Chapter: 10

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Shadow went falling to the ground. 'No.' She thought to herself. 'there's no way I'm letting him, beat me. Not again!'

"I doubt that, and I'm not a villain!" Shadow landed on her hands, and jumped off of them, and landed on her feet.

"Such anger!" Robin threw a rope at her, but this time dodged it and grabbed the rope and swung it back at him.

"You should've learned by now!" Shadow said, as she pulled on the rope, which was rapped around Robin. "Nothing's ever simple with me!"

"Will you stop doing that?!" He jumped back up and kicked Shadow in the stomach, knocking her back a few yards.

"What cam I say? I'm full of surprises!"

"Oh yeah? So am I!" Robin threw something at her feet. 'Crap.' She thought, as the gas swormed around her. Robin caught her in his arms. "I'm sorry about this, but I need to know." He whispered in Shadow's ear.

Robin then placed her on the bed and pulled the blankets over her. And this time cained her feet to the bed. "Now let's see if Aqualad as hurt anyone." He said with a smirk, and walked out of the room, locking the door behind him.

Shadow dreamed she was in a car, she was looking out a window as a song played from the radio.

"Mommy, when can have cake?" A little girl asked from the back set, only when her mother spoke did Shadow realize who is was.

"Only a few more minutes, River." Clara said, as she moved through the traffic. Shadow turned her head to the set next to her. There was a small chocolate ice cream cake which had a sweet letter written on it

"Happy 5th birthday my baby girl!

A tear sleed down her face, this was the night. Where her curse started, when she lost the only person who ever loved her.

"No," She said to herself, her eyes quickly darted to an empty street. "Mom don't turn here!" But it was too late, the car stopped with a thunk. Knock little River out in the back seat.
It all happened in flashes. The images of her mother's death forever scorched into her mind.

Shadow woke up in a bed of tears. "No!" She screamed as she sat up. 'How did this happen?' She scanned the room. 'Robin, of course!' Shadow threw the sheets off of herself, and stood. But her freedom was short lived when she fell on the ground.

"Chains? Am I some kind of prisoner?!" Shadow then looked back at the bed, and there was a note.

'Hey Shadow!
I'm sorry about the chains, but I just can't risk you telling the others about me.
But by the time you read this, it should be a 11: 50 PM meaning... I win!

"Oh I'm so going to kill him!" Shadow said as she shimed od the cuffs and ran out of the room. 'I have to warn this others, there's no way Robin's winning this. ' She thought as she raced down the hallway.

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