Surprisingly, I don't want you dead

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A reminder that I'm not taking requests for now and I'll announce when I can take them again - I really don't like saying no to your ideas but I have to prioritize my mental health and taking them just piles up and that makes me anxious

also happy valentines day here's more davick so it's out of my system


"Well well well what do we have here?" Dick asked, striding over to the dark lump in the alley. He was just going through the neighbourhood when he saw a van drive up and chuck something into the street. The view from the rooftops wasn't the best and his curiosity certainly wasn't going to let him shrug off seeing it. So here he was getting closer to the black blob until he heard a groan come from it. It's alive then. He kicked it a little and got another groan. There were flecks of red all over it. Red, groaning, kinda human-like blob. He rolled this presumable human over to get a look at their face and huffed. That cowl was staring back at him. Well, the white eyes were closed but he preferred it that way anyway. "A bat. Battered and bruised but a bat all the same. Missing quite a bit of your suit there Batsy and here I thought I was being revealing."


"Close enough. Looks like you've had a fun night but I suppose I should get you to Leslie or something before you die huh? They took you far from Gotham so you're kinda fucked on the survival front. Maybe Leslie isn't the best choice. Tell you what? I'll have Jenny treat ya," he rambled. He took out his radio and swiftly contacted his men, getting a team that was closest to him to come over. Jenny was also informed of her new patient but he conveniently left out it was Batman being treated. He also neglected to inform David of who he was bringing into their compound which he probably should do since the hitman was just waiting for the day he gave him the go-to on killing the caped crusader. "They're gonna be like five minutes but I'm sure you can wait. Let's get you on your side because I don't want you throwing up on me." He kicked him over to the side and squatted in front of him. He checked his pulse and found it was surprisingly strong for his condition. Though with the multitude of cuts and that really big stab wound that was endlessly pouring blood, he doubted it would stay that way for long. He decided he'd try to patch up what he could on scene before getting him to an actual doctor. "I guess your old age is getting to you. No MO's of the major guys. You got your ass handed to you by a bunch of no-names."

"-mian." Dick's eyes went wide for a moment at the thought of the younger being hurt. His dad could get hurt as much as he liked but if Damian so much as had a bruise he was going to make sure whoever did it was killed on sight.

"Damian? Where is he? They didn't drop you off with him, was he with you?" Batman shook his head.

"Home," he rasped. 

"Damian's at home?" the acrobat clarified. He nodded weakly. "Way to scare the shit outta me. What about him?"


"This is like a shitty game of charades. I'll let him know but unless you have something important to say I suggest you shut up to save me a heart attack," he grumbled. "I don't know how cognitive you are but here's how this is going to go. You're coming to the compound, being treated until you're stable and then you're being shipped to Leslie to do the rest of the work because I'm really not in the mood to be dealing with you." He didn't get a reply but he didn't expect nor want one. He was laying down the rules and there was no confirmation to follow them needed. They were to be followed or he was getting kicked to the curb. He was lucky to get the mercy of treatment in the first place. 

Eventually, the group Dick called in arrived and they were able to get the battered bat to their own med bay. It looked rather out of place since it looked like a usual hospital ward with the only differences being it was smaller and the walls were more in keeping with a warehouse. Some men were sent in to fetch a bed whilst Jenny finished up any last prep. She did one final check before turning around and seeing who exactly she would be treating. "What the fuck?" she asked, looking to Dick for an explanation. 

"Believe me, I didn't have much of a choice," he answered. "Got thrown out a van and if it got out I let him die, I'd have some pretty pissed family members questioning me." She hummed unhappily but continued to get to work. She looked over the man quickly before getting him an IV and sending Dick to fetch a blood bag from the fridge whilst getting him connected to a various amount of machines. She fixed an oxygen mask over his face since he seemed to be breathing heavily and wondered if it would be best to put blocks around his head to keep it in place. Since the rest of his body was in a bad way, she decided that she'd get them. 

