You did this on purpose, didn't you?

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CloeTheTealSnake requested this a while ago so sorry for the long wait!! 

AU where Dick is a werecat 

Wally found Dick adorable 24/7. How could he not? His tired yawns in the morning, the way he gave those cute puppy eyes at lunch when he wanted take out and when he went to bed at night the way he cuddled up to the ginger. There was one form that Wally found cuter than anything was the in-between form Dick took. You see, Dick was a werecat and could move between a fully feline form and a fully human form but on rare occasions, he'd get stuck in the middle. Cat ears and a tail would be added to his human form. It was simply one of the cutest things Wally had ever seen but he didn't get to see it half as often as he did when they were younger. Dick matured and had good control over his powers. Of course, this was Wally and he wasn't going to stop at the first hurdle. The reason why it was rare and not never was because he knew exactly how to get that form to jump out. Through trial and error, he'd found that if he got Dick both surprised and excited he'd get that form. Spoiling Dick and getting the reward of seeing him looking adorable? Now how could he miss up on that offer?

It'd been a while since the speedster had seen the half and half form so he thought it was the right time to get Dick a little something. His boyfriend was working all day so he had plenty of time to prepare. He made sure Dick had his breakfast and kissed him goodbye in the morning before he sat down and got to plotting. A date night would be perfect since it had been a while. They were always so busy *cough cough* Dick was always the one that cancelled *cough cough* so they were overdue one. 

Okay, so a date night. What could they do? He didn't want to go out because then he couldn't fawn over his boyfriend's form without getting weird looks. He debated getting take out but that didn't feel as special. A home-cooked meal would do the trick. 

Now, what to cook? His mind went blank so he went to the internet to find his answers. Through the search of "What to cook for date night?" he came across a long list of recipes before landing on Boyfriend Steak with a side of vegetables. He could do that easily enough. Meal: done. 

Next up was dessert. They both had a sweet tooth but Dick especially which wasn't that surprising given his selection of cereals of which only one was semi-healthy. Once again, he went to the internet to help. Cake was too big and sounded too hard. Cookies? Oh, he could get ice cream too. He'd seen those big bowls of ice cream with cookies and sprinkles. That was definitely more his thing. Dessert: done. 

Now for entertainment. Movies were a good option but he could never sit still through a whole one and Dick ended up sleeping halfway through. Games were much better. Plus, it might keep Dick excited to play against him. That was the evening plan done but he knew better than to just leave it at that. In order for the evening to even go ahead, he needed to have a word with a few people. 

Grabbing his phone, Wally made a groupchat with Dick's brothers, dad, a few league members and anyone else that came to mind. He didn't want Dick to be bothered tonight so he had to tell everyone to back off. Obviously not like that because if he did say hey fuck off to all these people he wouldn't make it past midday. 

Jason: what do you want

Tim: Is Dick okay?

Diana: He's dead isn't he? Or in a coma? Or dead in a coma? Why would you tell us this through text??

Wally: no no he's fine!!

Bruce: Then what do you want?

Wally: Dick needs a break and I was wondering if tonight he isn't called in? just for tonight

Damian: Grayson is a hero on call. If he didn't want that then he shouldn't have become a hero.

Bruce: Damian what did I say about overworking?

Damian: >:(

Jason: get fucked 

Clark: I'll move him down on the emergency contacts for tonight 

Wally: thanks - what about the bats?

Bruce: He'll be our last call.

Wally: thank you - he'll be back to work later xx

Looks like he'd live to see another day after all. With that out of the way, he could start gathering supplies for their evening. 

Dick sighed as he got closer to the flat. He'd had a rough day at work, being hurled abuse from the general public and being swamped by paperwork. The last thing he wanted was to go on patrol but he knew he had to. At least he'd get to spend some time with his favourite speedster. He opened the door with a yawn only to pause when he got a look at the flat. The living room was lit by twinkling fairy lights and he could smell cooked steak mixed with cookies. A smile grew on his face as he closed the door behind him and peeked into the kitchen. There he saw Wally cooking something and humming along to a song on the radio. He sneaked up to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his head on the ginger's shoulder. 

