Chapter: 9

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As Shadow joined the living, she notice that she was no longer in the training arena. No, she was in a bedroom. (She could tell since she was tied to queen size pateress.)

'What the heck?!' Shadow thought as she began to struggling against the ropes.

"Don't struggle," Robin advised as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Oh you son of a-!"

"Language!" He noted as the strange teen walked towards her.

"What do you want?!?!" Shadow demanded, then a question topped in her head. Where's her sunglasses?

Shadows started looking left and right, until her ADD mind finally realized that they were on her face. 'Idiot.'

"Oh and don't bother screaming, the wall are sound proof." Robin contenued.

"Why would walls need to be-" Robin smiled embarrassingly down at her.

"Oooh...." Shadow felt a chill go down her spine. As her kappter walked to the mini fredge by the night-stand. Where he pulled the door open, and pulled a coke out.

"So what are you gonna do, torture me?" Shadow questioned him, as she felt the knot Robin had tied around her hands.

'Damn it! This might take a while.' Shadow thought, she only had one option, and she hated it.

"Not exactly." Robin pulled up a chair, and sat next to her.

"Fine," Shadow sighed, as she began covertly playing with the knot. "What do you to know?" 'I'm stupid, I should've went with Artimis and Wally!'

"Um hello?" Robin waved his hand in front of her face. "I asked you a question."

"Sorry, what?"

"Where were you born?" The question seemed simple enough. But as Shadow had learned in the past, never trust simple.

"Star City." She answered.

"Okay, this isn't so hard now, is it?" Robin took a sip of his drink. "What's your eye color?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I want ro know what you really look like. Before we proceed."

"What's yours?"


"You ask me a question, I ask you one!" She said with a smile.

Robin hasitated. "Hey, I'm the one asking questions, remember?"

"Ugh, finally!" Shadow exclaimed as she released her hands from the ropes, and jumped out of the bed.

The boy wonder stood to his feet. "How do keep doing that?!" Robin said in sock and frustration; threw a punch.

"Like you said: I've got a lot of secrets!" Shadow chimed as she caught the hit, and sent her fist flying at his rib cage.

Robin ninja like reflectives, he grabbed Shadow by the wrists, and pinned them behind her back. "Will you calm down?!" He spoke quitly yet sturnly into her ear.

"Not when your the killer!" Shadow snapped as she kicked Robin in the gut and spun around.

"How did you-"

"I heard shallow breathing on other end of closet. I figured it was Aqualad."

Robin muttered a curse and dropped on smoke bombs on the floor and attacked.

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