"Dick, I'm gonna need you to check his eyes. I can't do it without revealing his ID."

"Swap you a bag of blood for a torch?" Dick replied, handing her the bag. She passed him the torch and averted her eyes as he pulled up the cowl. "Now Batsy, gonna need you to follow the light for me." His mentor grunted to show he understood and did what he was told. He seemed to find that task easy so Dick checked how well his pupils further. He nodded to himself after a moment and put the mask back down, turning the light off. "Concussion and ruptured blood vessel," he announced. "You can turn back now."

"Still conscious?" Jenny asked. There was a mumble from the injured man but it was nothing they could decipher on the spot.

"Just work like he's not. You stay awake in case we need you," his ex protege replied. "I've started patching up what I can see but we've got that bleeder on his waist. Get him stable then we'll get him to Leslie do to the rest of the job." She nodded and got to work and mending what she could. 

"Are we doing tests before we send him?"

"Only to see if he's got any internal bleeding. If he's got something broken, he can fix it at Leslie's," he explained. He decided to stick around and help her out since this wasn't a one-person job. There were too many things going on for her to stay on top of. 

As they were working, word got out amongst those inside that Batman was being treated. Some found it rather merciful of their leader who hadn't had the best history with the hero. Others found it pitiful that Batman was coming to them for help. The unanimous vote was their leader was kind for letting the guy in. Eventually, this word got to David. He'd been in the kitchen with the rest of his poker friends deciding on their next meeting when a pair of men walked by talking about the situation in the med bay. "You, repeat what you just said," David called upon overhearing them, pointing to the shorter of the pair. His blood pressure was already rising at the thought of that Batman being in their midst. He nearly killed his boyfriend over all this and there was no way he should be let into their personal space again.

"Boss brought in that bat about an hour ago. Think he went to CT now but Boss ain't letting anyone in so fuck knows if Bats is dead or not," one replied. The hitman narrowed his gaze and they all felt the energy in the room suddenly become tense. This wasn't going to end well.

"Where's Dick now?" he asked. His hands were clenched up into fists. Dick was helping his mentor like everything that happened was nothing? He was such a dumbass letting Batman in here. How was he supposed to know he overstepped a boundary if the acrobat he abandoned was going to come running in and save him? It was mudding everything up.

"In medical with the Doc," the other answered. David nodded and stormed off to find his boyfriend. The men watched him and then turned to one another. "Well, Boss is fucked."

"No kidding."

In the ward, Jenny was listing off the injuries Batman had so Dick would relay it to Leslie who he was on the phone with. He wanted both doctors to decide on whether Batman was safe to travel to Gotham since they couldn't fit many medical supplies in the van they were transporting him. "Look Leslie, I don't know if this will persuade you but my boyfriend is gonna be pretty pissed if he finds out the Bats is here getting treated. He sorta kinda hates his guts after the whole disowning me and all that so if we could get the guy out as soon as possible that'd be fan- fuck." Dick swiftly handed the phone to Jenny so she could take over upon seeing his boyfriend walk in with a thunderous expression. He should've known word would get around fast and this just had to be the week the hitman wasn't out in some far off country. Typical Grayson luck.

"Richard why the fuck is he here?" David growled, aggressively gesturing to the bedbound bat. 

"I found him in a bad way so I took him in," he explained. "Look he's not gonna be here for a while-"

"There's something called an ambulance that takes people in a bad way to this other thing called a hospital with people who do this for a living," the ginger snapped. Jenny saw that this was going to get heated and slowly stepped out of the room. She didn't like hearing them argue. It all got a bit messy sometimes which was fairly normal she supposed. It wasn't nice though.

"An ambulance can take forty minutes on a good day! He was in the shit and if I waited for an ambulance he would've been even deeper in it. What do you want from me?"

"For you to stop enabling him! He was fucking horrible to you and in fact, he disowned you at one point so why the fuck would you help him huh? You have no obligation to that man," the hitman shouted. He grabbed Dick's shoulder and squeezed tightly, hoping that would somehow convince him that this was a bad decision. "You don't need to do anything for him! You don't owe shit!" The smaller pulled off his hands and pushed him off. 

