin was kneeling on the ground cradling his wrist. Something that stuck out to the young speedster was the number of cuts on him and the odd small dagger stuck in him. Thrown a few feet away were two cat-o'-nine-tails which would explain how he was able to receive so many. Kid Flash shook off the shock and ran over, gently putting a hand on the man's back to get his attention. Robin hissed upon receiving the contact and sat straight up. He cackled a little upon realising it was just his fellow hero. "Think I'm a lil loopy," he said with a grin.

"Were you drugged? Hit in the head? Why are you bleeding so much?"

"Blood go pshhhh," the younger giggled. 

"Jeez dude, you should've called for backup," he stated. "Let's get you inside. You'll catch something sitting in the dirt."

"Hey Walls, I think I'm bleeding out dude," Robin said with a lopsided smile. He must be out of it if he was using Kid Flash's real name outside of their designated safe zones. The ginger would have to watch out for his blabbermouth on the way back or he'd be dealing with an angry Batman and perhaps an angry Artemis considering they went to the same school. "But 'm fine," he added. He slowly got onto his feet and got up, grabbing one of the daggers in his back and pulling it out before he could be stopped. He cried out and brought the dagger to his face. "Bumpy. Nice. Hey, this could be your souv-souvenir!" He put it in his belt to keep it safe, patting the pocket as though that would make it safer and didn't take much notice of the blood now gushing out of the wound. He began staggering towards the ship and laughed at how difficult he was finding it. The older rushed to grab one of his arms to make sure he didn't fall over. 

"Robin, what happened?" Miss Martian shrieked, immediately appearing by his side. He looked at her and then at the rest of the team who'd only just joined them in confusion.

"When did ya get here?"

"We need to get him inside and patch him up. He gets...weird when he starts bleeding out," Kid Flash explained briefly.

"I do not! Blasphemy!" Robin objected as he was ushered inside. He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. This would be a long trip.

They all boarded the Bioship and got to work wrangling with the giggly acrobat. "Don't tell B!" he shouted, seeing his mentor's contact pop up on Aqualad's screen. 

"He needs to know your condition," Aqualad told him.

"But he'll get all bleh bleh bleh," he argued. They stared at him, trying to translate what he was saying but ultimately failing. 

"Ignore him, Kal," Kid Flash ordered, glaring at Robin to keep him quiet. He huffed at him but held his tongue for now. "M'gann can you grab the first aid kit? I put pressure on the wound on his- WHY DOES THIS GO ALL THE WAY THROUGH?" he shrieked upon taking off his glove. There was basically a hole in the acrobat's wrist. Robin glanced at the problem area and furrowed his eyebrows before looking back up at him. "Robin." He lifted up his other hand and put his finger to his cut with an innocent expression. "No." He was about to push in his finger before he grabbed his hand. "No!" He cackled at him. 

"How did you even get this?" Miss Martian fretted, passing Kid Flash the kit.


"We know you were- ugh just tell us the specifics of how you got it," Artemis clarified.

"Ohhhhh! I was fighting n then pinned to a tree with a knife. All the way through! Caaaaaan I poke it?"

"No!" they all snapped. 

"So help me I will tie you down," Kid Flash growled. He pouted at him but soon giggled to himself at seemingly nothing. 

"Tell me why he gets so giddy whilst dying?" Superboy asked.

"Put those words back in your mouth! No dying on this trip! I am the maker of vibes and I will not destroy the vibes!" Robin shouted. 

"He gets high on it in a way. We never really figured it out," Kid Flash explained as he wrapped bandages around the wounds. There wasn't much he could do since his first aid training stopped at putting plasters over things but it would do for now. Some pressure was always good for cuts, he knew that for sure. They should really do a first aid course. Only Robin knew how to deal with the important stuff and right now he was out of commission. That was a disaster waiting to happen. 

Aqualad tried to contact Batman but couldn't reach him. He looked to Robin for an explanation but the teen just giggled. "He might be off-world or somethin," he eventually replied. He batted Kid Flash's hand away when he tried to clean his cuts, gaining an impatient look. "Stings."

