Let's hope a virgin doesn't need to light a candle

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joanna19967 requested this so here we go

Dick was fast asleep when he felt a paw bap him on his nose. He grumbled sleepily and turned his head away but was met another bap. "Alfred nooooo," he whined, pulling the covers over his head. Damian's cat usually stayed with his owner yet today the black and white cat had slinked into his room and decided to cause some trouble. Just like its owner. A loud meow followed so he pulled his sheets down so only his head was peaking out to see what was up with the feline. He locked eyes with the cat sitting on his chest with a frown as he quickly came to a realisation. This cat wasn't Alfred. This cat's eyes were a bright green and this cat was all black, both of which were traits that Alfred did not share. He furrowed his eyebrows and sat up, careful not to jostle the imposter kitten too much. They were considerably lighter than Alfred and also smaller. He'd dare say that this cat was cuter than Damian's pet but he'd rather live to see old age. He reached out to pet them but a paw stopped him dead in his tracks. He quickly retracted his hand only for the cat to look guilty. "Did Damian find you last night?" Dick wondered aloud. The cat shook their head. Wait...THE CAT SHOOK THEIR HEAD? "Did you just shake your head?" The cat nodded. Oh, he was well and truly losing his grip. He knew sleep deprivation was bad for you but he didn't think it would be this bad. Maybe it was his pain meds although he would certainly remember if one of the side effects was communicating with felines. No there was no way this cat was understanding him. "Okay test time. Blink if you can understand me," he ordered. Of course, the cat wouldn't blink this was just a cat. They knew three words and nearly all of them were about food. Without missing a beat, the cat blinked. "Either I'm losing it or you can understand me. Walls wasn't kidding when he called me a Disney princess hm?" The cat meowed loudly and got up, walking to the end of the bed and pacing impatiently. "Do you want me to go somewhere?" A nod. "Alright, I guess." The acrobat got up out of bed with a yawn and a stretch, cracking his back and hissing at the aches formed over his sleep. He still believed this cat wasn't actually communicating with him but if Damian wasn't around then he supposed he should look after the new pet. Granted, he should probably stay in bed since this predicament may be a side effect of the concussion he got the other night. The cat walked over to him and pawed at his arm. He tutted at them. "I'm going just give me a second." He stood up and the cat jumped off the bed, walking over to the door that was left ajar. He really hope this cat was safe to have in the house. He wasn't in the mood to follow a kitty with fleas around the manor.

The acrobat followed the cat down the hall, down the stairs, and down another hall until they got to the fireplace that hid the entrance to the Batcave. Dick looked to the cat then looked to the entrance then back to the cat. "That's a fireplace mate," he stated. There was a loud meow that almost sounded sassy which he didn't appreciate. The last time he checked, he was the person living here and this cat was new to the neighbourhood. "That's what it is! You're really testy y'know. Just like another gremlin I know." That's a point, where is that gremlin? He was sure he'd at least see hide or tail of him by now but he hadn't heard a peep. Come to think of it, Damian was very careful and very good with his pets. It was a little out of character of him to just let a new one roam the halls. He frowned to himself before remembering that Damian was supposed to be with the Titans today. He should probably ask Kori if she let Damian have a cat to somehow win his approval or something. Raven could've got him a kitten. Yet those explanations still left the question of why he'd leave the cat alone in the manor without telling Dick. A shrill meow cut through Dick's thoughts and he looked down at the animal causing his questions. The cat rolled their eyes at him. Weird. "It's a fireplace bud. Why don't we get you something to eat instead? Alfred wouldn't mind sharing," he suggested. He thought this would appease them but they wouldn't let up. Considering this was just a cat and not some stranger, Dick didn't see any harm in opening the entrance. He supposed if he kept an eye on the creature no harm could come from the situation. "Fine but let me pick you up. Don't think I didn't see you trip on the stairs. Those were carpeted and these are stone," he bargained. He knelt down and opened his arms up. The cat glared at him but eventually conceded and climbed into his arms. Dick smiled and stood up, keeping a secure hold on his feline friend before opening up the entrance and carefully walking down the stairs. 