"He may be a dick to me now but he once wasn't! Besides, he has a kid! I can't let Damian see his father die for a second time and you can fuck right off if you think I'd ever put a petty feud over a man's life!" he yelled. 

"You're an idiot then because doing this is just telling him he can fuck up however he likes and still have you come round to pick up the pieces. You need to stay the fuck out of his business."

"And you need to stay the fuck out of mine. He's leaving soon enough anyway so untwist your boxers and calm down." 

"Y'know what? You can fuck off. I'm just trying to look out for you like a good boyfriend and a good bodyguard," he snapped. 

"I didn't ask you to look out for me on this! I know him, I know myself and I know the family we built. If Damian ever found out I didn't do everything in my power to save his father when I was the first on the scene, he would hate me and he means everything to me so sorry I was trying to avoid that," Dick barked back.

"Damian would also realise how shit his father was to you!" David threw his hands up in defeat before shaking his head. "I'm done."

"Done?" the acrobat asked worriedly, sobering up from his anger. "With what?"

"With this! With you!" He growled out something the other couldn't decipher before storming off. He burst open the doors before slamming them behind him, walking off to some destination his boss wasn't aware of. 

There was silence for a moment before Dick sighed to break it. It was made worse by the fact he could feel Batman's eyes bore a hole into the back of his head. He'd heard and seen it all and Dick knew for a fact that he wasn't going to see this was his fault. He was going to see it as a couple's spat. Batman never did have that much self-awareness. "You know B, you have a habit of fucking me up," he stated, turning to face the man. 

"Where am I?" Batman asked. Ignoring someone pointing out his faults? He must be feeling better then. 

"My place but don't get comfy. You're being shipped off to Leslie's and she can deal with you. You've caused enough damage as it is."

"You saved me?" he mumbled softly. The younger nodded and ran his hand through his hair as he cooled down from the fight further. He felt like shit and here he was with one of the sources of why he felt shit. He walked over to the man and leaned against the wall, glaring at a spot on the ground. "Not much of a villain."

"Not much of a hero either," Dick responded. He wiped at his eyes which were beginning to well up from the situation. All he wanted was a night out as he usually did on a Wednesday but here he was with a boyfriend that was angry at him and a mentor he wanted to punch in the face every five seconds. 

"Why'd you save me then?"

"Surprisingly, I don't want you dead. If not for my conscience but for Damian. He's your son after all," Dick responded.


"Don't fucking start. I've just had my boyfriend yell at me, I'm not in the mood for you to pile on the whole hero bull," he interrupted.

"I wasn't going to say that." Batman outstretched his hand and Dick took it in confusion, feeling the older's hand weakly clamp around his. "I'm never going to be okay with this but I'm okay with you." He met the younger's gaze. "You've changed Richard. I can't say that's entirely bad. I've changed and I can't say that's entirely good. I never said it enough when you were close but," Batman paused.

"B, I know but don't take me for a fool. You care for me because you raised me but you don't care for me unconditionally. I'll act civil with you if you do too for the sake of Dami but not because I love you. I can't say that anymore."

"I'll be glad to be civil with you Dick."

"Boss, he's been given the all-clear to be moved," Jenny announced, walking back into the room. She must've noticed the quiet. Dick looked up to her with a nod and let go of his ex-mentor's hand. 

"Then we best get him going. Think you can manage not to die on the ride over?" he asked with a laugh. The older nodded, flashing a small smile. "I'll call Damian to meet you there. Between you and me, Leslie did all this."

"Secret's safe with me." Dick called a few men in to oversee the transport and sent Jenny with them for safekeeping. He watched them set off and picked his nails as he got a hold of Damian. After that, he didn't want any of it.