"I know it stings but you're going to have to deal with it. If these get infected you'll be in more pain than you are now," the speedster reasoned. He incorrectly assumed the other would listen to reason. The acrobat shook his head defiantly and attempted to get up but cried out in pain and crumpled back into his chair. "Rob?" 

"Can we get ice cream? No, no coffee! Bagels? All of the above?"

"I'll get you something when you're clear to eat. Now let me clean you up." The younger shook his head defiantly and swivelled his chair around with a devious giggle. He clearly thought he was outsmarting his boyfriend but hadn't thought that Kid Flash would just turn the chair back around.

"Wally I'm setting off, you need to get him and yourself strapped in," Miss Martian announced. She could set out without either of them doing that but she doubted it'd end very well. 

"Can you bring my chair closer? He'll only be fussy if I leave him."

"I'm not that clingy!" Robin shouted. Miss Martian moved the chair over and buckled them in, smiling when she saw how pleased the younger looked to be close to Kid Flash for the entire ride. Usually, they were kept separate - per Batman's wishes - so the closeness was welcomed. What wasn't welcomed was the ginger's constant attempt to clean his cuts. He whined dramatically and weakly kicked him. 

"Robin stop moving. I swear to God I'm going tranquillize you in a minute."

"You wouldn't dare, simp."

"Simp?" Artemis repeated, barely getting out the word through her laughter. She got a glare from the ginger which she happily ignored and continued to laugh along with Robin. 

"Don't encourage him!" he barked. "C'mon Robin, I'll make it up to you. Any way you want." 

It took a few moments before Robin nodded and surrendered his arm to be treated first. Kid Flash let out a sigh of relief and finally got to work. He shot occasional glances of sympathy to Robin who hissed every time the cuts were touched. "I know babe but I'll be done soon. You're doing well."

"Considering I've seen him tortured, it's kinda weird to see him crack under this," Artemis commented.

"Blood loss makes him giggly and kinda sensitive. Messes with the bat training. But you're my strong birdie any day of the week, aren't you Robin?" the ginger cooed. He got a flustered giggle from his boyfriend and blushed brightly. 

"Ew," Artemis huffed.

"Leave him alone ya big meanie. Just because you don't have to be praised to feel worth summit," Robin grumbled. They gave him a concerned look but he simply cackled at their worries. 

"Oh, oversharing. He does that too without his bat training," the ginger added. "Keep that arm up for me. We don't want it bleeding more than it has to do we?" Robin shook his head with an innocent smile and held out his other arm to be fixed up. 

"Black Canary isn't free to video call but she wants an evaluation on Robin's condition, ETA and any preparation needed," Aqualad announced. 

"Need a bag of A positive or O negative. Small lacerations and a stab wound going all the way through his wrist. We've got half an hour before this becomes an emergency," Kid Flash explained.

"ETA twenty-five minutes. That's the fastest I can go," Miss Martian added.

"Got it."

"We do be zoomin," Robin rambled. "Walls, I wanna go to bed." 

"Not yet babe. You need to stay awake for a little bit. I wanna still talk to you." The younger groaned and pouted, leaning back in his chair and kicking his legs. It was sort of like a small very adorable tantrum. "I know but you can stay awake a little longer. I'll give you plenty of kisses to keep you up."

"You could just talk to him to keep him awake," Superboy suggested.

"There's no fun in that," the speedster argued. "Besides, he looks so cute when his face is all red." He proved his point by kissing Robin's lips and marvelled at how his skin was swallowed by his blushing. Even all bloodied the acrobat was the cutest thing ever to exist. 

After a trip filled with keeping Robin entertained enough to stay awake but not too entertained that he'd want to get up to move about. Kid Flash carried him all the way to the Medbay and spent the entire time fretting much to Black Canary's disliking. "Wally, can you just leave for a few minutes? You're getting in the way a little," she asked, trying her best to restrain her frustration. 

"You wanna see what happens when I leave?" the ginger answered. He got up and walked out of the room. 

"Wally! Wally come back! Dinahhhh, get Wally back," Robin complained. Upon hearing his calls, Kid Flash walked back into the room and gestured to his boyfriend.

"Well then. You two uh you two really are inseparable."

"The only force that can separate us is Batman. He's...he's scary."

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