Once at the bottom of the stairs, Dick leaned down and let the cat's paws reunite with the ground. There was a soft meow that he hoped was some sort of a thank you but in his brief time of knowing them, he doubted that. "So what now kitty?" he asked. The cat scampered across the cave until it got to a pile of clothes. Dick cocked his head to the side at the sight. A pile of clothes just sitting around? He was sure that hadn't been there last night and it couldn't be Damian. For a teenager, the younger was quite neat. He walked over to the clothes and now that he was closer, he recognised them. The Robin suit was on the floor. Not only was it a Robin suit, but it was also Damian's suit. He knew all too well that the kid kept the suit on him and treated it with great respect. Why on Earth would he leave them on the dirty floor when he was ordinarily good with them? He knelt down to get a better look at the clothes yet there was no clear sign as to why they'd been discarded like this. They were in a clumped together pile suggesting they'd been taken off all at the same time. It wasn't covered in dirt so that ruled out stripping down for a shower. Not only was there a lack of dirt but also the fact the showers were on the other side of the cave meant showering was ruled out. No blood either. Removed the possibility of injury. He rubbed his chin in thought. This was certainly odd. "I have a bad feeling about this buddy," he commented to the cat. The cat meowed in return. "You don't know the guy but Dami wouldn't just leave his things here. Can't think why though." The cat meowed louder this time and pawed at him. The pawing had become their way of signalling they wanted Dick to follow so he spared a glance at them. "You have an idea of what happened here?" They nodded and pawed again. Sighing, Dick gave the pussycat his full attention. Upon having said attention, the cat led him to the Batcomputer and tapped on the keys. They seemed to struggle with this activity. The acrobat took a seat and waited patiently for them to type something. What was he doing? Something weird was going down and he was just going to let this random kitten guide him through an investigation? At this point in his life, he couldn't say this was the weirdest thing he'd experienced. Still in the back of his mind, he was already thinking of how he'd tell his therapist that he thought a cat was communicating with him. Selina would get a good chuckle out of this if she ever got word of it. 

It took a while but the cat eventually got the password to the computer right...wait. "This has to be a dream. A cat did not just hack into the computer." The cat hissed. "What? Would you prefer I say nightmare? This is also nightmare worthy but not as bad as my usual ones so it's staying in the dream category." There was a soft meow at that. "Oh? You care about those?" He didn't get a response to that, instead, his new friend had decided to mess with the mouse to click on the videos saved to the computer. The acrobat didn't think much of that until it popped into his head. "What happened would've been caught on camera!" He petted the cat's head before they could attack his hand then took over, clicking through the documented videos. The cat hit the computer but they were actually trying to get at the video recording from nine in the morning till ten. Dick clicked on it and sped up the footage. Nothing interesting happened until Damian entered through the Zetatubes at half nine. The teenager looked mad but he always looked mad. It took Dick's experience with both Damian and Bruce to know that this mad wasn't just a look. Something had happened. He watched the footage carefully as it documented Damian walking to the spot where they found his clothes. He paused when he reached that spot before putting a hand to his head. Then he dropped to his knees and fell on his side. In a poof of purple smoke, the ex-assassin was gone replaced with none other than the cat sitting beside Dick. The acrobat stopped the video and leaned back. Damian was a cat. Damian, the human boy, was now Damian the cat. Bat cat. Dick ran his hand through his hair as he let out a deep breath. His brother was a cat. A fucking cat. He got turned into a cat in his care. Bruce never let him turn into a cat on his watch. He did let him have way too many near-death experiences but he was a human the entire time! "I don't even- how- where- WHAT?!?" Was he really going to have a mental breakdown over his brother being a cat? Yes, he was. He put his head in his hands. How do you even begin to solve a problem like this? Why did this have to happen to him? Who the hell did he even ask about this? A series of meows made him glance up to see Damian staring at him with his head tilted. "Sorry Dami, I should get a hold of myself." He swallowed thickly then put on a smile. "Can't be too bad right? We just need to find where you can from then retrace your steps." He pulled up the Zetatube logs and found that Damian had come directly from Titan Tower which made it easy enough to narrow down what caused this. He stood up and opened his arms again. Reluctantly, Damian got in them but perched himself on Dick's shoulder rather than let the older hold him. "Let's hope a virgin doesn't need to light a candle because I can't help you there." Damian meowed in confusion. "It's a Hocus Pocus reference. I'll make you watch it once you're back to normal."