After hearing that his mentor was delivered to Leslie with no issues and listening to Damian ranting about how it was Bruce's own fault for going out alone, Dick trudged off to bed. He opened the door to his bedroom only to frown when he found it empty. He'd hoped that David had come in here and then they could either have makeup sex or just talk. Either would be good but neither seemed to be on the table tonight. He closed the door behind him and pressed his back against it. David was done. He didn't bother checking if clothes were still here, the hitman had the money to buy a whole new wardrobe ten times over as well as new weapons. There was nothing that he had to take. Yet another relationship down the toilet. He'd stop now. No more relationships, just meaningless flings if he ever got the hankering for it. He pushed himself from the door and decided he'd go to bed. There was no point in staying up all night though he was pretty sure he was going to do that anyway. The acrobat stripped down to his boxers and crawled into bed, instinctively going to his side of the mattress despite there being no point. He was the only one in it. He could feel the dip in David's side and even though the fight had happened only an hour or so ago, he already missed the ginger. Probably because David was done. He wasn't coming back this time. Dick ran his fingers over the dip before pulling his hand back and turned away from the door. Once his head hit the pillow, the tears started to fall. Everything was far too much today and now he was alone, he wasn't going to hold back. There was no point. He sobbed into the fabric as he held it tightly to give himself some comfort. It wasn't nearly enough but it would do for now. It would have to. God David was done. He really liked him. He really liked Wally too and Barbara. It seemed whatever he really liked ended so he had to make this villain gig work. Well, he wasn't a very good villain if he went around saving Batman. Killing people here and there for good reason didn't make him villainous. Hell, he was the nicest villain if that were the case. He was good to his gang members, took care of his own, killed people who were basically asking for it, he could go on. He wanted David. He was good at shutting his head up and making him feel much better. Dick sniffled pathetically. How weak was he to get attached so quickly? Silly man. Silly.

Dick's cries drowned out the noise of a door opening and then closing but it couldn't make him ignore the dip in the bed. He hiccuped quietly but he couldn't get his mouth to make the words he wanted to say so he continued to cry and bury his face in the pillow. "Take a deep breath," David told him. He felt a hand on his shoulder, rubbing his skin slowly to help him relax. "It's alright, baby, just take deep breaths. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted at you like that." The ginger pressed a kiss against Dick's shoulder and continued to help him wind down. He didn't say much after that. He said his piece and he hoped this would be enough to show he didn't really mean what he said. Dick rolled over to face him, the pillow still in his clutches, and he wiped away the tears. He stared at his boyfriend for a moment then croaked, 

"Are you done with me?"

"I needed a minute that's what I meant to say. I just hate seeing how he treats you and how you treat him. It's not fair on you," he replied. David reached for the pillow and the smaller let him take it out of his arms. He pulled Dick in for a hug and peppered his face with kisses. He knew the other's love language and he was going to give him a monologue in it. He kept him close and made sure to keep his hands on him. 

"I know he sucks David but he's my sucky weird dad figure. We're just always gonna look out for each other when push comes to shove I guess," Dick muttered. He snuggled closer to his boyfriend and let himself relax in his arms. "'M tired."

"You will be," he replied. He ran his hands through his hair and watched his lover's eyes become half-lidded with a content smile. It was adorable. Everything he did was adorable. He pulled up the covers a bit more to keep Dick warm, though he was probably warm already with how close they were. "Do you want to sleep?"

"Nope," Dick replied, popping the p. 

"What would you like then?"

"Cuddles 'n love please."

"Then that'll be our night," David stated. He heard a pleased cackle and kissed his boyfriend's forehead. "You know I love you right?"

"Mhm 'n I love you."

"I know." 

He listened to Dick's breathing get slower and slower until there were small snores every now and then to confirm he was asleep. The ginger never got why Dick was so kind to the man that treated him so horribly but David wouldn't stand for it. He'd make sure that leech never came back here. In fact, he promised to make sure he'd give the parasite some of his mind when they next met. He prayed for the safety of old Batman that he didn't meet him anytime soon. "I'll keep you safe Dickie. You won't have to worry about him anymore."

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