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David getting sick that's it. That's the plot.


Dick woke up to the horrid sound of someone retching in the bathroom. He scrunched his face up and turned to his lover's side but found his lover wasn't there. His eyes snapped open as he slowly connected the dots in his sleepy haze. He jumped out of bed and raced to the bathroom only to be met with the sight of his boyfriend, now very pale and very sweaty, laying on the floor with his face squished against the cold tiles. "David, can you hear me?" Dick asked, kneeling beside the ginger. He tentatively put the back of his hand against David's forehead and frowned. He was too warm for his liking. 

"Dick?" David whined. 

"I'm here. Though it seems you've started the party without me," he joked. He could smell the vomit in the toilet which, if he hadn't seen and done the things he'd seen and done, would've churned his stomach. David hummed disinterested. "Let's get you to bed. It'll be much comfier than the floor," he suggested. There was a grumble at that. "I'll give you a bucket and get you something to cool you down but laying on the floor won't do much good." 

"Hurts," David replied. His arms were wrapped tightly around his stomach as though that would help. It never did but he did it anyway. 

"You can either come with me willingly or I'll carry you. The choice is yours." When he didn't get a reply, Dick decided he'd chosen the latter. He hooked his arms under his sick bodyguard and lifted him up. David weighed about as much as he benched on a good day so he would be lying if he didn't struggle a tiny bit. Usually, there was some sort of pre-workout or build-up but lifting your nearly 200 pounds of pure muscle bodyguard boyfriend first thing in the morning left him quite unprepared to deal with the weight. 

Luckily, he made it back to the bed without dropping David. He kept him on top of the covers for now in hopes of cooling him down then went back to the bathroom to get a flannel. He ran it under the cold tap for a few moments before folding it and putting it on the ginger's forehead. "Better?" he asked. David nodded, his eyes still squeezed closed. "I'll get you a bucket then I'll go get Jenny to look you over, hm?" There wasn't a reply so he just went about his plan. There was a bucket in the bathroom from a failed prank a few days ago - he tried to do the bucket on the door prank but David noticed and made him walk through first, laughing at him being drenched. He flushed the toilet on his way back too. The colour of the vomit didn't look too good but he tried to stay positive. This was probably just a bug. It'd been going around some of the members and it was that time of year when people get sick. "I'm putting it on the table okay? If you're gonna chuck up, try to keep it in the bucket. I'll go get Jenny-"

"No," David whined. His hand shot out and grabbed the other's arm. "Stay." That Dick stared at him for a second before snapping out of his pleasant surprise. He cackled softly and grabbed the radio from his pants the day before. If David wanted him to stay then he sure as hell wasn't going to leave. 

"Alright, if you insist." He fiddled with the settings, noticing they were slightly off from when he discarded his pants. Granted he could've taken more care but he was in a hurry so to speak. "I need Jenny to come to my bedroom. Over."

"I'm patching up Carl, is it urgent? Over."

"Urgent for me so it's urgent for you. Over."

"I can be over in ten? Over."

"Sounds good. Over." He set his radio down and sat on the edge of the bed, his hand resting on David's thigh to assure him he wasn't leaving. "Jenny will be here soon. Just to make sure this isn't serious." 

"Thanks," David said quietly. 

"Anytime. Looks like my Daddy needs taking care of today hey?" The ginger tutted at the pet name but nodded all the same.

Jenny arrived exactly ten minutes later, always one to be on time, and checked over David. She hummed to herself as she did the usual checks. His temperature was high but not enough to concern her quite yet. He was pale and his stomach cramps were something to keep an eye on. "How many times has he thrown up?" she asked.

"Twice," David grumbled. 

"So you're coherent. That's good," she stated. 

"He's just too tired to talk a lot," Dick clarified. He didn't talk much in the first place though so this wasn't much different. Still, the reason was different now and that's all that was needed to make his once comforting silence incredibly unnerving. She nodded and made a mental note of it. "So should we be concerned?"

"Just a few questions so I can be sure," she replied.

"Fire away."

"Has he eaten anything new recently?" He shook his head. "Anything cooked by neither of you?" He thought on that one. He'd cooked last night and David had cooked for the few days before that. They were trying to cut down on takeaways after there was an uptake in requests to bump Dick off. They couldn't really trust it. 

"No, we've been good this week."

"Drank anything new?" He shook his head. "He doesn't have any hives either so we can rule out an allergic reaction. Can you think of any way he could be poisoned?" Again he shook his head. They'd been careful and they had loyal members. Besides, they always shared food so if David were sick surely Dick would be too. "Looks like he's just got a virus. Keep an eye on the fever and make sure he's staying hydrated. Avoid solid foods for now. Painkillers will help with the pain." She handed Dick a thermometer so he could check his boyfriend's temperature and then went on her way. 