"Oh hello," Wally greeted.

"What're you up to?" he asked.

"You'll have to wait and see," the ginger replied. He turned around in Dick's arms and kissed him sweetly. He cupped the acrobat's face in his hands with a low hum. He knew those dark circles weren't half as dark this morning. Dick leaned into his touch with a warm smile, clearly taking comfort in the action. "You look tired."

"Busy day. Seems like you've had the same," he responded, nodding to the decore. 

"That's not even half of what I've done today. How about you sit down so I bring you your dinner then I'll show you what else I've done for the evening?" Wally suggested. He grinned in triumph when he saw two feline ears sprout from his boyfriend's black locks. The shorter could tell what he was looking at and huffed. He wasn't blind to the fact Wally loved seeing his half form nor was he oblivious to the various events that he'd suddenly spring up on him. He'd be lying if he didn't enjoy the special treatment. 

"You did this on purpose, didn't you?"

"Maybe." Dick tutted and stole a kiss before sitting down, his tail swirling behind him. "And why can't you look this cute more often?"

"Because it wouldn't make it half as special when I do." Wally tutted at him and plated the food, forcing himself to do it slower than usual so the presentation stayed neat. He'd spent way too long making this and summoning any and all calm energy he had when cooking. It was difficult not to just turn up the heat all the way and cook it all in three minutes but he wanted to see his boyfriend happy not angry at seeing the apartment on fire. He brought the plates over then got the cutlery, watching anxiously as Dick took his first bite. The acrobat's ears perked up and his tail swished gently. "This is really good!" he complimented brightly.

"I'm glad you like it, it took me long enough."

"I can tell! You even cooked the middle of it."

"Hey! My food is always cooked," Wally defended.

"Babe, you thought when you cooked chicken it could either be white or pink depending on the breed."

"That just means I'm dumb with a dodgy oven."

After enjoying a tasty meal, Wally insisted on making dessert for him. Dick tried to offer his services but the speedster turned them down and told him to stay put. The acrobat smiled warmly and watched him as he put the plates in the sink before grabbing a tub of ice cream from the freezer. 

"You got ice cream?" Dick asked, his tail thrashing. 

"And cookies. Both are the brand you like."

"You spoil me too much," he answered. "What're you making?"

"I saw it on Instagram and that means it's good."

"As long as it wasn't Jason's, I'll trust you." They'd both seen the horrors that were Jason's food account and both come out scarred. It truly was a battlefield there and neither had the mental stability to recreate some of the things on there. 

"Why don't you get the games set up? Maybe I'll beat you at something for once."

"Oh, I very much doubt that." Wally tutted at him and scooped out the chocolate ice cream that had small pieces of brownie in it to put it into bowls. Then he cracked the cookies into quarters and sprinkled them into the bowl. He picked out two spoons and placed them in each bowl respectively. He brought the bowls over and handed Dick his bowl in turn for a controller. 

"Mortal Kombat? How old school," Wally noted.

"It's the only game you stand a chance in thanks to button mashing."

"You're lucky you're so cute." The acrobat stuck his tongue out tauntingly. "You're so gonna get it!"


They played for hours, something they hadn't done in a while thanks to work and busy schedules, before tiring out. Dick leaned on Wally and let the ginger pet him. Soft purrs escaped him as he let his eyes slip closed with a content sigh. His ears tickled his boyfriend's face but Wally didn't mind. 

"Did you have fun tonight?" Wally asked quietly.

"I did. Thank you for everything, I know it took a lot of work." He opened his eyes and glanced up at his boyfriend's face, his eyes full of pure adoration. "You really are the best."

"Are you just now realizing that?" Wally got a playful punch for that. 

"I know! I'm just making sure you knew. You deserve the reminder." 

"It's worth it." They shared a kiss and snuggled up closely with their game laying abandoned for the night. Right now, they just wanted to concentrate on being together. It wouldn't be long until they were apart again either through patrol or some mission far off in space. Eventually, Dick returned to his human form but Wally knew he was still happy by the smile on his face as he slept. All in all, it was a job well done.

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