Once arriving at the Tower, Dick had to avoid a cushion being thrown by Raven. He dodged it and let Damian down in the process. "I told you to stop going into my room!" Raven spat as she lifted up a few pots and pans into the air. Her target? Beast Boy and Blue Beetle. Of course, something was going down whilst Dick already had something going on. He looked down at his brother who meowed at him. 

"Same here bud." Damian climbed onto the couch and sat down, hissing at Beast Boy and Blue Beetle. They looked over to the source of the hissing whilst Dick got Raven's attention. "Let's put the pans down before someone gets a concussion."

"They went in my room Richard," she snapped.

"And Kori will punish them rightly. You're just going to get yourself in trouble. I'll make sure they get what they deserve, how's that sound?" She thought it over and eventually returned the pots to their place. Damian jumped down from the couch and went over to her, rubbing his face and body against her leg. She looked down in confusion yet picked up the cat carefully. She began petting his head and made him purr lowly. 

"Who's your friend?" she asked.

"That would be Damian. He was turned into a cat and this was the last place he was. I thought if we found out how this happened then I'd be able to turn him back," Dick explained.

"So that's what the spell did," Beast Boy muttered. This mutter was clear as day to the eldest in the room who sent them a sharp look. That was a terrifying sight. That look wasn't brought out a lot but when it was, it could make your blood run cold. It wasn't helped by Raven's glare at the mention of a spell. He gulped and looked at Blue Beetle who was looking at him.

"Either one of you fesses up or I get Kori in here," Dick threatened.

"We used one of Raven's spells on Damian but we didn't know he'd turn into a cat it just sounded cool to say and we sorta kinda thought he deserved whatever happened," Beast Boy answered very quickly. Dick facepalmed once he was given an answer. 


"I'll be able to find the spell and turn him back by the end of the day."

"Thank you, Rae." She nodded and walked off with Damian in her arms who then took a swipe at the boys when she walked past them. He didn't manage to get a hit but that wouldn't be the case the next time they saw one another. "I'm going to make myself extremely clear here. You do not go into someone else's room, take their things and turn my brother into a cat. I don't care if you didn't know what the spell did- actually no I do care because quite frankly you could've done something irreversible."

"We know-"

"No, no you really don't know. You're on a team together whether you like it or not. I've been on teams with issues before but we don't go around doing things like this. You are heroes and you better start acting like it," he interrupted. "You don't think I get annoyed at Damian? How much I'd love for him to just compliment me without it being backhanded and you don't know how much happier I'd be without him degrading me." They winced at his tone. Whilst on the surface it was calm, they knew the pure fury that was stirring underneath. "But he's human. You annoy him, he annoys you and you all deal with it. Now I suggest you both go to your rooms and wait for Kori to decide what to do with you. Dismissed." The boys nodded and ran off to their rooms. 

Raven stayed true to her word and by the end of the day just in time for patrol, Damian was returned to his human body. Kori had dealt with the boys and had benched them for the next few missions although she was somewhat thankful that they gave her time with Dick without the fear of his gremlin brother interrupting. When Damian was back to normal, he went out for blood and Dick had to pick him up. He threw the boy over his shoulder and did his best to avoid the fists and combat boots flailing in the air. "Yeah yeah, your honour gotcha," he said upon the string of insults that left the other's mouth. You'd think Beast Boy and Blue Beetle had dug up a grave or something. He knew what he had to do to avoid another incident. They'd have to pay him back for this. He put Damian down when they were near the Zetatubes but kept a grip on his shoulders so the younger didn't run back to the rooms. "Listen, you may not be a cat but I will happily get the spray bottle out. Maybe some catnip to calm you down?" Damian went red with anger at which point Dick decided this was his time to head out. He ran off as soon as he could with a very angry little brother shouting curses at him. He managed to use the Zetatubes before Damian caught up but he doubted that would work in the long run. As soon as he appeared in the Batcave and tried to get to the stairs but Damian jumped on his back and pushed him to the floor. He fell down with a thump and tried to push off the teen. He rolled over but Damian got on top of him and began punching him. Yet the punches weren't heavy hitting. They were light and Dick couldn't help but cackle as he put his hands up defensively. It wasn't hard to see the smirk on Damian's face either. He let the teen get one hit and went limp. "You've killed me."

"I have not!"

"Pretty dead right now."

"You're talking!"

"I'm a ghost. Because I'm dead."

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