"Well, it's good to hear you're not dying. How about I get you some nice ice water? I'll be right back," Dick stated. 


"I promise. I'll put the TV on for you too."

Dick spent the entire day by David's side, tending to him as he needed. Anything David wanted, he'd get. If this day had been without the throwing up, fever and stomach cramps, it would've been a rather pleasant experience. Unfortunately, it had been full of those three things. "It's alright, David; I'm right here. This is just a little bug," Dick reassured him, handing him a cup of water. David sloshed the water around his mouth before spitting it into the bucket he was hugging. He leaned into the hand that moved his hair out of his eyes, gaining a soft cackle. "I've never known you to be so clingy." The ginger hummed with his eyes half-lidded as held Dick's hand in place. "Drink the rest of that whilst I clean that bucket sweetheart. Then we can cuddle but no kisses. As much I love you, I love not being sick more."

"Get someone else to do it," he grumbled, tightening his grip. 

"I'm not having one of my boys on sick washing duty. You can do without me for a few moments."

"But 'm sick," David pouted. 

"My love you can wait." The hitman whined but let go of his hand. There wasn't much strength in his grip anyway but Dick appreciated he was willing to budge on the matter. He made the trip as quick as he could and made sure to sanitize his hands because he couldn't get sick. He was a mess when he was sick and although he loved his boyfriend very much, he doubted David's ability to deal with him being loopy. Then again, not many could. He returned with the bucket and climbed back into bed where he was seized by David as soon as he was in arms reach. "See? That wasn't so bad was it?"

"Still too long." Dick watched him worriedly as the ginger snuggled and put his head on his chest. His breathing was laboured, his skin sweaty and warm against his own. The constant uncomfortable expression didn't ease any anxiety. 

"I'll try to not leave for so long again."

"Good," David stated, yawning softly. 

"How about we put on one of those documentaries you like? I promise I won't point out everyone I know," he suggested. A low hum was his confirmation to turn on one of David's favourites and he tried to settle down with him. It was hard since the constant reminder of his lover being in pain wasn't exactly helping. Still, he tried his best to ignore it and helped both of them relax by running his fingers through his hair. 



"No leavin. Gotta stay with me." Dick chuckled.

"I promise I'll stay right here." David nodded to himself and held on tighter just in case the other decided to wiggle away before breathing a sigh of contentment.

Morning came and David woke up feeling much better than the day before. His stomach hurt a little but it wasn't as unbearable as it had been. He yawned softly as he pushed himself up, stretching a little. Now that was much better. He could stretch without his whole torso cramping up. There was always a sense of relief when he got better and he couldn't believe how he lived taking the ability to do the most basic things for granted. His eyes drifted to the bed where Dick should be laying but found he wasn't there. His attention was then drawn to the toilet flushing and for a moment he didn't think about it until Dick came out of the bathroom wiping his lips with his hand. "You okay?" the acrobat mumbled, forcing a smile as he trudged back to bed. He fell down in a crumpled heap, a groan being the only indication that he hadn't passed out. David watched him carefully and checked his temperature with the back of his hand as soon as they were close enough. Just as warm as he'd been yesterday. Now he thought about it, it probably wasn't their smartest decision to sleep in the same bed when one of them was so sick. 

"I'm alright but looks like you're not," David replied as he pulled his hand away. "It should be bed rest for you today."

"Noooooooo!" the smaller whined hoarsely. He peeked out from the pillow he'd hidden his face in and put on the cutest puppy eyes he could. There were things to do especially when he'd spent every day being attached to David's hip.

"Yes," the hitman said firmly. He pulled up the blankets to cover the acrobat's shoulders. "Be good for me won't you?"

"If you're trying to make me horny, it's working," he replied with a cackle. He clutched his stomach with a soft whine after laughing. His body wasn't at all happy with him moving like that. Great, he couldn't even laugh. 

"You're in pain, aren't you?" Dick didn't reply but that was basically a yes when it came to him being ill. "Then you better stay in bed. It's my turn to look after you." Dick went to say something but stopped himself. He didn't need to work himself to death anymore. He didn't need to save the world, he didn't need to prove himself to Bruce since that ship had long since sailed and his gang could handle a few days of not doing anything. Huh. For the first time in years, he might actually get away with letting a bug run its course without making things worse. Weird. 

"Then hold please." David smiled and wrapped his arms around the smaller to pull him in for a cuddle. He figured that whatever his boyfriend had was what he had previously so he was in for an awful day. At least he'd feel better tomorrow.

"If it helps...I love you." Dick looked up to him happily.

"It does sweetheart. I love you more though," he replied, snuggling up to him. 

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